Patch 42: August 21st - Fishing Nets, Battle Chess, Bugfixes

Discussion in 'Patch Notes' started by Chris, Jul 28, 2013.

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  1. Chris

    Chris Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff

    May 14, 2012
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    • Happy 1st Anniversary Renaissance!
      • Thanks to all our players, volunteers, donors, subscribers and staff who have helped make this server possible.
      • Festivities will begin on August 30th and continue until Sept 2nd.
      • More details will be posted on the 30th.
    • Anti AFK Gathering System
      • Adjusted the time in which you can respond to the gump from 60 seconds to 120 seconds.
      • Lowered the flagging rate of sheering sheep and collecting BOD's.
      • Implemented the anti afk gathering system for farmable items (cotton/flax)
    • BattleChess
      • Added a beta version of battle chess to Nujelm.
      • Games can be run by the staff on request as we test the system.
      • [​IMG]
    • Bonded Pets
      • Bonded pets now only lose 2.5% of their skills when resurrected.
        Note: Additional changes are in the works for pet bonding in patch 43.
    • Bulk Order Rewards
      • Worked on some issues with the randomizer for various bulk order rewards.
      • Adjusted the chances for several items to be more accurate.
      • Updated the Smithing Reward Matrix to fix a variety of problems with incorrectly listed rewards. Thanks Gideon Jura
    • Carving - Heads
      • Fixed a problem in which player heads were not being properly created with the killers information properly indexed
      • This was resulting in heads having a bounty, but not being paid when turning in the head.
      • Removed the ability for body parts to be labelled with the name of the deceased if it is not a player.
    • Carving - Monsters
      • Added the ability to carve a corpse for the second time. Should the corpse be empty of items and from a creature the corpse will now be removed.
      • This will allow players to clear their boats, the ocean or general area of a corpse.
      • This is important when fishing up nets as a ghost ship will only spawn in open water.
    • Factions
      • Reduced the chance that a faction guard will move when on a passive patrol by 90%
      • Increased the starting values for all resources on faction vendors from 40 to 125.
    • Fishing - Nets
      • Added two new rare spawns to fishing nets.
        Note: Be prepared as these new additions can pose more of a challenge than players could be used to when using nets.
      • To have a chance to fish up a sunken pirate ship you need to make sure you use the net in a place where there is room for the ship to spawn.
      • Extended the range on nets to 9 tiles.
      • Required that you be on a boat to use a fishing net.
      • Added a new mini boss the lock lake monster
      • Added a new pirate camp spawn.
      • These spawns will minimally contain a pirate ship, pirates, pirate loot and shipwreck kraken.
    • Fishing Skill
      • Expanded the range in which fishing can be targeted from 4 to 6 tiles.
    • Items
      • Created a new style of carpet looking like a fishing net
      • Complete with edges, corners and center pieces.
      • These can be found on the Lock Lake Monster or purchased from the platinum system.
      • Converted the special mask dyes available from the tailoring BOD system into player usable items.
    • Mobiles
      • Fixed a problem with alchemist robes occasionally being blue.
      • Adjusted the drop rates for special items on champions
      • Added Bolts/Arrows to the Brigand Archer depending on the weapon it carries.
      • Fixed a problem that was allowing NPC guards to be targets of barding skills.
    • Moongates
      • Resolved a problem with certain clients in which moongates would send you to trammel while under the young status.
    • Mining - Gargoyles Pickaxes
      • Improved the chance of summoning an elemental when using a pickaxe from 20% to 33%
      • Improved the chance that the summoned elemental is a marble/sandstone/stone elemental from 40 to 50%.
    • Stonecrafting
      • Found and resolved a problem with crafting using resource selections.
      • Crafting stone items will look for the proper resource in your backpack and doesn't require selecting it from a menu.
    • Vendors
      • Resolved a problem in which the hair re-stylist was incorrectly calculating the list of the names for certain items resulting in incorrect items showing in your shopping list when double clicked (Thanks Kandy Kid Omega)
      • Resolved a minor problem with the real estate vendors paying inconsistent amounts for marble patio deeds. (Thanks Rezon)
      • Allowed the shipwright to buy back boat plans for 100% of the purchased value.
    • Vendors - Stables
      • Expanded the amount of pets a player can store in the stables based on their skill set.
      • A player with no animal taming, animal lore or veterinary skills can stable 6 pets.
      • Stable slots for players with these skills are scaled as follows.
        • 100 Skill points = 10 slots
        • 200 Skill points = 14 slots
        • 250 Skill points = 17 slots
        • 300 skill points = 20 slots
        Note: Patch 43 will implement a system of stabled animal decay tied to account inactivity to allow for this change.
    • Website - Compendium
      • Completed the database for most monsters, including dropped, carved items for all.
      • Redesigned the monster pages
      • Expanded the single monster page to expand to the top 10 killers.
      • Expanded the single monster page to show the total amount of monsters killed.
    • Website - Myrunuo
      • Adjusted the data export system for player worn layers to export additional information to be used on the website.
      • Added the hue, item type, hit points, and other relevant data to the export to allow us additional display options.
    • Website - Player Profiles
      • Created a new one of a kind player profile for characters on Renaissance.
      • Expanded player profiles to show if they rank in the top 10 of any monster killed.
      • To Learn more about the improvements to the Renaissance Player profiles click here
      • Expanded the bestiary to also show the top 10 killers each monster along with a total killed worldwide.
    • World
      • Finished the decoration and regioning of the town of paws just south of britian.
      • Added a Tavern, Provisioner, Baker and Homeless Shelter(inn)
      • Added a farmable wheat field on the east side of town
      • Added a Farmable cotton field on the south side of town
      • Added an Orc fort on Occlo Island for new players
      • Added a pirate/brigand area on Occlo for new players
      • Added a mage tower on Occlo for new players
    • World - Saves
      • Extended the world saves from every 20 minutes to every 30 minutes.
  2. Aegis

    Aegis Member

    Oct 18, 2012
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    Re: Patch 42: August 21st - Fishing Nets, Battle Chess, Bugf

    awesome job guys!!
  3. Basoosh

    Basoosh Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    Apr 3, 2013
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    Re: Patch 42: August 21st - Fishing Nets, Battle Chess, Bugf

    Yep, superb stuff!

    Very interested to see what happens to the prices of AMIBs...
  4. Pirul

    Pirul Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    May 16, 2013
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    Re: Patch 42: August 21st - Fishing Nets, Battle Chess, Bugf

    Great patch, thnx!!
  5. Chris

    Chris Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff

    May 14, 2012
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    Re: Patch 42: August 21st - Fishing Nets, Battle Chess, Bugf

    We tried maintain a similar level of rarity for Ancient MIB's when using nets as when fishing for them normally. But that depends on how smartly players use their nets. Unless you fish in open water, you will not have room to fish up the ghost ship.
  6. Vlar

    Vlar Well-Known Member

    Mar 8, 2013
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    Re: Patch 42: August 21st - Fishing Nets, Battle Chess, Bugf

    Wow!! So many cool things here. Especially Paws!!!!!! You continue to maintain a consistent vision or a shard and UO that is 'finished' or 'perfected'! Thanks for all your work!
  7. Wise

    Wise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 21, 2012
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    Re: Patch 42: August 21st - Fishing Nets, Battle Chess, Bugf

    Who is up for a chess game?
  8. Pirul

    Pirul Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    May 16, 2013
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    Re: Patch 42: August 21st - Fishing Nets, Battle Chess, Bugf

    I think the biggest compliment to the shard is the lack of complaints or controversy in Patch Note threads.
  9. shadyguy

    shadyguy New Member

    Jun 30, 2013
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    Re: Patch 42: August 21st - Fishing Nets, Battle Chess, Bugf

    I remember hearing about or reading about a patch on, and everyone I talked to about it were ready to put someone's head on a spear. In wow, same thing with Ghostcrawler.

    Here??? I am, along with about 99% of the UO:R population, completely happy with the staff, the patches and especially Chris who I randomly see in game.
  10. Neo

    Neo New Member

    May 14, 2013
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    Re: Patch 42: August 21st - Fishing Nets, Battle Chess, Bugf

    I must say in all the years ive played this game this server has by far the best staff of any shard ive seen. it really makes a difference when you get people who really care about the server running it.
  11. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 14, 2012
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    Re: Patch 42: August 21st - Fishing Nets, Battle Chess, Bugf

    Just to clarify for any browsers who aren't yet logged in but are here reading notes, Chris is only seen in game tending the flocks as it were. He doesn't play here because he's staff. :)

    Also, yes, people ask me about this shard on a semi-regular basis and hands down my number one response is "Just go read the patch notes. If you want to compare it to another shard, go read their's too"
  12. corruption

    corruption Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 1, 2013
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    Re: Patch 42: August 21st - Fishing Nets, Battle Chess, Bugf

    I've only played a couple matches so far with Zyler, but man... battle chess rocks, Chris. Thats one sweet addition you've got there.

    As if the nostalgia from playing UO wasn't enough, now I get bonus nostalgia if I wish to play some chess. Just need to bone up some; my skills are lacking. :)
  13. Jack of Shadows

    Jack of Shadows Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    Aug 25, 2012
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    Re: Patch 42: August 21st - Fishing Nets, Battle Chess, Bugf

    I'd like to see stealing worked in upcoming patches, I tried to make a thread showing what it used to be like with pics of weights and successes and how you could steal beside a bank at gm successfully the majority of the time, but the thread was locked thanks to flamers and trolls. (UOR perfected remember, not UOR perfected except the thief class, we shit on you) But some suggestions from me are fix the weights and successes (especially on stacks) reduce npcs viability (I'd prefer the see through walls thing removed because that makes 0 sense, but maybe a reduction would be a fair compromise) reduce fails on disarm and heavier items (ie a 10 stone item at gm would have maybe a 50-75% success rate) and don't make things too heavy to steal like potted plants (that's a blatant nerf) and etc... and that would make me active again. The rez wait time, combined with the fails, and half ass successes and low stones on stacks just makes the class nerfed and not worth playing to me. I know a lot will flame me once again for this, but as a person who played the thief class as a main for over a decade, I feel like my opinion should be respected on this. If not, oh well, but I'd love to see the class get some attention and tweaked to at least be equal with what it was during the actual UOR era.

  14. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 14, 2012
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    Re: Patch 42: August 21st - Fishing Nets, Battle Chess, Bugf

    We definitely miss the talent you brought to the class here Jack, but ultimatums are for assholes. I've heard tell there's a good deal of give and take coming in the next patch, that should be right up your alley. Instead of walking off in a huff, why not stick around and carry on the conversation to get us to perfection? If you are a great authority on the matter, it's only logical that you stick around and help iron out the kinks.

    Don't be a Tater, hater.
  15. Dalavar

    Dalavar Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 11, 2013
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    Re: Patch 42: August 21st - Fishing Nets, Battle Chess, Bugf

    I am moderately certain I got a Smith BOD in my bank account the other day for something related to thieving. Really all I've done on the character is GM the hiding, stealthing, snooping, and stealing skills, and stealth/loot a Diseased Blood Elemental (sorry Mandevu).

    Chris mentioned somewhere that there was a system implemented in which you got rewards for thieving; if that's the case, and indeed the BOD came from looting the boss monster, that is fantastic. I'd just love to see it documented somewhere (unless it's not supposed to be, for player discovery purposes).
  16. Chris

    Chris Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff

    May 14, 2012
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    Re: Patch 42: August 21st - Fishing Nets, Battle Chess, Bugf

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