Today, I am selling a fine small stone workshop on the same screen as the troll spawn near sacrifice shrine. This is the only spawning point for the Forest Troll boss monster, which also means it's the only place on the server to have a chance of getting a super rare Forest Troll Statue. Farm for gold and plat in the safety of your own home. Now for the beauty shots!!! For clarification of the sheer amount of money you can make by owning this house, I'm including an image of another house sold by @Cynic not long ago. That house sold for 900k gold, so my S/B is a steal!! The person that owns that house has been able to procure a large amount of platinum and peculiar meat, as well as that statuette you see (The small marble in the last picture is his). Now for the numbers: S/B - 250k B/I - 25k No B/O Accepting Plat at 10k per. Hcoins not accepted (the exchange rate is too volatile atm) Standard 24/48 auction style. Let the bidding begin!!!
Bump. To answer questions, NO I don't think a small tower will fit but you are welcome to try. It was a tight fit. If you need the open roof the small tower offers, a marble workshop WILL fit here. It is hard to place but I can probably get the person who helped me place this place a small marble workshop upon purchase of the house, if you like. @Prison Bound @ReZon
It's a pretty cool spot. Only three houses will fit in the vicinity of the troll spawn and I highly doubt either of the other two will be up for sale any time soon. I'm the owner of the referenced small marble. I pulled 35 peculiar meat, about 240k gold, 12 plat, and the forest troll statue within the first 30 days after buying it from Cynic for 900k. So, it's already paid for itself and then some, even at that price. Bump for Kirby and a pre-welcome to the neighborhood to the soon-to-be new owner.
Nice houses around here. Still remember placing all 3 of them when it was empty there. Good luck with the sale ! Dakota and Shaylie.
with ladders you can poke your head right out the back of that house, and actually be able to directly melee adjacent mobs, or shoot arrows at a distance.
Just a reminder for any of you still wondering if it's worth this much, its guaranteed low risk income.
@JackDaniels @Dr Satan @LanDarr @It'sallALark @Heath Changed the OP to reflect the following: Accepting plat at 10k per. Hcoins not accepted