dont sell via private offers. auction. There is no price as non have sold this year. Just ignore all private offers!
ha i fully expect you able to differentiate between lowball offers and good ones. The new guy, maybe not so much.
1- while me and this dude el horno were friends, he asked me not to bid on brit moongate large tower, said he wanted that tower so much. so as a friend, i said ok and stopped biddin. than comes out this dudes ingame husband nonameallstar asked el horno to act like he wants that house and msg me on irc to stop biddin cos nna knows i would outbid him if he keeps biddin. so el horno = sneaky squirrel and will betray u 2- at xmas 2014 events, the special colored polar bears were taking just 1 slot (so u could use 8 polar bears instead of 4) at the first days of that event, and this dude and his ingame husband nonameallstar used that unfairity to score best at leaderboard. the 1 slot thing changed to 2 slots in few days. el horno char names = clam, mole nonameallstar char names: toxicsparkles, nightshade so these dudes made their fortune (50mil+ worth items) from 1st 2nd 3rd pick prizes. 3- their only leaderboard competitor was russell back then, and this sneaky squirrel and his ingame husband nonameallstar were entering as a ghost to russell's keep, and again entering as a ghost to russell's xmas scroll gates to ruin his scroll runs to make sure they secure their status at leaderboard and get those prizes. if i give a thought im sure i can remember more but those are enough for now i guess.
in summary, el horno = Skunkape and will betray you.
[quote=" 3- their only leaderboard competitor was russell back then, and this sneaky squirrel and his ingame husband nonameallstar were entering as a ghost to russell's keep, and again entering as a ghost to russell's xmas scroll gates to ruin his scroll runs to make sure they secure their status at leaderboard and get those prizes. if i give a thought im sure i can remember more but those are enough for now i guess.[/quote] That's messed up, you guys should be stripped of the titles and nut slapped. One of my favorite stories, thanks for reminding me stav! Also I was one of the most vocal critics of those polar bears! I certainly didn't put them in game, but you fault me for using the tools at my disposal and winning? Jealous much? Here is my quote from the very thread you linked :