Greetings: New Player

Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by sackcrete, Feb 17, 2017.

  1. sackcrete

    sackcrete New Member

    Feb 17, 2017
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    Hello All,

    I would like to begin with a quick introduction of myself in relation to this world of Ultima Online. I was a young lad whenever this game first released, and the only real experience I ever had with gaming up until that point was mostly the original Diablo (still love it), and various retro console games. My oldest brother was about 14 years older than me, and he was actually going to college and living at home for a period during those years. I remember watching him and being fascinated with this game, and one day while he was at school I found out how to log onto his account because "what's the worst that could happen?" It took all of about 15 minutes for some horrible person on a horse to gut his character and I somehow managed to lose everything he was wearing lol... I was petrified for him to find out.

    Anyway, a much older me has always wondered what this game was all about, and my curiosity led me to this shard which I have already become a part of. I am a brand new player, under the new player program, and I am absolutely LOST. It's nothing like any other MMO I've dabbled in (mostly Wow and ESO), which is a great thing--i just need to figure out my way. I seriously want to try everything to get into this game and world, but it's so overwhelming at this point.

    For reference, my interests in my character are to be a warrior who mines and blacksmiths his own gear... I figure that is a sound plan in most RPG's and I find a lot of enjoyment in gathering ores and blacksmiths gear. Is this a good plan? How does one begin on their journey? I tried out the combat system on a random bull out side of town and it didn't go very well for team sackcrete... I'm looking forward to meeting you all! I apologize for any typos--my wife recently purchased me a new keyboard for Valentines Day haha!
    MikeK, Rextacy, Rickbrent and 9 others like this.
  2. Keystone

    Keystone Well-Known Member

    Dec 30, 2015
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    Welcome to the shard..... Mining Warriors are fun to play and can make huge piles of gold!!!! enjoy
  3. ReZon

    ReZon Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    Jun 19, 2013
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    Welcome aboard!

    A great way to gather up ore and ingots for your blacksmith is by battle mining, a bit of custom content here. You can use gargoyle pickaxes and gargoyle shovels to pull up ore elementals for higher yields of ore.

    There are different templates for battle miners, but I have always preferred:

    Maces (with a war hammer for extra damage)
    Healing (or Magery)

    If you have any questions, definitely ask. Also, hop on IRC and say hello!
    Sheepdog and wylwrk like this.
  4. wylwrk

    wylwrk Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2015
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    I envy the path you've decided to take. It sounds like fun.

    Regarding your question about combat training, I'd suggest taking up the temporary occupation of wild game hunter.
    Pack up accordingly for the task and head to the woods where you'll hunt various forms of wild life. I'd suggest skinning
    them (use dagger, target corpse) and take the leather 'skins" when you can and see if a local (player) merchant may buy them or
    store them for any future plans you may have.

    I'd do this for quite awhile until you can easily tell you're not 'gaining any skill' from the task.

    Perhaps after that, it's time for bigger and 'uglier' sport? Considering your intended occupation, I'd think it fitting
    you challenge the earth elementals that have allied with harpies near the Ocllo dungeon entrance.

  5. Pirul

    Pirul Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    May 16, 2013
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    I would look for @Lord Krake and the good people of Project Sanctuary. They help new players and can help you along your training and learning.

    If you haven't already, I would suggest reading this guide for new players.
    This is also a great guide on templates, and their usefulness. There's two you might be interested in, the Dexxer/LumberJack/Miner and or the Dexxer/Miner/Smith. Each has their advantages and disadvantages.
    Lord Krake and Kiryana like this.
  6. Kiryana

    Kiryana Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2016
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    Hello and welcome to this wonderful server!
    Wonderful memories of childhood, fun :)

    Creator of things from various parody type of stone or iron is not so easy, these skills require a lot of gold to level, so first you have to earn! I am sure that in the process of earning you will gradually grasp the game and gain experience and expertise may arrive to you !!!

    I can only say one thing, play, enjoy and have fun! I hope in the future to see your goods to sell, ha ha!

  7. Fullmetal

    Fullmetal Well-Known Member
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    May 1, 2013
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    Welcome to UO:R!
  8. sackcrete

    sackcrete New Member

    Feb 17, 2017
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    Thank you! I am looking forward to the future loot that comes my way haha.

    Thank you for the valuable tip! I had no idea about the elementals relating to ore. I also love the template you provided. Since I want to blacksmith, I think I'll trade out one of musicianship or peacemaking, although I admittedly have not learned what either of those do yet. Is there something blacksmith should always be linked with other than mining (kind of like woodcutting and carpentry and bowmaking would make since)? I definitely love the idea of swinging a big war hammer form my horse haha.

    Also, sorry for the ignorance/newness, but what is IRC so I may say hello?

    Thank you, friend! What would you recommend for packing up accordingly for game hunting if you were to start anew as I am? I like this idea to kind of get me going with how the game works. I actually haven't been able to kill a single thing yet with my dagger, I'm wondering if I should give in and buy a better weapon at least to get me started.

    I've already followed the guide, at least up to making my own bandages which was a nice experience. The way this game allows you to make something out of nothing is truly what attracts me the most, I'm just so in love with the crafting system(s).

    Thank you as well for the skinning tip. I'll definitely be sure to do that. If I may ask, how does one sell the items he finds while exploring?

    Thank you very much for the guides! How would I go about contacting him, as well as the sanctuary folks, the best way? Is there a way to message in game (for example, in D2 you just type "/w username msg"? Thank you again!

    Thank you for the warm welcome! Thank you for the shared knowledge, and I look forward to seeing you in game hopefully someday soon haha.

    Thank you, my friend!
    Kiryana likes this.
  9. Pirul

    Pirul Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    May 16, 2013
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    You can access IRC HERE! Or click on the link pictured below.
    Once you have chosen a username, you'll have joined several channels, among them the main Ren chat chan. You can type "/j #P'S" (without the "'s) to join Project Sactuary's chan. There you can double click on @Lord Krake's name and start typing. Or just start typing in the chan and people will take care of you.
  10. wylwrk

    wylwrk Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2015
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    To me, the character you described is a blacksmith and a warrior. A person-at-and-about-arms.
    It sounds like a skill set that might look similar to...

    1. mining
    2. blacksmithy
    3. tactics
    4. weaponskill (swords, maces, fencing)
    5. anatomy (bonus to damage and a (bandage) healing metric)
    6. healing (bandages)
    7. to be evaluated later once established :: could be magery (fast travel), hiding, tailoring, parrying, lumberjacking (a trade and a damage bonus to swords! (axes))
    As far as what to take with you, I'd honestly pick up...

    • scissors (tailor shop) - used to cut cloth and then again into clean bandages for field mending / used to cut leather bundles into strips (lighter)
    • weapon of choice (smithy shop) (an axe if you decide to take up lumberjacking as well)
    • a small pouch (tools, materials, what-nots)
    • a few hatchets (if you decide to take up lumberjacking as well)
    • comfortable clothing - perhaps once funds are sufficient invest in an inexpensive set of studded leather (tannery in Ocllo)
    • optional: if you go with maces ... be sure to have a dagger, otherwise save the weight/space and place in bank. You can skin with your bladed weapon(s).
    • a damn fine pair of boots (provisioner) ... leave the sandals to the fancy wizards
    • bandages - you may collect cotton from the surrounding cotton field south of Ocllo and turn it into cloth using the facilities at the tailor shop.

    While out there you can do the aforementioned tasks... train your fighting skills, collect leather, and perhaps collect lumber.

    When you feel very comfortable in your skills and handling any danger that should come your way, consider upgrading to a pack mule from
    the local stable master as a in the field companion. It can boost your time in the field. I named mine Lydia. She's sworn to carry my burdens ;)

    Again, g'luck.
    Vandalin, Lord Krake and Hoominaga like this.
  11. Lord Krake

    Lord Krake Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jun 25, 2014
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    @Delavego and @DoctorSatan will you please help this player get to our IRC channel and give him a run down of the guild and game? I will be back on Monday. Thanks!
  12. Pegbyter

    Pegbyter Active Member

    Mar 1, 2014
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    On behalf of the staff, welcome aboard.. Be sure to check out our IRC channels. It can be accessed from out main website page

    It's in the upper left hand corner marked 'IRC ChatRoom'

    Simply Double click on it, enter a name for yourself, and click 'Connect'. The Client does the rest by auto adding you to all the appropriate rooms.

    Good Luck!
    wylwrk likes this.
  13. RIN

    RIN Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    Jan 4, 2017
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    Welcome to UO and UO:R @sackcrete!

    I envy you and your newness to Ultima Online. There's nothing quite like being new to this game and experiencing the thrill of killing your first Lich or sheer terror of encountering your first murderer.

    Looking forward to seeing you in the P'S IRC channel.
    wylwrk likes this.
  14. Rickbrent

    Rickbrent Active Member

    Jun 20, 2015
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    you are going to love this game and server. Just want to mention that you can have 3 accounts with 5 characters per account. You sound like you are getting ready to go the path I and many others did at first also. I probably leveled and changed 15 or so skills on my first char until I finally decided to make more characters. Take whichever path you choose, but 1 tip I would like to give you is that I would possibly separate at least the blacksmith part to give that 100 skillpoints to another area of your warriors build that will increase his powerfulness. Build your blacksmith as the 2nd character to make his arms and suits. Just a suggestion though :)
    Mykos likes this.
  15. Mykos

    Mykos Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Dec 2, 2013
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    Welcome to the shard!!! You picked a great one to start as a new player. Lots of friendly people here, as is suggested, IRC to get the quickest responses to your questions. Don't let the choices overwhelm you and play to have fun...

    Feel free to hit me up if you have any issues. as a miner, I may have a spot for you to call home while you build up your own assets near the north mines. a close walk to the mountains for mining.
    Rickbrent likes this.
  16. Mykos

    Mykos Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Dec 2, 2013
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    I agree here. A crafting alternate toon is a great tool for your own works. Like Rick said it will free up another 100 skill points to make your "battleminer" stronger.

    a likely choice would be to add lumberjacking and use axes with the swordsmanship skill to get a bonus to axe damage. then you can gather wood or ore with one character and have pretty good self preservation skills,
    Rickbrent likes this.
  17. sackcrete

    sackcrete New Member

    Feb 17, 2017
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    Thank you very much, this worked flawlessly! I am now in the channel and will check back for others off and on (hopefully I'm not in the wrong channel haha).

    Ahh, priceless information. Thank you for getting me started with these ideas. I'm putting together my kit now to head off for exploring! An issue I'm having is locating where a "pouch" vendor is--I've checked most places I believe and google has failed me in this instance.

    I believe I am officially in the "P'S" channel, thank you my friend!

    Thank you! I am having difficulties accessing the chatroom from the homepage, but using the link provided in the forums is working fine (I may be being impatient on the first trial).

    Thank you my friend! I'm looking forward to seeing/hearing more from you as well!

    I think I'm going to go with your advice and use lumberjacking instead of smithing for now, which will in turn make it an easier weapon choice (probably a big axe or sword). Thank you both!

    Brother, that would be greatly appreciated. Thank you, and I look forward to seeing you in game eventually!

    EDIT: To the above, I'm a moron sometimes haha... I found the channel. I had originally typed the more literal "P'S" instead of just "PS". Thank you all again!
    Lord Krake likes this.
  18. Bayara

    Bayara Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2016
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    Welcome Sackcrete!
    I liked your introduction story.
    It is as exciting for us to have someone completely new to this world as it is for you to be completely new.
    The community in these lands is outstanding and you will find lots of help here... so don't ever feel too shy to ask questions or for help if you need it.

    I will agree with Wylwrk about his war hammer mining smith warrior suggestion for you.
    From what you have said, this seems like a path you will have lots of fun pursuing.

    I do wish... that these threads didn't turn into "let me get you guilded" topics though.
    I say that with no bite or malice, just a straight up comment.

    Edit: pouches and bags of all sorts can be found cheaply from the npc provisioner shop. In ocllo you will find it just north of the smithing/weapons vendor.
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2017
    Mykos and wylwrk like this.
  19. wylwrk

    wylwrk Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2015
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    1 - The "provisioner". Their shop sign has a depiction of a lit torch upon it.

    2. - Hmm, instead of smithing? I'm sorry to hear that. A battle mining smith is what you intended initially, was it not? I don't see why your character couldn't be proficient at both lumberjacking and smithing.

    G'luck either way!
  20. sackcrete

    sackcrete New Member

    Feb 17, 2017
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    After a few days of exploring this world, albeit only the starting island of Occlo, I believe I have chosen a template! This character is going to be a battleminer/gatherer of sorts! I am heeding the advice of many, as well as my own experiences, and going to make a pure crafter since I would like to eventually experience the end game content. I will probably make other characters as well, one for PvM and one for PvP.

    Here is the template I'm rolling with for my first character:

    - Template: Lumberjacking, Swordsmanship, Tactics, Anatomy, Healing, Magery, Mining

    A couple of questions to begin:

    1) From what I can tell, the only thing I need to worry about gathering for any sort of crafting would be mining and lumberjacking as far as being tied to a skill right?

    2) What kind of stats should I be aiming for? Right now, my guy has 100 str / 30 dex / 29 intelligence.

    3) What skills are going to be the hardest to raise? Should I just start over at this point or do you think they are all easily raised to GM eventually? The only one I'm worried about is magery, although I purchased training at a NPC trainer and it is now sitting at 31.3%.

    On a side note, I'm having an absolute blast and the community has been awesome/very helpful. I look forward to hearing your responses and see you all in game!
    Lord Krake likes this.

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