So there's been a lot of talks around Housing the last few weeks so I thought I would gauge where you think this would be the area to create the next land rush? This is not 15 houses per 3 accounts thread This is not condemned houses thread This is not a trash talk thread Please keep it civil *there may be two spots to conceder ...
@Samorite I appreciate you. *takes deep breath in* I would worry that just opening up more land would be like adding fuel to a fire that’s burnt for too long already. I don’t know if it’s possible to ignore the elephant in the room and NOT talk about the 15 houses per account issue. There are fun spots, prison island being one of them. But how many of those do we have and how would it be possible to stop the people we know who would come in tripple boxing & placing blockers from taking control of a whole area to place bigger houses they would then sell to people that have the money and already own multiples homes already? What’s needed IMO is an incentive to only own 1 house per account. Be that non transferable rewards (like cub was meant to be) or something like tripple platinum for people who only own 1 house per account. Like a multiplier for being a considerate member of the community. I have more extreme ideas that I truly believe would benefit the community. For example resources on Occlo are only farmable to young players. IMO the same rule should be applied to housing on the island with a community vendor tent that you can rent spots on so no individual has a monopoly on vendoring. Empty vendors would burn through gold held at 5x the speed to encourage blocker vendors. I’m getting off topic, I apologise. I’ll run the map later and screenshot areas that I feel would be beneficial to open up for housing but honestly....I feel like it’s a short term solution to a long term issue.
a few ideas & thoughts... a volcano event in the ocean where an atoll results underground cave housing; a mining/exploratory event; large cavern areas are found that support land big enough to place too many issues implementing unused housing in town fairly Im divided on T2A housing since it does split the world but I know some would love
I will let that one ride but going forward off-topic posts will be removed (there are enough threads posted already)
Samorite, My only note I would like to say is, don't provide housing without risk of being. I once saw a shard open up green acres to give players more housing. Don't open the Trammell flood gates.
Further note, could definitely see the underground thing working, just thinking of the caves under buccaneers den
T2A- flatten some land and create new house styles that fit that land style... bungalows, shacks, etc... up to medium size houses. Or be boring and open up area around vesper
I'd prefer any new lands to not allow, or at least severely restrict housing. Some real wilderness that isn't the lumpy puke style of most of the Lost Lands would be great.
I think that this is a hard question to base any answers on since we are not sure how large the area is going to be and how much housing will be possible. I think maybe make it possible to place a house there if you dont have any on that account; that would force a few to either drop or sell stagnant housing in the old lands. Maybe make it a lottery type system with certain perimeters based on x and x... There are many ways to go about this, but to freely open up the lands at anytime would bring pure chaos and bickering...Maybe have a vendor that sells claims to eliminate small houses blocking bigger ones... The new lands should be about exploration and fun. So until there is more specific description on the new land, it is hard to really say IMO.
There are homes right now that are grandfathered, can’t be replaced if they fall because they wouldn’t adhere to the current house placing mechanics. Being able to navigate that would certainly alleviate some issues and void the need for new land being made available. Obviously you can’t place over trees, but could non movement blocking vegetation and other house blocking elements be placed over if you paid 10 plat or whatever per tile for a “specialist ground clearance” or something similar?
Three steps to victory! We are writing a beautiful post announcing a review of the housing issue in the direction of reducing the number of houses to 1 house per account! We give one month for the kids to clean the room. Explode God save the land of the Sosariya in its original form and leave us virgin lost land. Play fair and enjoy yourself or be banned and start again but honestly! New nostalgic men and women will always have places to install their homes. This is amazing! It’s unnecessary to reinvent the wheel ... please. No fake $ 100 will eventually replace the real hundred. j
In the spirit of staying on-topic I would say T2A but probably involves a lot of work for the staff to make it manageable? I like the idea of the volcanic event creating new atoll(s) as well. Would be in favor of spots that severely restricted or outright didn't allow anything above large tower being placed to ensure keeps/castles/forts stay a. still hard to get and b. don't suck up huge plots of land. My 2 cents.
To answer the question directly: the area surrounding the mountains around Shame (I don't know the name of the mountain area), and the forest east of Cove. To make a radical suggestion: Open it all up. Don't change house placement rules, don't change the number of houses per account (if you must). Pick three dates: on the first date, no houses can be placed or demolished back to deed. On the second date, wipe EVERY house on the shard with the exception of those homes that have significant RL value (i.e. houses of deceased friends). On the third date, it's a fucking free for all. It gives new players a chance to place a larger house and active vets something to work toward regarding housing.
@FartBarf just to give you a heads up, Chris once *suggested* changing the vesper guardline and a player supposedly threatened legal action against him because he believed it would make the house he owned and hadn’t used in years worth less money - resulting in it not happening. Now imagine what would happen if he deleted homes.
Legal action??? who was this, Shadowjack? There would be no real monetary value to said house unless he purchased it with RL money which is against the terms of service anyway. Any judge in his right mind would laugh this case right out of court, but it wouldn't even get that far, it would get tossed out.
I know there is a "lawyer for every client" but.... what kind of loser would pay money to retain a lawyer to threaten Chris over online wizard real estate that has no real world value? UNLESS he bought it with RL currency. Let's start finding out who these losers are and publicly shame them, and laugh at them for being so petty!
Just follow the link above that Hollywood posted @Pedigar it’s in there. This is a good, positive thread and I don’t want to be part of the derailment and get off topic!