Bond slot for... Pharoah
With no other Big Fish to be turned in we have the winner for the 1 million gold prize! Congratulations @rawrrrz on 1st place and the smallest Big...
We appreciate you participating and YES! there is still time TO CATCH THE Big Fish That weighs the least! You got until 1 am server time to do it!...
Congratulations on 3rd place! Please contact me in UOR Discord @Pharoah or PM me in forums when you get time.. Thanks!
Congratulations to our 3rd place winner @Purusha ... with a total 565 stones in Big Fish! It's still not over yet though folks! 1 Million Gold to...
You only have 91 stones to go! Catch that Big Fish! :D
So far we have a 1st and 2nd place winner! Congratulations to @rawrrrz 1st place.. @Goblinchild 2nd place.. 3rd place still open
I need 5 slots for 1 character.. Pharoah
WTS blessed (exceptional) Peace crafted kilt 950k "these were not a handout and have to be crafted"
Sign me up for the chaotic neutral please!
They are worth no more than 250k per, right now during the season maybe 200k per. Sorry to burst your bubble they are not rare people are getting...
T1 please. Thanks!
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