Patch 41: July 15th 2013 Item Identification, Mining Fixes

Discussion in 'Patch Notes' started by Chris, Jul 12, 2013.

  1. Chris

    Chris Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff

    May 14, 2012
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    • Bounty Board
      • Bounties can now only be given to players with at least 5 long term counts at the time of the kill.
      • Heads can only be turned in for a bounty if a player has 5 or more long term counts at the time of the carving.
      • The bounty board will now only show players with at least 5 long term counts.
    • Explosion Potions
      • Adjusted the way in which explosion potion timers are handled.
      • Made a minor adjustment to the time in which the potion is in transit from thrower to the target.
        This system is still under review & may potentially see further changes going forward
    • Factions
      • Adjusted the passive speed of faction guards to resolve problems with their constant movement frequency.
        This has no bearing on the attack & active speeds of faction guards, this change only comes into play when faction guards are out of combat.
    • Help Stuck
      • Resolved a problem in which red players were not able to use the help stuck system.
      • Added Buc's Den as a travel location for using help stuck.
      • Fixed a minor typo on the help stuck menu.
    • Item Identification
      • Allowed use of the itemID skill on containers.
      • Having 100 skill in itemID & targeting a container will automatically identify all items with magical intensities within the container.
      • A message will be shown indicating the amount items identified.
      • This will work on any item classified as a container: chests, bags, treasure-map chests, message in a bottle chests, monster corpses, or player corpses.
        Note: This will not work on locked or trapped containers.
        Note: This will not work on containers located on a player vendor.

    • Mining
      • Resolved the line of sight problem that was affecting miners attempting to mine certain wall tiles.
        Note: This will remove the "Cannot be seen" error players have been experiencing when trying to mine mountain walls.
      • Adjusted the maximum amount of ore available from any one bank to 16, confirmed by the UO Demo.
      • Re-added the various world tiles that mining was disabled on.
        Note: All mining banks will updated in a future patch to provide a relative amount of ore based on the mine-able tiles in the 8x8 bank. This will only affect locations that contain 4 mine-able tiles in a 8x8 64 tile resource bank.
    • Monster AI
      • Adjusted the method in which breath attacks by monsters function to require a random delay before triggering if this attack has not been used recently.
      • Breath attacks from monsters will no longer linger in a "charged" state once the cool-down has expired.
      • This only applies to creatures with breath attacks which have recently been engaged in combat.
        Note:Any creature which has not recently been in combat will not be affected by this change & will always use its breath attack at the moment the cool-down expires.
    • Reporting Murders
      • Players may only add a bounty to a player if they have 5 or more long term murder counts.
      • Players will only be listed on the bounty board if they have 5 or more long term count
      • Heads will only be able to be turned in for a bounty if the head is take from someone with 5 long term counts
    • Spell Functions
      • Made a minor adjustment to spell recast timers (delay period between targeting Spell1 & casting Spell2) which will net a more authentic feel & overall accuracy towards the mechanics in place during the OSI Renaissance era.
        This change should effectively resolve all of the discrepancies about the spell-casting mechanics which were in place prior to this patch & should also help to place the spell damage delays in line with how they were utilized in era.
  2. Ciet

    Ciet Active Member
    Server Supporter

    Feb 22, 2013
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    Re: Patch 41 Notes

    Love that item ID is much more useful now. Great work!
  3. Xevec

    Xevec Active Member
    Server Supporter

    Aug 10, 2012
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    Re: Patch 41 Notes

    Much thanks for the Item ID patch, and for making a marginally useful skill very useful!
  4. Rokk

    Rokk Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Sep 10, 2012
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    Re: Patch 41: July 15th 2013 Item Identification, Mining Fix

    good patch guys, much appreciated :D
  5. TheCG

    TheCG New Member

    Jul 15, 2013
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    Re: Patch 41: July 15th 2013 Item Identification, Mining Fix

    Looks like lumberjack + tree = 1 log
    not sure if this was intended but not mentioned in the patch
    ps itemID is KING now thx for the update

    **edit ** I mean i only get 1 log (10 boards) from each tree now - not a huge issue but I'm not a fan of it either **edit**
  6. Wise

    Wise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 21, 2012
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    Re: Patch 41: July 15th 2013 Item Identification, Mining Fix

    Yup I am getting the same thing. 1 successful chop per tree then it runs out of wood.
  7. Spooner

    Spooner Active Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 9, 2013
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    Re: Patch 41: July 15th 2013 Item Identification, Mining Fix

    I too have noticed that I'm only getting one chop per tree.
  8. Nelvin_Skjordal

    Nelvin_Skjordal Member

    Dec 21, 2012
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    Re: Patch 41: July 15th 2013 Item Identification, Mining Fix

    Aye, 1 successful chop per tree, 10 logs. :?

    Log to board conversion is 1:1 by the way.
  9. Chris

    Chris Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff

    May 14, 2012
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    Re: Patch 41: July 15th 2013 Item Identification, Mining Fix

    I'm looking into the board issue at the moment, the general assumption was that mining and lumberjacking pulled from different resource banks. This is what i get for assuming the RunUo code handled this correctly.

    Looking into a solution now.
  10. Basoosh

    Basoosh Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    Apr 3, 2013
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    Re: Patch 41: July 15th 2013 Item Identification, Mining Fix

    Will that future state allow for more than 16 ore from a bank, if its in say... a cave? Or will 16 be the absolute maximum going forward?

    (Curious for purely selfish reasons. The majority of my income has been from mining and from what I've seen so far this new change has resulted in about 50% less ore available everywhere before getting the 'No metal' message)
  11. Chris

    Chris Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff

    May 14, 2012
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    Re: Patch 41: July 15th 2013 Item Identification, Mining Fix

    That's to be determined but that would be a reasonable request since mining in a cave would have the highest density of ore bearing tiles.

    16 large ore weight about 190 stones so much more than that and you cannot carry it.
  12. Tater Salad

    Tater Salad Renaissance Volunteers
    Renaissance Volunteers

    Nov 15, 2012
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    Re: Patch 41: July 15th 2013 Item Identification, Mining Fix

    Welcome to UONerf

    I do not believe this statement is accurate.
  13. Mes

    Mes Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2013
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    Re: Patch 41: July 15th 2013 Item Identification, Mining Fix

    (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
  14. Liberation

    Liberation Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2013
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    Re: Patch 41: July 15th 2013 Item Identification, Mining Fix

    While the changes to spell casting in this patch make progress in addressing some of the severe issues with offense as a mage, they fall short of "resolv[ing] all of the discrepancies about the spell-casting mechanics..."

    Offence on the field is unchanged for mages, as a cure potion replaces the cure spell. Additoinally, Exp/fireball/poison with poison landing before exp damage is applied is just plain wrong and was never correct behavior on OSI before AoS.

    My last concern is that Ezekiel decided to create an additional component of spell timings rather than fixing the issues with the existing mechanics (Cast time and Cast Recovery time). This sort of "hack" is poor practice in any engineering environment.
  15. Basoosh

    Basoosh Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    Apr 3, 2013
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    Re: Patch 41: July 15th 2013 Item Identification, Mining Fix

    On caves - Cool, I'm definitely in favor of caves getting a boost.

    On 16 ores - I think this is a big change, for all types of miners.

    Recall miners with 100 STR can still cram another ~150 stones in their backpacks, almost doubling their haul. This change doesn't necessarilly decrease the rate recall miners harvest ingots at, but it does increase their harvesting costs.

    Traditional miners are kind of the reverse, as they largely aren't impacted by weight restrictions at all anyways (dragging or pack-horsing ore to a forge). The less ore in a resource bank, the more dragging/travel time involved. This decreases the traditional miner's ingot harvesting rate, but does not increase harvesting costs.

    So basically, recall mining becomes more expensive and traditional mining becomes slower. Who knows, maybe good for overall economy health if recall mining was getting out of hand.
  16. Chris

    Chris Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff

    May 14, 2012
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    Re: Patch 41: July 15th 2013 Item Identification, Mining Fix

    The reason for this change was an abnormal amount of a single type of ore was collected by a single player in an extremely short amount of time. Upon researching this we found that this was becoming a more common problem because of the sheer amount of ore that could be collected in a single spot, not iron, but colored ore.

    This led us to review the RunUO code, which was determined to be defaulted to post Renaissance era resource quantities. Mining resource banks are still in 8x8 sections, so if you can hold more ore, just move to a spot nearby.

    Anytime an oddity is detected in the ingame economy the Renaissance staff will take action to make sure that the issue is addressed and balance is maintained with the least effect on players who are playing the game.

    Under our current system players actually always obtain the maximum amount of ore from each vein regardless of their mining skills. During the Renaissance era when you failed to collect any viable ore that would actually depreciate the ore vein by one. So someone with 60-65 mining working a gold vein, could only get 4-7 pieces of ore. Under our current mechanics you would still get 16 ore from that vein, even if it took 65 attempts.


  17. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 14, 2012
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    Re: Patch 41: July 15th 2013 Item Identification, Mining Fix

    What was created?

    The notes indicate a reduced spell casting recovery time. Is there something I missed in my interpretation of that patch note?
  18. Ezekiel

    Ezekiel Renaissance Staff

    May 13, 2012
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    Re: Patch 41: July 15th 2013 Item Identification, Mining Fix

    There were no additional mechanics created with this change, it is simply a reduction to the spell casting delay between spells.
  19. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 14, 2012
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    Re: Patch 41: July 15th 2013 Item Identification, Mining Fix


    So, as players, we're not allowed to just fabricate nonexistent patch notes merely for the sake of argument? Damnit!!

    Thanks for the patch. It's nice to see some change get in, especially when it's not massive. Subtlety has it's merits in patching and balance, for sure. :)
  20. Chris

    Chris Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff

    May 14, 2012
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    Re: Patch 41: July 15th 2013 Item Identification, Mining Fix

    We have found the cause for this problem and a solution is up on test center.

    Before the patch each 3x4 bank of logging resources was holding 20-45 logs, patch 42 should increase this a decent amount. (Currently we are testing around 60 logs per tree)

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