Why not make a trash barrel reward system where you are rewarded for placing unwanted items like weapons and armour in there? This would encourage people to throw stuff away rather than just leave them on the floor at the bank or wherever. On an old shard I played this was in place, and you were rewarded with copper coins I believe, which in turn could be spent on cool items that didn't affect gameplay. Maybe if you get a certain amount of coins (obviously a high number) then this could be traded in for platinum coins as well? Thoughts?
Clean Up Britannia is already in the works. http://uorforum.com/threads/renaissance-into-2019-and-beyond-shard-update.39571/ http://uorforum.com/threads/clean-up-britannia-official-reward-store-discussion.37751/
No worries man, it's a hotly debated topic here as it's been on the cards and due to be implemented since December 2015. Lots of people hanging on for it.