hello. Getting back into UO. Tried to play the game again and it way to complicated. Discovered this and It's amazing. Problem is I used to be well established prob in 98 ish. Now I have no idea. When I played before I bought gold for real money. Can anyone help me out with this? Just need some help getting started as time isn't on my side like it was when I was young. Thanks. Sorry if this isn't allowed. Literally just starting.
Not allowed in any form and pay to play is frowned upon. This shard is a fantastic place because credit cards dont make you a winner, time and dedication does. Edit: what do you want help with exactly and what do you mean by "getting started"? Dont want to sound patronising, but the beginning period is usually always the best as you;re discovering everything anew
Well I really just wanted enough gold to max out my stats so I can increase my str and dex. So I can fight monsters and earn gold myself. Wasn't looking to get rich lol. Sorry for sounds like a jerk. Don't want to win win credit cards and that makes sense. I just don't have as much time to dedicate to it as I used to. Would have liked to get a head start.
http://uorforum.com/threads/new-to-ultima-online-start-here.3182/#post-21025 Pick a cookie cutter template and follow the above guide. If you're going to be a beggar, train the skill and ply your 'profession' in game. G'luck
When I began my journey on this shard I made enough gold to get started by escorting npc's. I didn't have a runebook with marked town runes or even enough magery to cast the gate spell, I simply got myself a horse and rode to the closest Moongate and went from there. It was slow going at first but I really appreciated getting to know the lay of the land again, and all the neat stuff I saw along the way. The beauty of this game really is the simplicity of it, just waking around looking at stuff is just as cool as anything. Doesn't beat a grand adventure, but I've found so much adventure by very simply walking around. If I were you, I would take some of that gold you have and go to an animal trainer and boost your animal taming and animal lore. It's not a waste as it will go toward maxing out your skill cap. You can then use those skills to tame a horse, no need to buy one. Feed it and then you'll be able to bond it. Then, with your horse and the public moongate, you'll be making thousands of gold in no time at all. Then you can train up the rest of your skills, train your attributes and you're off to the races. Just don't race too fast! Enjoy it all.
I agree. It's a great game. And I'm very excited about going back to the old way. Before it got to complicated. Not trying to beg to get rich. Just get me strong enough so I can kill low lev monsters to make some money. It's great the prices on this server also. I went back to the old one and everything was insane!
Start collecting kindling and light that stuff up. This raises camping, which you may or may not want, but it also raises your strength and dex with lower risk of death than fencing. It's pretty fast, too.
Yes, camping and snooping are the fastest skills to seesaw for building up stats. You just need to buy npc trained skills to your 700 skill cap but leave those two skills (camping and snooping) at zero. Then lock all skills except one, train 5 points away from it to camping, then lock that skill up again, so you only have 5 skill points to play between camping and snooping. Then use the up and down setters to seesaw between those two skills to build you stats up quick. Snoop does dex mainly, but camping does all stats simultaneously.
also make sure you're giving your chars balanced stats because of mind blast I do: 89 36 100 + greater agility pot & strength buff for mages and 87 98 40 + cunning & strength buff for dexxers
Tip for escorts on Ocllo - say "I will take thee" and they will tell you where they want to go (anywhere in Britannia), double click on the NPC again and they will say take me to Ocllo (which you are already there) so you just run them a few screens back to town and have some money for your efforts.
Genuinely didn't know that trick! Good to know to pass on! I'm trying to (for no reason other than pure intrigue) figure out what a million gold would be worth now in real money. It used to be $20 for a mil 20 years ago....today....probably actually the same as the demand isn't there I guess. Definitely guilty of paying for money back in the day, I used it all on neon hair hah, I suppose it's no different to COD packs really... Anyway, solid gold advice here dude, easiest, most trouble free way of making money (in my case anyway) was picking cotton, did that to make 5k, maxed out skills - except camping and then camped my way to the stats I required and then went and provod in the dungeons for a few days to make 45k for my first house to macro away in safely.
LOL This guy's getting bank rolled to easy street and ya'll still giving advice on how to make gold. He just schooled you... pay attention.