A Search for Rare Animals - Zookeeper Quest

Discussion in 'Guides' started by Hlokk, Apr 18, 2015.

  1. Hlokk

    Hlokk Active Member

    Sep 26, 2013
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    As of patch 65, some spawn areas have changed within town, as well as pigs and goats now spawn their respective rare animal. If people have any better locations, please PM me.

    Zookeeper Rare Animals:

    So you want to do the zookeeper quest, but you are having a hard time finding any of the animals or just need a few of the harder to find? Well look no further! This guide will show a location for every rare animal, as well as a Vanaheim's Rune Library. The library has a book that will take you to almost every location (LL areas are not included of course).

    Just a little note on Rare Animals. All of these are just a chance spawn from a regular animal! If it is 1/100 that one spawns (I don't know the actual number), it does not mean your 100th kill of a White Wyrm one will spawn an Albino Wyrm.

    This guide will also not cover the next part of the quest. I find that fairly simple and a quick look at the zookeeper expansion will tell you what exactly is needed.
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    Vanaheim Rune Library



    My rune library is found at the very southern tip of Destard Swamp. The Zookeeper Animal book has locations to almost all the rare animals besides the Savage Ostard.

    Albino Wyrms:


    The Albino Wyrm are found from White Wyrms. There is only one spawn for these in Ice. As long as you can kill the White Wyrms, this one should not be that difficult. I would use paralyze fields to tame the Albino and lead it away from the spawn.

    Be wary of PKs. They travel to Ice constantly. I would either go when you know PKs are not really around or have help to kill them!

    Arctic Wolf / Snow Jaguar / Frost Bear:


    I decided to do all 3 of these at once since all of them are found on Dagger / Ice Isle. Arctic Wolves come from White Wolves, Snow Jaguars come from Snow Leopards, and Frost Bears come from Polar Bears. Just run around killing all 3 of these until one spawns. If a friend is raising taming, they may find one during their time here.

    Note: You don't have to kill the tamed ones, because they don't count against the spawn. I kill them anyway out of spite!

    Black Sheep:


    There are several locations the black sheep can be found, but the easiest would be the Yew Sheep Pens. 5 sheep spawn in each pen. Kill them, sheer them, and continue until one spawns. All three pens can be found in my rune library.

    Bloodthirsty Bull / Mad Cow / Black Sheep / Majestic Hart:

    The best location for the Bloodthirsty Bull is just north of Delucia, as well as in Jhelom. I prefer Jhelom, since the pens also have sheep, cows, and great harts. I'd kill all of these, and if you want leather bring a knife. Be courteous to new tamers though, and don't kill bulls if they are currently taming them.

    The Silverback Gorilla, Crocodiles, and Rattlesnakes can be found in the jungle just north of these pens as well.


    I do not have a separate rune for crocodiles, because there would be to many. Head to any swamp and kill alligators until one spawns. I never have a problem with this one, but my house is in a swamp. There are a few more alligator in my runebook that are found with other creatures.

    Dark Wolf / Raging Grizzly Bear:


    Dark Wolves spawn from Dire wolves, and Raging Grizzly Bear spawns from Grizzly Bears (crazy). There are a lot of Dire wolves near shame, but I would not head east of the mountain tip. Dire Wolves rarely spawn there. From my rune, head southeast all the way to Shame entrance for Grizzly Bears and Dire wolves.

    Another location for the Grizzly Bear that I do not have marked is just North of Brit Graveyard. I believe 4-5 Grizzly Bears can spawn there.

    Gilded Dragons / Crimson Drakes:


    Gilded Dragons are a rare spawn from dragons, and Crimson Drakes are rare spawn from drakes.

    The location my book takes you to is Wind. Wind has 2 drakes and 1 dragon inside, but requires 75 magery to enter. They all respawn pretty quickly. Another upside, it is not visited as often by PKs due to the city being so close, and you can always kill the dragons/drakes with guards (or PKs!). As a negative, this spot is often visited by tamers looking for good dragons. If a tamer is already in this spot, it is best to just let them have it. Destard is another location you can visit, but PKs are known to travel there.

    If the drakes are not there, look around. Tamers tend to trap them, so they have an easier time luring the dragon to town.



    This sneaky slime has gotten me angry many times! It is so weak, that I have accidentally killed it twice! My rune takes you to Shame, where I kill the slimes. They seem to spawn faster then the overworld swamps. As stated before, you can find these in any swamps or anywhere slimes spawn including where my rune library is.

    There is normally only a fire elemental in this location and the occasional water elemental. Someone has led the Poison elemental here...
    Be wary of PKs. They like to travel to Shame to kill people at Blood Eles found just east of here.

    Silverback Gorilla:


    This spot is really for Silverback Gorillas, and is just north of the pens in Jhelom. However, crocodiles, and rattlesnakes can be found here as well. Wander around and kill all the gorillas, snakes, and alligators here as you wait. Beware of the Giant Serpents and Silver Serpent located here.

    King Scropion / Rattlesnake:


    At the shrine of Compassion, you will find scropions and snakes to kill, which spawn the King Scropion and Rattlesnake. This is an easy one to grab with patience, but be wary of the Orc guilds. This is their territory, and you may have to pay tribute or risk being killed. Also found are earth elementals and stone harpies. A minor annoyance.

    Flying Monkey / Hypnotoad:


    Flying Monkeys spawn from Mongbats, Hypnotoads spawn from Giant Toads. I've kept these combined because I hardly go elsewhere for either one. Both are found in the Lost Lands, but my runebook takes you right outside their spawning location. The whole swamp region spawns them.

    Ram / Wild Boar:


    Both the ram and wild boar should be slightly easier to find since the update.

    The Ram is now a version of the goat or mountain goat, so kill them both! I believe the safest spot is still in Britian stables, but I will check other stables as well. One may also try the passage to shame. I will be counting goats + mountain goats there soon.
    Shame Passageway: ~4
    Sosarian Stables: 4 around pen, 2 near Keleman the animal trainer.

    The Wild Boar is a version of pig or boar. I'll be checking for other version as well for this besides Britian stables.
    Sosarian Stables: 2 around pen, 2 near Keleman.

    Sosarian Stables also has 4 cows and 2 bulls.

    UOAM maps to be provided soon.

    Sewer Rat / Hypno Toad:


    I head to two locations for sewer rats (as well as hypno toads already listed above). The first spawn location is in Occlo mining area, and the 2nd marked rune is in Brit Sewers. Brit sewers is probably a better location for Sewer Rats, and Lost Lands better for Hypnotoads.

    Savage Ostard:


    TIMER: ~2-5 minutes spawn (Closer to 4 minutes for me)

    Ah, the illusive Savage Ostard. The Savage ostard is a more vicious version of the Frenzied Ostard, but has no relation to Forest or Desert Ostards. Leave those poor creatures alone! The best spot for them is north-west of Papua marked above. There are 3 of them that spawn here and 2 Forest Ostards which should not be killed. Frenzied Ostards spawn in other locations in the Lost Lands, so if one finds a better spot let me know!

    Note: The box region is just an approximation.

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    Now go collect all 23 of them and get yourself a Bond slot!

    Special Mention: Thank you Exouds for showing me most of these and helping me mark the runes.

    Disclaimer: This is my first guide. If there are any changes you think I should make, please contact me on IRC as Hlokk or here on the forums.

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    Last edited: Oct 3, 2016
    King Xor, Pekka, eherruh and 11 others like this.
  2. Bixby Legbone

    Bixby Legbone Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2015
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    Awesome and high quality post. I have almost finished my scout, and it certainly seems like the best tactic to find these is to kill the animals/monsters to force new spawn. Working on my Zookeeper Quest completion too!
  3. Basoosh

    Basoosh Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    Apr 3, 2013
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    Great stuff, added to Gideon's master guide of links.
  4. CaptainMorgan

    CaptainMorgan Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 14, 2014
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    The best tip I can give on these is get tracking on a tamer. The creatures can spawn in a large area. Run around with your mare, killing all of the normal spawn and constantly tracking.
  5. Hlokk

    Hlokk Active Member

    Sep 26, 2013
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    I'll be updating this soon. I'm adding a section just on grizzlies. I did some rounds in the forest with tracking to find as many "grizzly spawns" as I could. There are some places I missed because I'm lazy, but I will slowly be updating it. The book is already in the library.
  6. Hlokk

    Hlokk Active Member

    Sep 26, 2013
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    Well, I haven't posted the grizzly post yet while it is in my rune library.

    With this noted, patch 65 has made huge changes to the guide that I will have to account for. I will be spending some time finding the new best locations to gather these rare animals in relative safety. Patch 65 has made it so most rare animals do not spawn within town guards though, so it will be more dangerous than before. I'll try to get this out as fast as possible.
  7. Azerothian

    Azerothian Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Oct 12, 2015
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    So, a ram is the name for a male sheep (female = ewe) but I have to kill goats to get a Ram to spawn (male goat = billy, female = nanny)? Pedantic aspergian is pedantic. Grandparents had a farm. Then again these names are pretty common knowledge, at least in my generation and in English speaking countries…
  8. DaTamer

    DaTamer Active Member

    Jul 25, 2013
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    Very nice guide here

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