
Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by Qaddafi, Aug 9, 2014.

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  1. Ramhorn

    Ramhorn New Member

    Jun 28, 2014
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  2. Player X

    Player X Well-Known Member

    May 26, 2013
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    I mean are these guys (OP and friends) really serious? Aren't they the same ones that took advantage of every unlocked door on the shard? Looting houses left and right with no guilt or remorse? I guess your own medicine tastes horrible...

    I agree account sharing is wrong, especially for those who use it to collect extra plat, bods, or whatever else... but these guys were asking to get screwed over. Don't share your account info with ANYONE, EVER... duh. I don't feel bad for you guys at all.
  3. Hazy

    Hazy Active Member

    Dec 12, 2013
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    cool story unknown, you just dont count as anybody worth my time to show you qoutes
  4. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 14, 2012
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    Quite frankly, it's been eating me too, but much slower and ever since Beta when the suspicion was first born. The thing that made me swear off Derrick was that he absolutely lied to my face about making Blackfoot a GM (Dupre), when if he just said "Yes, he was the best candidate and I feel I can trust him" I would have accepted that and let it go. Instead, it turned into a sore that festered until I became a caustic and revolting player on the shard after seeing scumbags getting effectively handed unique rares worth millions, by their old buddy Blackfoot.
    I've tried not to let that happen here but it's definitely not easy. I've urged Telamon to come out about Sandrekiel but I'm not going to brow beat him about it. I absolutely don't support everything he does and absolutely agree that transparency, honesty and some tact are the only things that will actually assuage the major concerns on the table today.
  5. Rokk

    Rokk Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Sep 10, 2012
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    Sorry this happened to you Qadaffi......

    It's only pixels, if you did it once, you can do it all again.

    So get your butt back on so we can buy some more killer properties :)
    Blaise likes this.
  6. Jebidiah

    Jebidiah Active Member

    Oct 1, 2013
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    Your quitting because of pixels?... You got to be kidding me
  7. Kermit

    Kermit Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Apr 14, 2014
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    Pixels are like money!
    When you are using your time into something its valuable!
    Life have no price, so using your time into pixels make them valuable!

    Keep going Qaddafi, restart and u will do it again!
  8. Basoosh

    Basoosh Well-Known Member
    UO:R Donor

    Apr 3, 2013
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    I'm sure Tela is crazy busy at the moment, but I think the FAQ and Code of Conduct can use some cleaning up on this issue sometime.

    From the Code of Conduct:

    From the FAQ:

    This situation sounds like it violates the code of conduct, but sounds likely OK according to the FAQ.
  9. Unknown_Hero

    Unknown_Hero Active Member

    Jan 25, 2014
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    How many rules of english grammar did you just brake?
    Qaddafi likes this.
  10. Descartes

    Descartes Well-Known Member
    UO:R Donor

    Jun 9, 2012
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    Bamilus, Zyler, Baine and 6 others like this.
  11. DaTamer

    DaTamer Active Member

    Jul 25, 2013
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    Firstly, to all the people who are leaving... So long :)

    Secondly, all you guys crying about this event, weren't you all laughing at me when I got house looted because I trusted NoxMage?
    Double standard much?

    And lastly... anyone who is leaving, but hasn't left yet, please consider giving me your stuff before you go,,,
  12. Unknown_Hero

    Unknown_Hero Active Member

    Jan 25, 2014
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    You caught on *clapz*
  13. Pill

    Pill Well-Known Member

    Mar 19, 2014
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    I only read through the first two pages before my head started to shake in extreme tremors and eventually implode.

    I am going to say that all of us CoM guys are in a similar situation. There are those of us who have a mutual trust with other members pertaining to specific scenarios. However, I have long learned in this game that sharing account info ultimately leads to a less than desirable result. I have a few trusting people co owned to my houses as I am to theirs, however IF that individual decided to loot me dry, that would be on me and I completely understand that.

    Many know me and think of me as a notorious griefer, but I do that stuff for fun. When it comes to loyalty - I would much rather have my friends that I play with on here than any materialistic item conjured within the game. Hatecrime and Hazy's actions do not surprise me though. Since they don't really know how to pvp, they have to do something on this server. Maybe betrayal for pixels is their forte. :(
    Jupiter and Mighty Ore like this.
  14. Hazy

    Hazy Active Member

    Dec 12, 2013
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    EL OH EL Oh lets not get started on CoM and pvp
  15. Slayerik

    Slayerik Member

    Jul 14, 2014
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    I'm not sure if this has been said yet but...

    Can I have everyone's stuff? I'm a nice guy, really. I promise I'll die to KILL HC / Hazy repeatedly whilst trying to avenge you.
  16. Pill

    Pill Well-Known Member

    Mar 19, 2014
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    come at me bro
  17. MrCandyMan

    MrCandyMan Active Member

    Jan 26, 2014
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    Wow. The masked crusader strikes again. Good on you Unkown_Hero. Hazy, wow. Good try though.

    But honestly, Qad and crew should just accept that they got screwed by their own guildie.

    These story's remind me of how lucky I am to have 3 brothers to play UO with. I don't NEED to make new friends!

  18. Apoc

    Apoc Member

    Nov 22, 2012
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    I've been away for a while but seeing this shit is well honestly a joke...... Seeing some older players leave here and a lot of Old S3X members who were here from way back and it saddens me that we are gonna lose these players cos of POS like hazy,HC and others ...... Everyone knows the story everyone knows who they are what type of players they are THIS SUCKS
  19. Ruck

    Ruck Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    May 5, 2013
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    First I'm hearing about Ezekiel/Sandro. That's one big fucking cat! Oh the questions...
    Apoc likes this.
  20. Mandevu

    Mandevu Well-Known Member

    Jun 27, 2012
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    I'll make one post on this and you can take it for what it is. I've played with Sandro for roughly 10-11 years, and have been on this server since beta with full knowledge of his identity and role. But there's some serious misunderstanding, and false accusations going on here.

    Am I getting all of this wrong? Basically, someone trusted someone else with their account info, and said trusted person betrayed the account sharer. Now said account sharer is angry and demanding rules on account policy were not enforced, otherwise this wouldn't have happened while simultaneously creating a quit/rage thread? I'm not going to go there. I don't care.

    Yes, Sandro and Ezekiel were one in the same. Here's what not a single one of you understand, nor do I expect me saying anything to change your perspective. While I understand fully that you feel as though it's a serious boundary to cross by saying staff does not play here, when reality is different. Obviously no server would legitimately make that claim because of the (obvious) speculation that would occur, especially when that staff member happens to be a bad mother fucker in the field. Here's the issue. I can't go into full detail of how it's all transpired because it would take way too long, but I'll do my best. Sandro came in from the get go as staff to help Telamon more or less along the pvp mechanics side because he has an extensive knowledge of how they work. He was also instrumental in several other features you all have enjoyed over the last couple years. At the same time, he had never wanted to stop being a player because tbh what die hard pvper wants to sit on the sidelines? That was the big conflict, and trust me, there was huge tension over this between Sandro/tela. You can take my word for what it's worth, but I have tried to be as honest as I can with players without compromising the security if the server so as to not lead to a situation like this. Obviously people are going to say and think what they want over this, but for what it's worth I can honestly say as far as any kind of "staff abuse" that may be of concern, there wasn't any. Telamon watched zeke like a hawk and it ultimately led to Sandro leaving his position because it became far too much of a burden trying to play both roles. I can also say that as a staff member he was honestly tougher on us than anyone else and held us to a higher standard. This isn't our first time playing the game and it's relatively easy to acquire what we want without the need of assistance of any form, regardless of sandros staff affiliation. With that being said, I don't know how many of you were here at the birth of the server, but pvp was non existent back then, and the mechanics in place at the time were completely un-playable. Unless you're into 90 damage explosion ebolts. Once population picked up he became more active as a player, and in our minds it was more beneficial with him on the field than not. Even to this day competition is scarce and Sandro is one of those players that brings attention and competition which this place desperately needs, while at the same time he was highly instrumental in creating a well balanced set of mechanics for anyone to enjoy. Also, if I'm not mistaken, those boss monsters you all enjoy were attributed to him as well.

    Now, the part that I can't understand to this day is where these accusations of scripting comes from. It's almost as if no matter what game you play, or what server we go to, if you're better than someone the only logical conclusion people can come to is that you must be cheating. How napo can claim crew was using illegal programs or scripts because of what hazy or other members outside of our guild were doing, is beyond me. There is zero evidence to support such claims. In fact our tactics were actually quite simple, but highly effective. Always have been. Now, if a couple of our members were using 3rd party progs for BODs then I can honestly say that's news to me and something I'm completely unaware of.

    As far as sharing accounts goes, yes Sandro and I had access to each other's accounts, and I believe HC may have had access to sandros trap remover for faction use, but again it was something I never witnessed. If your argument is that we employed unfair advantages by sharing a trap remover for faction use then so be it. As for myself, I can say with certainty I have never once removed a single trap, and the only time I accessed his account was to add/remove guild members, or friend my own characters to our house. If you want to cry about that and say that no one in you guild has ever shared an account for any reason then kudos to you.

    The truth is when Sandro was on his staff we rarely even knew he was online, and most of the time he was online was late hours of the night working on things when we were all asleep. When he was on his player we were either looking for action, pking, or fighting for faction town control.

    Sandro left his position quite a while back, and essentially lost all desire to even play because of the hassle. He recently came back to help us on the field, but by that point had relinquished his position. It wasn't until this time that some members of SL began to ask us of his involvement as staff, and we also began to hear accusations of scripting from napo, and then scribe who claimed it was napo that told him these things. I sat and explained in detail how simple it was that we ovpd and even gave him details of how to do it, and he finally seemed to listen.

    Look, I understand fully why people would be upset about his staff/player involvement, but the reality is this server wouldn't be where it's at if he hadn't. If you disagree that's your issue, and I can't help you otherwise. As for HC, that's a different story altogether and in the time I've spent playing with him I never once saw him using more than 3 accounts, never heard a word of using 3rd party progs, and never heard a peep about selling items for RL cash. I'll leave that for you all.

    From Chris' standpoint you have to understand he kept the info about Sandro private for this exact reason. Sandro made it clear that he wanted to be able to play the game from the get go, but he was also vital in helping create the game you've all come to enjoy. Not that it really matters anymore as both Sandro and myself really have no desire to log on at all, and when we do it's rather annoying always getting a pile of shit heaped on your head anytime you beat someone simply because we're very good at pvp, even before knowledge of his involvement was made public.

    I could go on and on trying to explain it all, but like I said I don't have the time, and I doubt any of you will even care to listen. You have your minds made up, and the reality is we never did anything go to ruin your gameplay. It was our desire from the beginning to create a thriving server that we could all enjoy, and hopefully have the best server ever created. It's a shame that a select few people have to be backstabbing greedy little fucks and create animosity toward their guild for the own selfish interests with no thought of the repercussions. In my opinion it would appear as though the moment cr3w had competition, and we formed a solid crew to field, we started getting heat because the previous controlling interests couldn't seem to stand losing or not having faction control over towns. So now here we sit with a wide array of asinine speculations, and half truths that are only damaging an otherwise great server. Good job guys.

    I will apologize for the information we withheld, but I can truly say it was done with the best interests of the server in mind. We enjoy pvp to a high degree and wanted to create a balanced place we could do just that. Unfortunately it's taken a different direction, and due to the Ill actions of a few, the truth is being badly maligned. Despite what you want to think, Sandro was a damn good player, and in my opinion did a damn good job as a staff member who took that role very serious and put in countless hours of work and effort to help Chris make this place what it is.

    You can't expect to play here for free and have a perfect world where one guy is supposed to work a RL job, manage a server, code the server, and police every thing you guys do with perfection. It's not possible. People need to be responsible enough to handle their own small affairs without needing someone else to constantly intervene because they were dumb enough to entrust their accounts to someone else. That's your own fault. No one else's. And as far as receiving special treatment you simply don't even know the first details of how complex this all is, and it's foolish to sit here saying some of this junk.

    Anyhow, I don't have much else to say, but to those who know me know I'm a pretty straight forward person. I can say that everything I've just said is coming from exactly what I know. Anything I didn't cover based off the discussions here is either because I simply don't know the answer to it, or forgot to mention it. It's a shame to see people go over this, but you guys really don't have it bad here. This is overall a really good server, and the ones that shit on it are responsible for their own actions. From what I know about Chris is that he handles these things the best he can as a one man admin which I'm sure is tough. And I can't excuse him for withholding the info he has regarding zeke, but I fully understand why he did it, and at no point do I believe it to be malicious in any way. He wanted to create as good a server as possible, and it's unfortunate the circumstances that took place, but I don't think it's a reflection of him as being corrupt, nor do I think Sandro falls in that category. They've done all of this for you and they've done it at their own expense. If you can't see it that way then I'm sorry. I would hope people could get past this and continue enjoying their experience.

    Mes, we have talked about these things in private and I tried to explain all of this as best possible. I respect you as a player, but I can't respect some of the accusations coming from you or your guild. You know we don't use illegal progs or scripts for pvp, and if your only case is that we shared a trap remover in factions then so be it. As for HC I honestly don't know enough details to speculate on what he may or may not have done, but during the times I played with him I never once saw or suspected foul play. If he did give that CY rune of ours up that's his own deal, and I'm uncertain why that would happen.

    I may be around several months down the road, but for now I'm on a hiatus, and I highly doubt Sandro will ever step foot on the field again because of this garbage, and the drama that will inevitably unfold. Adios.
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