New to Ultima Online? Start Here!

Discussion in 'Guides' started by Gideon Jura, Nov 18, 2013.

  1. Gideon Jura

    Gideon Jura Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    Sep 8, 2012
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    Table of Contents
    Hint: Use Control+F to jump to the Guide you're interested in.

    Part I - Your First Steps

    Section A - Downloading, Connecting, and Creating a Character

    See the images below if you run into any trouble but you'll need to first download the client from the UOR website and install. Click this image to do this:


    If you're on a 64-bit system make sure to install in the Program Files directory, not the x64 directory. Note, if you're running OSX you'll want to use nkr's Guide for OSX for a simple setup - no bootcamp required!

    Once you have the client installed, launch Razor. Razor connects to the UOR server - you'll need to use the server address and port shown in the image above.



    Pick a username and password and sign in. Make sure you write down down your information and at some point register your account so you can recover your password if you forget it.

    Now that you're connected, let's talk about making your character. You've got some big choices to make here and people might argue with my approach on this but I feel like getting in game is more important than spending too much time here.


    Start by clicking Advanced - the pre-built templates don't really match up with this era. You'll need to select 3 starting skills but really you want to pick 2 and set them to 50. The reason for this is that getting to 50 in a skill is much harder than getting to 33 and you only get to spend 100 points. Set one of those skills to MAGERY and set it to 50. I might get some flack for saying this but Magery is probably the most useful skill and also one of the most expensive to raise. If you wind up not using it later on, no big deal - you can drop it.


    So let's figure out what your other skill is going to be. While there are more templates than I could even think of in this game, your archetype probably fits one of these. I've listed the 2nd skill which is most difficult or expensive to raise for each:


    Warrior or Archer - HEALING
    Mage - HEALING
    Animal Tamer - ANIMAL TAMING
    Crafter - BLACKSMITHY

    If you or any other players think of another archetype or character you're planning, just let me know and I'll expand the above section. For now, select the skill and set it to 49.

    What?! 49? But you just said 50/50. Yeah I lied. :) If you set a 3rd skill to 1 you get the starting resources for that skill and some of the starting resources are pretty handy as a new player. So here's a list of starting resources to consider picking up:

    MUSICIANSHIP - Musical Instrument
    MAGERY - Bag of Reagents
    BLACKSMITHY - Ingots and Tools
    MINING - Pickaxes
    LUMBER JACKING - Hatchet

    I'll expand this section later to include some more skills with useful starting items.


    Ok so you've got a general idea of an archetype and you've got your 2 primary skills at 50 and 49 and another skill at 1. Next step - Stats. There are 3 stats in UO - Strength, Dexterity, and Intelligence. They do exactly what you'd expect them to do. If you want to know more about them, click here.

    Your main consideration here is - will you be using your mana often? If so, you'll need a good amount of intelligence, otherwise you won't need much. The choice here, much like the choice with skills, is very forgiving. Again, I might get some flack for this but here are two good options:

    Using MAGERY often: 40 strength 11 dexterity 29 intelligence
    Using MAGERY infrequently: 48 strength 11 dexterity 11 intelligence

    The reasoning here is:
    Intelligence is the toughest to raise while dexterity is the easiest.
    Strength is most important initially as it increases your HP and carrying capacity.
    11 dexterity allows you to push through NPCs and continue walking while 10 doesn't.
    11 intelligence allows you to cast 4th circle spells.

    Adjusting the stats sliders is brutally difficult unless there's something I'm not aware of. I gave up on the 11 int and figured my new warrior would hopefully gain a point before needing it. Anyway you can see my character is ready to go:



    Ok so now for the rest - Name your character and pick your gender and look (sorry, elves aren't an option as they were purged last Christmas).


    Now it's time to select your starting town. Pick Ocllo! Not only is it the coolest but it's also where the new player system begins and the rest of the guide is based on that choice. :)


    Ok so picking Ocllo might be a little problematic. Ocllo is the island the arrow is pointing at. Try double clicking it. You might be put in Britain and then teleported to Ocllo. If you need help getting to Ocllo, page a GM or ask another player for help.

    Section B - Your Character, Equipment, Inventory, etc.


    Ahhhh Sosaria. By now you're hearing the music every veteran still gets tingles from and you're staring at a landscape as unfamiliar as it is magical. Where am I? How do I move? You're probably asking these questions now.

    Go ahead - take it all in and take some time to run around by holding the right mouse button to move. Double click doors to use them and double click the helper NPCs if you're inclined.


    Back? Ok so your number of questions has probably quintupled but let's get down to some basics.

    The main bar running horizontally across your screen has the following tabs:
    Map, Paperdoll, Inventory, Journal, Chat, Help, and < ? >


    < ? > is incredibly useful - it explains the most basic things in UO like moving around and such. If you have any question about anything - start there. If you have more questions, ask in IRC. If you still need help, check the Big UOR Guide.

    Let's focus on the Big 3:
    Inventory, Paperdoll, and Skills

    Inventory (backpack): Double click your backpack to open it or press the Inventory tab in the main bar. You'll notice items are all randomly placed in there. UO inventory is a little strange. Your character has a max carrying capacity (seen under status) and containers can hold 125 objects or 425 stones. Beyond that, you organize them visually how you see fit.


    Paperdoll: Dragging items here equips them. As you encounter different items in the world, try equiping them to see where they go and what they do. Drag them to your backpack to unequip them.


    Skills: Ok prepare for a brain explosion. Skills are the guts of your character. Equipment will come and go and there are no levels or experience in Ultima Online. What you see is all the skills in the game and your current proficiency at them.


    You'll notice you have a lot of skills already and this is because your statistics give a small bonus to some skills. For example, strength makes you a little better at mace fighting. If you click "show real" you'll see your true skill levels.


    Ahh that's better. Or worse - now you're a true noob! :( 50/49/1 isn't much to start off with but don't worry - you'll get there.

    Where exactly is there?

    Skills go from 0 to 100 (Grandmaster). You can have a total of 700 total (real) skill points - in whatever number of skills you want. So the choice, again, is up to you - become a 7x Grandmaster or become a hybrid or a jack of all trades. There are lots of amazing templates in many configurations.

    I'd suggest not worrying about making your first character perfect. Mine sure wasn't!

    Section C - Navigating Ocllo and the New Player Program


    Ocllo is your home for the time being so let's figure it out.

    It's actually fairly large so at some point you'll want to think about getting a horse to get around faster. I've indicated on the map some locations of interest. You might end up referring to this map often.


    A - Scribe Trainer
    B - Bard Trainer
    C - Stables
    D - Tinker
    E - Bank
    F - Miner Guild and Mining Cave
    G - Moongate
    H - Mage and Alchemist
    I - Bard Trainer
    J - Provisioners
    K - Smithy
    L - Tailor
    M - Tanner
    N - Healer
    O - Inn
    P - Docks
    Q - Bowyer
    R - Cotton Field
    S - Orc Fort
    T - Pirate Docks
    U - Bridge
    V - Evil Mage Tower

    The New Player Program


    As a new player you're given some special protection and services. The information below is all taken from the New Player Program Guide.

    How to Join:
    When logging in on any account that is less than 7 days old you will be presented with the new player program menu.
    If you have unchecked the box to be notified on Login you can access the menu using the young command.
    If the 7 day period has passed you can request a staff member add you to the program.

    You cannot be attacked or aggressed by other players.
    Should you perish you will be teleported to the Ocllo Healers with your items.
    You do not drop items when you die while a young player.
    While traveling on Ocllo island various Helpers will offer to provide you with information about your surroundings.
    Players cannot steal items from you.
    Monsters will not directly attack you, however they will defend themselves if attacked.
    You may return to the center of town anytime using the Young command.

    Helper NPCs:
    When passing by a Helper he will indicate that he/she has information you might find interesting.


    Simply double click the helper to access his related information.
    As shown below this will contain information about the location and links to important resources.
    Note: This is an example of the help information available at the bank.


    Section D - Getting Started - Some Tips and Early Goals

    Let's go over some more basics -

    I. If you die for some reason, run back to the healer (N) and they'll resurrect you and then go back and get your corpse and grab all your belongings off it. Be quick so it doesn't decay!
    Note: new players will respawn with their belongings but once you're out of the New Player Program you'll need to get your belongings from your corpse after ressing.
    II. Store stuff you don't plan on using in the bank - travel light so you don't lose too much if you die. Saying "bank" near the banker will open your bank box.
    III. You'll need either MAGERY or HEALING to keep your health up. MAGERY requires reagents and HEALING requires bandages.
    IV. Food improves passive health regeneration.
    V. Buying a horse is a great idea as you can ride it to move quite fast.
    VI. Interacting with NPCs requires you to talk to them. Here is a list of commands.

    Goals for the early game -

    I. Start training some skills!
    II. Gather some resources - especially bandages!
    III. Get in fighting shape!
    IV. Make some money and get some equipment!

    Section E - Training Skills and Stats + Training from NPCs

    Skills are the guts of your character as they determine what you're character is capable of doing. You raise skills by either actively using them (like in the case of HIDING) or by triggering a skill check (for example, chopping a tree checks LUMBERJACKING). Some actions check multiple skills - for example, fighting can check the associated weapon skill (like SWORDSMANSHIP), TACTICS, and ANATOMY all at once.

    For each Archetype, I've listed the major skills, what they do, and how to raise them:

    This path is extraordinarily difficult as a starting path. I've listed the crafting skills below but if you intend to walk this path, please see the "Apprentice to Master" Guide in the Advanced Archetype Training (Part III).
    Raising Stats:

    Skills are also critical because you'll gain stats occasionally while using skills. While most skills have a chance at raising particular stats, the ones listed below are quite fast. You'll notice that not many of these skills were listed in the archetype major skills list. It's unfortunate but stats are important so you might want to think about which stat or stats you want to train and put some time in to raise those stats by training these skills.

    Important: You can set an arrow down or lock a skill if you no longer want it to go up, however, you won't gain stats unless a skill is set to up. Please note that there are implications here.
    1. You can't "mess up" your character. You can create a mage and then later turn them into a warrior - just train new skills and set the old ones to down.
    2. If you're at 700 real skills, you will no longer gain skills so if you intend to keep training, set an unwanted skill to down.
    3. There is a neat trick because of #2. If you're at 700 real skill and you attempt to use a skill, you can't gain any skill, but if the skill is set to up, you can still gain stats. A commonly used practice is to get a character to 700 real skill by training a lot of skills quickly, and then train camping last. If your character is capped at 700 and camping is very low (ideally at zero), you'll gain stats pretty quickly. The reason for this is that you gain stats very fast at low skill - you just don't usually stay at low skill very long. This way you can keep your skill at zero and experience great stat gains. But this is not really a new player friendly technique as it requires a lot of setup to accomplish.

    HERDING - Use a shepherd's crook (buy at stables) on an animal and then target a nearby location.
    CAMPING - Use a knife on a tree to gather kindling, then double click the kindling to make a campfire.
    MINING - Use a pickaxe or shovel on ore bearing rock to gather ore.
    LUMBER JACKING - Use an axe on a tree to gather wood.
    SWORDSMANSHIP - Attack an enemy with a sword type weapon.
    FENCING - Attack an enemy with a fencing type weapon.
    MACES - Attack an enemy with a mace type weapon.

    MUSICIANSHIP - Double click a musical instrument. You can do this almost 2 times per second.
    SNOOPING - Double click somebody else's backpack from their portrait. You can this almost 2 times per second. You will lose Karma but this is not a criminal action.
    FENCING - Attack an enemy with a fencing type weapon.
    CAMPING - Use a knife on a tree to gather kindling, then double click the kindling to make a campfire.

    CAMPING - Use a knife on a tree to gather kindling, then double click the kindling to make a campfire.
    SPIRIT SPEAK - Use the spirit speak skill from the skills list every 10 seconds to try to talk to ghosts.

    Training from NPCs:

    You can also raise skills to 30 by paying NPCs to train you in skills they know. Start by asking the npc which skills they can train, for example by saying "Elisa train", which will have the NPC give you a list of skills. Then say "Elisa train anatomy." At this point the NPC will ask for an amount of gold - drop it on them.

    The image below demonstrates this process:


    I've listed some important skills below and where to train them:

    A - Scribe Trainer - INSCRIPTION
    D - Tinker - TINKERING
    F - Miner Guild and Mining Cave - MINING
    L - Tailor - TAILORING
    N - Healer - HEALING / ANATOMY
    Q - Bowyer - BOWCRAFT / ARCHERY

    A more comprehensive list can be found here.


    At this point I would suggest fleshing out your immediate goal for your character. You've already decided your archetype so now take a moment to establish the skills you want to focus on and the stats you want to raise. Write those down and consider how to raise them and then get to it!

    Section F - Getting Bandages and other resources

    Shown: Scissors, Cotton, Thread, Bolt of Cloth, Cloth, and Bandages

    Cloth is arguably the most important commodity in the game. Cloth can be easily crafted by a new player and used for tailoring but most importantly, can be cut with scissors into bandages.

    Bandages are the bread and butter of a new character.

    You'll use bandages while surviving in the wild but you'll also use them when training skills. For example, you can spar against another character (even your own on another account!) and both characters will gain skills as they fight. Similarly, you can cast spells on yourself and heal yourself or have another character heal you. In this way, a character or several characters can quickly gain many skills.

    Gathering a lot of bandages is pretty key in the early game. They provide the means for survival, training, and can even be sold to other players.

    Step 1: Go to the Cotton Field (R on the map) and double click the cotton plants and pick up the cotton.
    Step 2: Once you've harvested all the cotton at the field, go to the Tailor Shop (L on the map).
    Step 3: At the Tailor Shop, double click the cotton and click on the spinning wheel.
    Step 4: Double click the thread you made and click on the loom (do this 5 times).
    Step 5: Profit! 50 Cloth!


    Tips to making this faster:
    1. Get a horse!
    2. Carry as little as possible - store everything in the bank!
    3. Increase your strength so you can carry more cotton!
    4. Keep your character well fed by eating food. This will increase your health regen.
    5. Using Razor, go to Agents and go to Scavenger - add Cotton as a Scavenger item.
    6. Make a macro in Razor to "use last object", "wait .3", "last target", "wait .3"
    7. Sheep are located in the pens just east of the cotton field.
    - Use a knife on sheep to sheer them for wool. Wool can be convverted into cloth in the same way as cotton (and flax).

    - Other Resources for a New Player
    To buy and sell from NPCs use these commands:
    "vendor buy"
    "vendor sell"

    Reagents - Purchasable at the Alchemist / Mage shop (H on the map).
    Food - Purchasable at the Provisioners (J).
    Musical Instruments - Purchasable at the Bard (I and B).
    Horse - Purchasable or Tamable at the Stables (C).
    Metal Armor and Weapons - Purchasable at the Smithy (K)
    Leather Armor - Purchasable at the Tanner (M)
    Bows and Arrows - Purchasable at the Bowyer (Q)
    Shovels - Purchasable at the Tinker (D)
    Iron Ore - Gather using Shovel in the Mining Cave (F) - Requires MINING
    Lumber - Gather using hatchet or other axes on trees - Requires LUMBER JACKING

    Note: Many of these resources can be found at player run vendors. For example, Treasureman's shop, shown below, offers cloth, food, reagents, spell books, as well as superior weapons, armor, and instruments. You can even purchase your own boat here! To buy from a player vendor, double click the vendor to look at their inventory and say "vendor buy" and select the item you wish to purchase.


    Section G - Fighting

    Ok let's go over the basics of combat real quick.

    Equip your dagger or if you've jumped ahead, equip the weapon you plan on using.

    Pressing TAB will put you into war mode.


    The default setting might require you to hold TAB down. Most players prefer to have TAB toggle you in and out of war mode. You can change that setting as shown below.


    Below you can see a basic combat encounter. I've attacked the cougar by double clicking it in war mode. This will cause NPCs which are normally neutral to pursue you. Once in melee range you and your opponent will swing at one another.


    As you can see, the cougar is winning this fight. Fortunately I brought some bandages so I'll double click them and target myself. You can see that I'm gaining combat skills during this encounter - FENCING, TACTICS, AND PARRYING are all increasing. Nice!

    Keep your HP above zero and vanquish your foes! If you bite off more than you can chew, put your tail between your legs and run for it!

    Tip: Resources are extremely valuable on UOR because you cannot AFK gather them (automated system will ask you if you are attended). Due to this, leather is very valuable. I would recommend always carrying a knife and scissors with you and chopping all corposes that produce leather. Sell large quantities to other players on IRC for some significant cash.

    Use knife -> [​IMG] -> Use scissors -> [​IMG] (weighs much less)

    Regular leather sells for about 7 gold each. Collect from animals.
    Spined leather (green) sells for about 10 gold each. Collect from rats and Ratmen.
    Horned leather (brown) sells for about 17 gold each. Collect from Drakes and other similar tier animals.
    Barbed leather (black) sells for about 25 gold each. Collect from Dragons and other similar tier animals.

    Section H - Finding your way in the world

    At this point you hopefully aren't too overwhelmed. You've got some bandages in your pack and a plan for the future. You know essentially what you need to do, if not the exact road map, to make your way in this world.

    I'd suggest you try to make some of those things happen before going any further with the guide. Get some skills and stats trained and vanquish a few foes on the field of battle (or maybe at the stables - it's pretty safe!).

    Once you feel ready to move on and take your training to the next level, come back for Part II!

    Last edited: Aug 6, 2014
    Keza, Seba, Gafgarion and 3 others like this.
  2. Gideon Jura

    Gideon Jura Well-Known Member
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    Sep 8, 2012
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    New to Ultimate Online? Start Here!


    Part II - Archetype Training
    Here we'll dive into the meat and potatoes of training your character. While it sounds simple to say "swing a sword type weapon at an enemy" or "cast spells" to gain skill, once in game, this process might become more difficult than anticipated. These mini guides are designed to be focused on training a character of each respective archetype to a respectable power level.

    Use Control+F to jump to the Guide you're interested in:
    Steel Embrace - The Warrior's Path
    Corp Por - The Sorcerer's Saga
    Battle Hymns - The Bard's Tale

    Please keep in mind, these are only suggestions. I would highly encourage you to try your own ideas, ask others for help, or try out new things. What I suggest probability isn't optimal but might be helpful in starting out.


    A - Scribe Trainer
    B - Bard Trainer
    C - Stables
    D - Tinker
    E - Bank
    F - Miner Guild and Mining Cave
    G - Moongate
    H - Mage and Alchemist
    I - Bard Trainer
    J - Provisioners
    K - Smithy
    L - Tailor
    M - Tanner
    N - Healer
    O - Inn
    P - Docks
    Q - Bowyer
    R - Cotton Field
    S - Orc Fort
    T - Pirate Docks
    U - Bridge
    V - Evil Mage Tower


    Steel Embrace - The Warrior's Path


    Get in fighting shape and get off this rock!
    Stats: 80+ Strength and Dexterity
    Skills: 80+ Fighting Skill, Tactics, Anatomy, and Healing



    Hopefully at this point you've found your way around town and gathered some bandages. You've probably also experienced some skill gain and hopefully gained a few points in your stats as well. But as you might have already learned the hard way - the world is a cruel place and those foul monsters are quite strong. So let's get down to business and even the score, eh?

    Let's swing by the Blacksmith and pick out a weapon.


    FENCING weapons are piercing weapons which are generally very fast but low damage. One handed fencing weapons are some of the fastest weapons in the game and can also be poisoned. The Long Spear is a great 2-handed weapon which can deal a paralyzing blow occasionally on foes.

    SWORDSMANSHIP weapons are slashing weapons which cover swords, axes, and polearms. Swordsmanship is well liked for the variety of weapons available. One handed sword weapons can be poisoned. Some are quite fast like the katana, while others hit quite hard like the viking sword. Two handed swordsmanship weapons have a chance of landing a concussion blow which reduces opponent intelligence by 25.

    MACE FIGHTING weapons are blunt weapons which drain opponents' stamina and damage their armor. The warhammer is a fierce 2-handed weapon which is capable of landing crushing blows which deal extraordinary damage while the quarterstaff is a fast two handed weapon well liked for it's stamina drain on enemies.


    Shown above are some good starting choices as they are very fast weapons. The buckler has the highest chance to block so you'll experience the best parrying gains with one equipped.

    I'd really suggest picking up PARRYING. It might end up being a skill you drop later but the protection it offers you while starting out will be very valuable. Additionally, I'd recommend picking a melee skill for now and if ARCHERY interests you, pick it up a little later. ARCHERY is a great support skill but the arrows can be expensive and difficult to obtain.

    Alright! So you're armed, if not particularly dangerous. So let's roll out and find some foes.


    Hold on a minute - let's consider how we're training here.

    Swinging your weapon against foes will work your fighting skill, TACTICS, and ANATOMY. Foes attacking you will increase PARRYING. Using bandages will increase your HEALING and ANATOMY. These skills will also steadily increase your Strength, Dexterity, and even give you a little Intelligence from time to time.

    But we can improve this process by doing the following:
    1. Get a few musical instruments at the bard store. Double click the instrument to play it and then set a macro to "use last object". As you explore the world, fight, and grow more powerful, keep playing your instrument. You'll gain Dexterity which will allow you to attack faster and use bandages faster!
    2. Use the ANATOMY skill and target a nearby creature or person. Do this as often as you can - ANATOMY is invaluable to a warrior as it improves damage done and damage healed.


    It might seem tedious but it will become second nature to use these macros continuously - in fact you can even put them on the same key! Keep working those skills continuously and soon you'll have plenty of dexterity and even a little intelligence which can come in handy when you have to rely on your magical spells.

    Wait - magical spells? Don't worry - we'll cover that in a bit. For now - let's go kill some orcs!

    Er, well.. let's start a little easier.


    Let's head down into the sewers and try our skills against the opponents there. Just north of the Stable you'll find an entrance to the sewer. There is also an entrance south of the Bowyer and another entrance in the Mining Guild. In the sewers you'll find rats, frogs, and even a giant toad. These guys are a great start - fight them until you've got some more skills and stats under your belt. Be careful in that crypt on the west side of the sewer though - the enemies there are quite dangerous!


    After a few forays into the sewers and maybe spending some time against animals in the country side, you should be getting to a respectable strength. Hopefully you've got plenty of bandages as you've been visiting the cotton field regularly.

    Additionally, you might want to stop by the tanner to purchase some leather armor too. Leather armor is superior to metal in the early game as it will not lower your dexterity. Improve your dexterity and keep it high so you swing your weapon faster!

    I would really recommend stocking up on food and keeping your character well fed. The health regen will improve your staying power during fights.


    Keep up the training!

    Try to find mongbats, corpsers, and the occasional orcs in the wilderness. With your supply of bandages and superior equipment, you should slay them no problem and they all drop gold and sometimes useful items.

    With around 50 in your main skills and stats you should be pretty dangerous to the local flora and fauna. So let's see if we can pick a bigger fight. Let's head to the orc fort.


    Ah... the orc fort. The death place of many young adventurers. But the birth place of many noble heroes as well!

    The orc fort is an amazing spot you'll learn to love. Use the walls to your advantage and lure your foes to your blade. If you find another young warrior in training, work with them in tandem. Healing allies is twice as fast as yourself so you can easily take the fort and send those orcs packing!


    Remember to keep using your ANATOMY / MUSICIANSHIP macro, gathering bandages, and sell any loot you find in town. Occasionally you'll need to buy a new weapon and replace your armor - just sell the old stuff as it wears out. Bank your gold often and start thinking about the following objectives:

    I. Try to find a player or vendor who can sell you an exceptional or magical weapon. The faster you slay those monsters the more gold you'll make! Treasureman's shop, shown here, offers such items and also offers food and cloth as well.

    II. Consider skinning the corpses of animals and some monsters with your knife. Hides can be chopped down into leather with scissors. You might find hides useful in a craft or to sell. Additionally you could find a rare fur which generally sell to other players for 20-40k!

    III. Consider asking an NPC to train you in resisting spells. The 300 or so gold will be well spent as magic can be quite deadly.

    IV. Try to become proficient at using the following spells in your spellbook: Heal, Cure, Fireball, Poison, and Lightning. Use these spells often and buy reagents at the mage shop. While it might strike you as blasphemy, these spells can greatly increase your ability to take down dangerous foes and survive their attacks.​


    After you've proven yourself at the fort you'll be ready to face a new foe - head west to the pirate dock.

    Pirates and pirate sailors can be quite strong, particularly those carrying bows and crossbows. While dangerous, they also drop great loot!



    Once you're feeling pretty comfortable with your character and you've tackled some of the challenges of Ocllo - from the orc fort to the pirates - you can try a greater challenge. At the north end of town you'll find the entrance to the Ocllo Caverns.


    Inside you'll find a variety of enemies and they all present unique challenges. I would encourage you to spend some time here - it will be a great learning opportunity.


    Hopefully your master is pleased with your training and hopefully this guide leaves you feeling more confident in the world. With a bank full of gold, loot, and bandages and 80+ in your skills and stats, you should be the strongest warrior in Ocllo. Monsters should be fearful of your wrath - fleeing at the sight of your blade.

    The next challenge awaits you through the blue moongate just east of town.

    Feel free to contact me on IRC regarding my New Player Housing program!



    Corp Por - The Sorcerer's Saga


    Make stuff explode! Err - turn Magery into a cash bonanza!
    Stats: 80+ Strength and Intelligence
    Skills: 80+ Magery, Meditation, and Evaluate Intelligence



    Hopefully at this point you're familiar with the area and you've gained some skills and maybe even some stats.

    I'm going to be honest with you - the path of a pure mage is a one of the most challenging. Your arsenal of spells is limited and will be your only offense as well as your only method of healing. Not only do your spells require time and mana to cast but reagents as well which can be quite expensive.

    For this reason, I'd suggest doing one or more of the following:

    Option 1: HEALING + ANATOMY will help you conserve mana and gold as you'll use bandages to heal yourself rather than Greater Heal.

    Option 2: A fighting skill, for example MACE FIGHTING + TACTICS can help you finish off opponents after opening with a barrage of spells. This will save you money and increase the pace at which you slay enemies until you can get better spells.

    Option 3: ANIMAL TAMING + ANIMAL LORE + VETERINARY will allow you to tame and heal animals. These animals can fight monsters for you as you deal damage with your spells from afar and MEDITATE without interruption.

    Option 3: PROVOCATION + MUSICIANSHIP will allow you to instigate animals and monsters into fighting one another. This will allow you to MEDITATE and cast spells without being interrupted in the same way as Animal Taming.​

    As you can see above, there are a lot of possible templates that work well with MAGERY, however, this guide will assume you made none of the choices above and are just using MAGERY exclusively. Tailor your play style to whatever path you enjoy most. If you want to have a pet, read through this guide and then read the Animal Tamer guide which is a little further down. If you want to use a weapon, read through The Warrior's Path above. The choice is yours.

    For now, let's get to work! We have a lot to do!


    As you can see above, I've purchased some leather armor. Leather armor is going to offer you the best protection you can get as a mage since you'll be reliant upon MEDITATION which you cannot use while wearing metal armor of any kind.

    Additionally, you can see that I've opened my spell book and pulled out the most useful 4 spells available to a new mage:

    I've also pulled out some skills to use frequently:


    Ok so the big challenges as a mage are going to be:

    I. Increasing your Intelligence and MEDITATION enough so that you can cast Poison + Lightning many times.

    II. Finding opponents you can kill which drop gold so you can buy more reagents.

    III. Finding a Blade Spirits Spell Scroll and putting it in your spell book.

    IV. Getting to high 50s MAGERY so you can cast Blade Spirits consistently.​

    Let's focus on the first goal for now. This might seem like a waste of time but remember - you're walking a hard path and hard paths have hard beginnings. This will make the path a little easier so let's get to it.

    Head over to the stables and start using HERDING on a small creature while also using SPIRIT SPEAK.

    - To use HERDING, buy a shepherd's crook from the stable vendor. Double click the crook then click on an animal and then click on yourself.

    - To use SPIRIT SPEAK just double click the skill gump.
    You should immediately see a lot of skill gains and some stat gains as well. Nice!


    After a few hours you'll hopefully have a more respectable level of Strength and Intelligence. This is going to be necessary as we're attempting to kill our enemies with our spell damage alone - this will require a lot of mana! 50 or so Intelligence should be enough.

    Tip: Use a Razor macro to automate this process!
    Mini-Guide: In Razor, click the "Macros" tab and then click "New". Click "Record" and in the game, double click the Spirit Speak gump and then use your crook to try to move a creature. Then, back in razor, click "Stop", "Loop", and "Play". The Macro should attempt to use Spirit Speak and then attempt to herd the creature.


    You can improve most Razor Macros by inserting pauses at certain places and changing all "Wait for Target" commands to pauses. You'll notice your Macro timing out. Fix it by making it look like this:


    Voila - no more time outs.


    Now we're ready to hunt!

    Alright so you have two options - there are undead and occasionally ratmen in the sewers and there are orcs just north west of town. I'd recommend the orcs as they can be poisoned which will be our bread and butter for damage for awhile.


    I. Poison an Orc and pull it out of the fort. Lords and Mages are too strong - avoid them.
    II. Lightning them until they die.
    III. Run away and meditate as needed.
    Optional: Have a pet attack or finish them with a weapon when you're out of mana.​


    Phew - this is tough!

    Pro Tips:
    - Keep your mana high or you'll fail to meditate.
    - When the enemy starts to flee you can "herd" them in a direction you want them to go - they'll always go away from you.​

    You can see why all the preparation was required. While there are weaker mobs around, none of them really drop gold and we'll need gold to buy more reagents. So orcs will be the go-to enemy for awhile.


    Now we're talking! Look at that loot!

    Continue fighting Orcs and training your skills.

    Loot everything!
    The provisioner, blacksmith, and tailor will buy most of the items these Orcs drop.

    Use the loot to fund your reagent purchases. If the vendor runs out, try a player run vendor like Treasureman's Vendor. Joining the NPC mage guild will let you buy reagents for a little cheaper and every little bit counts. Join the NPC mage guild at some point by saying "name join."


    Make sure to keep yourself well stocked to continue your training.


    Keep in mind that without a pet or a fighting skill, you are quite vulnerable. Orc Mages, Orc Lords, Ettins, Trolls, Elementals, and Sailors will probably destroy you. The regular pirates (not "sailors") at the pirate fort will probably be pretty easy for you - try giving them a shot. Note: the archers hurt!


    Once you get Blade Spirits everything changes.


    Obtaining the spell might be a little tricky. Keep pestering the NPC mages, try player run vendors, or maybe ask in IRC. Other players can be quite helpful!

    Once you get the spell - drop it in your spell book and let's go kill some stuff!!

    Actually hold up...

    Let's keep in mind a few things:

    Mastering the Blade Spirits is a skill in itself. They are wild and unpredictable and can get you into a lot of trouble. But they are powerful and can earn you a mountain of gold so the risk is well worth it. Additionally, Blade Spirits are a 5th level spell so they can take you into the high 60s in Magery, if not further.


    Alright! Now you're getting the hang of it!

    Once you're feeling pretty comfortable with your character and you've tackled some of the challenges of Ocllo - from the orc fort to the pirates - you can try a greater challenge. At the north end of town you'll find the entrance to the Ocllo Caverns.


    Inside you'll find a variety of enemies and they all present unique challenges. I would encourage you to spend some time here - it will be a great learning opportunity.


    Out in the wider world you'll want to take extreme care. With your MAGERY in the 60's or 70's you're able to make a good amount of gold fighting monsters and you can now Mark runes and travel with Recall. You should be able to quickly travel around the world and your bank should begin to get quite loaded with gold. Keep working your MAGERY as it will be your path to greater riches.

    While your path might have been arduous initially, you will soon leave your warrior peers behind as your magical prowess grows.

    So step through that blue moongate just east of town and put your skills to the test. Perhaps when you return, your Elder will be the one who is embarrassed.

    Feel free to contact me on IRC regarding my New Player Housing program!



    Battle Hymns - The Bard's Tale


    Make the monsters do the work for me!
    Stats: 80+ Strength
    Skills: 80+ Musicianship, Provocation and/or Peacemaking
    Optional: 80+ Intelligence, Magery, and Meditation (Bard-Mage)
    Optional: 80+ Dexterity, Fighting Skill, Tactics, Anatomy, and Healing (Bard-Warrior)



    The bard is a wonderful beginning path for a new player.

    As a bard you can use PROVOCATION to cause creatures and monsters to fight one another while you melee them or finish them with MAGERY.

    Alternatively, you can use PEACEMAKING to pacify monsters while you melee them to death.

    I'd recommend thinking carefully about which path you want to take - or maybe even do a little of each until you decide what you like better. I'd also recommend you read The Warrior's Path and/or The Sorcerer's Saga above as it might contain useful information not mentioned here.


    I've decided to go the fighter route and PROVOCATION for the sake of this guide but don't let that deter you - PEACEMAKING and MAGERY are both quite powerful and you might find you enjoy one of them or using all four skills.

    As you can see, I've picked up some studded leather armor because I don't plan to use MAGERY too often. If you plan to be casting spells frequently, go with regular leather. I've also decided to go with a short spear for it's speed but a warhammer would also make a great choice with it's crushing blow attack.


    You can see above that I'm doing some initial training. The Razor macro I've made is attempting to provoke the pig onto the bull. I'm standing in the way so the monsters won't be able to get to each other. You can also see that I'm using the item by type: drum. The reason for this is that occasionally my drum will break but I'm carrying a few and the macro will target a new one each time.

    Also notice that I've added Pauses of .6 seconds between each action. This will prevent my macro from missing any actions or timing out.

    A good strategy here might be to lure another stronger animal to the stable - like another bull - by attacking it and leading it here. Provoke it onto the other bull and it will stop trying to kill you but won't be able to reach it's target. You'll need to find increasingly difficult monsters to provoke onto each other to gain more skill.

    At the moment our 49 Provocation isn't really the problem, though. Your chance to provoke a monster is the average of the monster's "barding difficulty" but before that happens, you also need to successfully play your instrument. So we need to get that MUSICIANSHIP to a respectable level before we'll be able to piss off anybody enough to fight!

    You can see I also bought a shepherd's crook because I plan to train HERDING a little while I'm here to pick up some strength gains. You can read more about that macro in The Sorcerer's Saga. Thankfully MUSICIANSHIP will also raise our Dexterity and even a little Intelligence.

    By the time I'm ready to head out I should have a respectable level of Strength, Dexterity, Intelligence, PROVOCATION, and MUSICIANSHIP.


    Phew - that was a lot of training!

    We're a powerhouse now, though - ready to unleash our song upon some unsuspecting orcs!


    Alright, so here's the plan:

    Attempt to provoke the orcs onto one another. If you fail, you only need to wait 5 seconds to try again. Use PROVOCATION as often as possible - even if you're down to two targets. You want to get as many gains as possible.

    While the monsters fight each other, attack them with your weapons or spells.



    Make sure you loot all their belongings. The Provisioner, Blacksmith, and Tailor will buy everything they drop.

    You might consider using some of this gold to buy an exceptional musical instrument - this will allow you to successfully Provoke, Peacemake, or Discordance your targets more frequently. Exceptional Instruments can often be found at player run vendors.

    Keep up the training and eventually head over to the pirates on the western edge of the island.


    Here you can provoke the "sailor" type monsters onto the regular monsters. This will be challenging but will raise your skill into the 70s or 80s at least. These guys also drop great loot. Be careful of the archers though - they can surprise you!




    Wow these guys are tough!

    Once you're feeling pretty comfortable with your character and you've tackled some of the challenges of Ocllo - from the orc fort to the pirates - you can try a greater challenge. At the north end of town you'll find the entrance to the Ocllo Caverns.


    Inside you'll find a variety of enemies and they all present unique challenges. I would encourage you to spend some time here - it will be a great learning opportunity.


    Once you've mastered your craft, built up a nice savings, and feel confident - step through that blue moongate just east of Ocllo.

    Good luck and may your strings never fail you in battle.

    Feel free to contact me on IRC regarding my New Player Housing program!


    Last edited: Jun 6, 2014
    Keza, Gafgarion, Sockz and 2 others like this.
  3. Gideon Jura

    Gideon Jura Well-Known Member
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    Sep 8, 2012
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    Part III - Advanced Archetype Training
    Below you will find more advanced templates which make for difficult paths for beginning players. If you consider walking one of these paths, I would encourage you to read through the other paths as well. Many of the lessons and tricks from the other guides will likely be helpful here. These paths might present you with frustration and the guides might feel lacking. Feel free to ask myself or other players for help along the way if you run into problems. Goodluck!

    Use Control+F to jump to the Guide you're interested in:
    Jhelom's Finest - The Tamer's Den
    Apprentice to Master - The Crafter's Struggle
    X Marks the Spot - The Treasure Hunter's Digs


    Jhelom's Finest - The Tamer's Den


    Tame a dragon! Well.. maybe a bear.
    Stats: 80+ Strength
    Skills: 80+ Animal Taming, Animal Lore, and Veterinary
    Optional: 80+ Intelligence, Magery, and Meditation (Tamer-Mage)


    The path of the Tamer is difficult but very rewarding. Often times this is the second, third, or even later character a player makes as there is considerable difficulty in training many of the skills and it takes a long time before you can really earn a good living. Once you get there, however, the rewards are great as you can fight the strongest monsters with usually little trouble. This guide will make the assumption you are playing a Tamer as your starting character, which is a particularly difficult endeavor.

    It is critical to start with both 50 MAGERY and ANIMAL TAMING. These skills will be essential as an Animal Tamer and are very difficult to increase.

    MAGERY will allow you to transport your tamed creatures around the land and the utility spells like cure, bless, paralyze, etc. are essential. ANIMAL TAMING will allow you to tame creatures but you won’t be able to control them without its companion skill ANIMAL LORE. Additionally, you’ll want to pick up VETERINARY as it allows you to bandage your pets to heal them and cure them of poison.

    This means we have the immediate goal of:

    Phew! That’s going to be a lot of work!

    You’ll likely want to pick up Meditation as well, as it will allow you to cast spells more often. Evaluate Intelligence and Resisting Spells are options but will not be very useful in the early game.

    The issue I can see arising with the skills listed is a lack of offensive power. Killing monsters might take a long time due to reliance upon pets and spells. It might be a good idea (and also fun) to pick up a combat skill or even consider the bard skills PROVOCATION / MUSICIANSHIP to increase your damage. I’m going to skip the PROVOCATION route as it requires entirely too much macroing to get started – we’ll focus on a combat skill. I’d recommend reading either the Warrior or Bard Archetype guide above depending on the way you go.


    Alright, so let’s get started – we’ve got a game plan and we’ve got some gear. You can see I’m rocking a sweet war hammer for the crushing blow and some leather armor that I can meditate in.

    We’ll start off by heading to the Stables. Buy a shepherd’s crook for later macroing and also check if there are any animals available to tame. While there, we can also tame a horse so we can get around Ocllo a little faster. I would highly recommend paying the NPC Stable Master to train you in Veterinary while here.


    The main difficulty this path presents is managing your creatures. You’ll probably want to name them. Do that by dragging their health bars out and clicking on their name and changing it. You can issue commands to your pets such as:

    When near a stable master you can use these commands:

    A full list of commands can be found here.


    The nice part about this path is you can pretty much jump right into the action. Your pets might ignore some of your commands, but if you keep using ANIMAL LORE on them, they should respond more readily as you gain skill. In addition to using ANIMAL LORE, try feeding your pets the food they desire – you will find this information in the Animal Lore information panel that pops up when you successfully use the skill. Try to keep your pets “Wonderfully Happy” so they respond to your commands and don’t run away.

    Tip 1: Use your knife on slain animals and monsters to cut meat from their corpse. Many tamed animals prefer eating meat.

    Tip 2: Make sure to keep a stockpile of bandages (use the bandage making guide on page 1).

    Tip 3: Keep an eye out for these rare creatures! If you find one, tame it and sell it on IRC to another player! Some of them go for upwards of 100k!

    Nice! So we’ve got a small army and we’re ready to go fight some monsters.


    Look at that team go!

    With some patience you’ll steadily gain skills and stats. You can see that I left my character at the stables over night and he’s got a good amount of both Animal Lore and Strength (from HERDING). I’m allowing all 3 stats to increase as Dexterity is useful for my swing speed and Intelligence is important for my mana pool.

    According to Methuselah, in his Guide: "A 'Young's' Guide to Animal Taming",

    To increase your skill in ANIMAL TAMING from 50 you'll want to focus on taming these creatures:

    Once you reach 59.1 skill in ANIMAL TAMING you'll want to focus on taming these creatures:
    Brown Bears
    Grey Wolves
    Great Harts
    Grizzly Bears
    Giant Spiders (found in the caverns of Ocllo)
    Snakes (found in the sewers of Ocllo)​


    My pets are having a tough time with this spider - I'm having to supplement my bandages with cure and heal!


    General Tips:

    It’s taken a lot of work but look at me go! I’ve managed (with great effort) to replace my army of bears with an army of Scorpions which are laying waste to my foes by inflicting poison on them. I’m also able to support my army with Energy Bolt and I’ve purchased some Gate Scrolls to transport my army around faster.


    Once you're feeling pretty comfortable with your character and you've tackled some of the challenges of Ocllo - from the orc fort to the pirates - you can try a greater challenge. At the north end of town you'll find the entrance to the Ocllo Caverns.


    Inside you'll find a variety of enemies and they all present unique challenges. I would encourage you to spend some time here - it will be a great learning opportunity.


    You have probably learned by now that this path is difficult. Losing your tamed animals can be devastating, particularly if they had grown stronger through their fighting (check their skill gains by using Animal Lore). Managing your spells and weapon in addition to a few tamed creatures can, at times, be overwhelming.

    Hopefully, despite the challenges, your path has also been enjoyable and you’ve grown to appreciate your pets’ strengths and weaknesses. The unique challenges you’ve faced with the class have hopefully also helped you better master the world.

    Once you step through the blue moongate just east of town, you’ll find a larger world with more difficult challenges. Not only are there more difficult monsters to defeat but more powerful creatures to tame.

    Feel free to contact me on IRC regarding my New Player Housing program!


    Apprentice to Master - The Crafter's Struggle


    Dolla dolla bills ya'll!
    Stats: 80+ Strength
    Skills: 80+ Resource gathering skill and Crafting Skill
    Optional: Dolla bills


    The road to riches isn’t always glamorous or easy. The path of the Crafter is certainly neither.

    Playing a Crafter on UOR as your first character is probably amongst the toughest of play styles. You will find yourself scrimping and saving – spending every last gold piece on ingots, boards, or reagents – just hoping against hope for that next .1 (and the next and the next) – all the way to Grandmaster. For it is at Grandmaster that you will reach the riches you desire.

    You should begin with 50 Magery and Blacksmithing. Both are extremely difficult and expensive to increase.


    So let’s talk about crafting and how to make your way in Ocllo.



    [​IMG] [​IMG]


    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Ok so you’re starting out in the world and you’re already at a big disadvantage as you’ve just got the money in your pouch and little else.

    So let’s earn your first pay check.


    Head to the cotton fields and collect some cotton. Take it to the tailor shop and convert it into cloth as the image demonstrates.


    Use some of your starting gold and ask the tailor NPC to train you in TAILORING. Buy some sewing kits and start sewing clothing items that you have a reasonable chance of success on (50-80%). Don’t make items that you have 0% or 100% chance to succeed on as you won’t gain skill. Sell as many items to the NPC as you can and cut the rest up to make more cloth.


    To help speed the process you can buy a horse at the stable to get around faster. You can also make macros to spin the cloth or make items without having to click so frequently.

    As you can see, I’ve gotten quite efficient at my crafting – I’m draining the cotton field, converting it into cloth, and producing a variety of goods to sell to the NPC and then I am cutting the rest into cloth. I’ve gotten so good at this, however, that I’m returning to the cotton field to find it hasn’t grown back yet!

    At this point you have a good understanding of the general crafting process.
    Raw Resources -> Refined Resource -> Crafted Item -> Sell or Cut / Smelt

    I’d suggest at this point you start on a more advanced skill and it’s associated subskill(s). I’ve listed the 3 in order of what I’d pick as a new player and listed the pros and cons:

    I used some of my hard earned money and asked NPCs to train me in both LUMBERJACKING and BOWCRAFT. Alternatively, you can spar with another character while wielding an axe and gain to 65 LUMBERJACKING that way but it might be difficult to setup.

    You can see below that while the cotton field is respawning, I’m using my hatchet, gathering wood and crafting some bows which I’m selling to the Bowyer. There are two bowyers in Ocllo so I make sure to sell them both bows until they won’t buy anymore. Then I’m back to tailoring for awhile.



    I’ve worked both my TAILORING and BOWCRAFT quite a bit and I’ve made a good amount of money. It’s now time to pursue the real challenge so I head to the mining guild and the mines below it. Before heading down, I ask the NPCs to train me in TINKERING and MINING, pickup some shovels, and get to work.

    You can see below that I’ve been hard at work in the mines. I’ve been gathering piles of ore and then moving them towards the forge where I’ve smelted them into ingots. I’ve been careful to only smelt 1 ore at a time so I don’t burn too much in my failed attempts.
    With my ingots I’ve increased my tinkering so that shovels are now pretty easy to make – I’m now 100% self sufficient and can mine and replace my shovels to produce plenty of ingots.


    My surplus ingots are getting used at a frightening rate but I’m steadily gaining in BLACKSMITHING.


    I’ve chosen to go all in on SMITHING gains since my TAILORING and BOWCRAFT have put a decent reserve in the bank and I want to get as much value from my ingots as possible. I’m using Dalavar’s Blacksmithing Guide and making the items below and resmelting them into ingots to keep making BLACKSMITHING gains.

    The road ahead is long and this guide only introduces the basics of the trades. Once you step through the blue moongate east of town, you’ll want to keep working at your skills and learning how to best gather resources and make money. Peruse the guide section and ask other players for help as the level of depth in each trade is vast.

    Feel free to contact me on IRC regarding my New Player Housing program!


    At the end of that long road lies the dream of every Crafter – a shop of your own. I wish you the best of luck in getting there and I hope your first steps lead you there in time.



    X Marks the Spot - The Treasure Hunter's Digs


    Wealth – and hopefully no prison time.
    Stats: 80+ Strength and Dexterity, 40+ Intelligence
    Skills: 70+ Cartography and Magery
    Optional: Variety of other skill options depending upon build choice

    This guide is meant as a non-traditional pathway for those wishing to experience a more unique game experience.

    There are many ways to find treasure in Ultima Online - in this guide we’ll explore a few of them. Regardless of which specialty you end up pursuing, this guide and the journey you take should help you become familiar with a variety of ways to get ahead in the world.


    Economics is a powerful force in the world of Britannia. With the right capital one can speed up training, acquire property, and move on to bigger and better economic opportunities.

    Looking at the margins is what this path is all about, which is where IRC comes in. We won’t hesitate to deal with NPC vendors when they serve our purpose but players are going to be a critical component to our success. So hop on IRC and introduce yourself to the community.

    Remember – reputation is important! You might be an opportunist but that doesn't demand rudeness. In fact, quite the opposite! Be forthright, honest, and polite in your dealings with other players. Grow your reputation and reap additional rewards as players grow to value you, your business, and even those services others might frown upon.


    I started out with 50 MAGERY and CARTOGROPHY which will be essential later on but for now we’re going to need to be able to defend ourselves. Take a moment to read through Steel Embrace – The Warrior’s Path.

    You can see in the images above I’ve done some training already. I’ve got myself in decent fighting shape by using HERDING and MUSICIANSHIP to raise my stats. I’ve also stockpiled a lot of cloth by making use of the cotton fields and sheep of East Ocllo. I made sure to train HEALING from the NPC healer and worked on my ANATOMY a bit before hitting the battlefield.

    My bank and equipment are looking pretty good as I’ve also fought quite a few enemies and can now dispatch orcs with ease.


    This is about as far as we’ll follow the Warrior’s Path. While we might have experienced the same humble beginnings, those stubborn Warriors are too caught up in swinging their sword to realize the greater potentials of the world.


    You can see I’ve also found my first piece of treasure as well. While out fighting monsters I made sure to skin each of them. If you’re very lucky, you’ll skin them and find a rare fur. Using IRC I quickly found a buyer for the fur. Jackpot! The 20,000 gold I just earned sets me way ahead. I can immediately train a variety of skills and also buy a horse, full spell book, and some quality gear.


    I’ve located the NPC thief in town and used some of my bankroll to learn the basics of stealing.

    Next, I purchased a packhorse and practiced STEALING from it. I put a few bottles into a pouch and I’m stealing the entire pouch from the packhorse repeatedly.

    At 30-40 skill the pouch should weigh a total of 4 stones.
    At 40-50 skill the pouch should weigh a total of 5 stones.
    At 50-60 skill the pouch should weigh a total of 6 stones.

    Ok so now that I’m trained up, I’ll try to score some more treasure.


    At the Smithy you’ll find a few boxes full of tools and other supplies. Steal all of these supplies. While they might not be too valuable, occasionally they’ll be replaced by something of value.


    Shown above are a variety of Semi Rares. Try to gather a few of these and sell them to players. Easy money!

    Here’s another tip – once in a while spawning rares will appear in the three locations below.

    [​IMG] Baker – Spilled Flour

    [​IMG] Smithy (outside) – Single Gold Ingot

    [​IMG] Bard House – Sheet Music

    While I’m training, gathering cloth, stealing from the Smithy, I’ve also been checking these buildings. Jackpot again! I managed to find both the Gold Ingot and the Spilled Flour in the same pass! Note: Don't get discouraged if you don't find them - they are very rare.


    Heading over to IRC I spend a few minutes setting up a sale and am able to sell both spawning rares and a variety of semi rares from the smithy for 45,000 gold!


    I’m feeling pretty good now as I’ve got a substantial amount of gold. I’ve even spent some time training both MAGERY and RESISTING SPELLS.
    To train Resist, I first asked an NPC mage to train me to 30 skill, then I went into the wild and cast Firefield and ran back and forth in it. This took me to 55 skill - and I only died twice!

    Next, I spent some time at the bank casting Lightning on myself a hundred times or so times. This took me into the low to mid 60s in both skills and even helped increase HEALING, ANATOMY, and MEDITATION.


    I found a seller on IRC at long last and they’ve given me a good deal on some treasure maps. I purchased a few dozen level 1 and 2 maps and used Cartography to decode them all.


    Using this website, I found the location of one of the treasures. Once I knew the location (#196), I went to Treasureman’s Shop and used the appropriate rune from his library on the roof. I also made sure to bring a shovel and a rune back to Ocllo Bank for the return trip. Having enough Magery to cast Mark helped out here.


    You can see me digging up the treasure and quickly dispatching the treasure’s guardians. I read through a couple of guides on treasure maps which helped a lot. It also reminded me to use an axe to destroy the chest afterwards. Gotta keep Britannia clean!



    I hope this guide leaves you feeling successful and hopefully you’ve stayed out of trouble. The temptation to pilfer some pockets at Ocllo or Brit Bank might cause the untimely demise of a few young treasure hunters but with luck the majority will find their way to wealth and fame.

    Step through the blue moongate east of town to continue your adventure. Treasure Mapper, Rare Hunter, or Thief – the choice is yours.


    Feel free to contact me on IRC regarding my New Player Housing program!

    Last edited: Jun 6, 2014
    Keza, Gafgarion and Basoosh like this.
  4. Gideon Jura

    Gideon Jura Well-Known Member
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    Sep 8, 2012
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    Part IV - Teach a Man to Fish...

    You've got a lot on your plate already, but hopefully by now you're feeling very confident and Ultima Online is starting to become familiar to you. I hope your time spent in Ocllo has found you well.

    Those city streets which at first seemed confusing are now familiar. And the country side - once vast and quite daunting - has become your stomping grounds. Your fighting abilities have hopefully progressed and perhaps you've learned a thing or two about crafting. Your bank hopefully contains a nice nest egg too.

    This world is vast, however, and you'll soon find yourself thrust - once again - into confusing streets and daunting country sides. But take heart for there is still more to learn from humble Ocllo and hopefully some of these lessons can help you find your way in greater Sosaria.






    Part V - Surviving the Wilds

    Beyond the moongate in Ocllo lies greater Sosaria - a vast tract of land from Vesper to Britain and on to Trinsic. Monsters, brigands, thieves, and murderers roam these lands and inhabit the crypts and dungeons. Danger lurks around every corner and a young adventurer could find themselves lost and alone - or worse.

    But with great danger comes great opportunity. The path you've chosen could lead you to fortune, fame, and friendship. But you'll need to survive to see it and you'll need to employ skill and cunning to survive.

    Here you'll find tips to surviving the wilds of Britainia. You'll need them.


    Credit to Pirul of C^V for much of the information below.


    Macroing is, generally speaking, using Razor to perform an action in a repeated manner without having to type/click it yourself. To make a macro, simply go to your razor window, then go to the "Macros" tab, and click on new. You will be asked to name your macro. When ready, click record and do the action in game that you wish razor to do for you. Click stop. Whenever you click play for this macro, Razor will do exactly what you did in game while recording the macro. There is a box on the bottom right hand corner of this window, which when checked, will loop your macro repeatedly. This is particularly useful for raising stats and skills. In UOR, we are allowed to macro skill and stat gaining while AFK.

    We are not, however, allowed to AFK resource gather. What consists resource gathering? It includes, but is not limited to: mining, lumberjacking, shearing sheep, picking cotton, fishing, buying, selling, and BOD collecting. If you don't know if what you are doing is AFK resource gathering, then it probably is, and the safe bet is to not do it. You can be jailed and possibly banned for this offense. Common sense is the best course of action here.

    Of course, this does not mean you cannot use macros to simplify your life!

    You can make a mining macro, just be sure to be watching your screen at all times so you can answer the AFK gump question when it pops up. Failing to answer the gump or answering wrong will result in being sent to jail.

    Player Vendors

    UO is quite unique in many ways. One of them is that other players can set up shop at their home and offer goods to the general public. Player vendors are normally located in player houses near cities and moongates. This provides for more foot traffic, and better sales. Player vendors will stock pretty much everything imaginable under the sun. Full spellbooks, single spell scrolls, runes/runebooks, weapons and armor (both crafted and magic), potions, and pretty much anything else you might need. You can even find a few player vendors around the city limits of Occlo!

    Accounts and Player Housing

    On UOR you can have 3 accounts with 5 characters per account. Each character can own a home, so theoretically one can own 15 houses.

    Home ownership is the ultimate goal of most players in Ultima Online and is one of the most unique aspects of the game. I could go on at great length about home ownership but let me just state that it's awesome and I'm sure in your travels you will see hundreds, if not thousands, of player homes. Use the Website Compendium to learn about the house types and costs and use the Guide Forum to learn about house functionality and security.

    Rune Libraries

    Rune Libraries are player run establishments that hold a series of runebooks with varying locations worldwide. These will generally be hosted in public buildings, and are open for anyone to use. This will help you move around, and get to any possible destination you might need. If your skill is not high enough to use the recall spell directly, you can always use a scroll by dropping it in the book that has the destination you wish to travel to, and then clicking on the blue button next to the rune name. To use the recall or gate spells, go to the page in the book that has that destination marked, and click the corresponding spell icon on that page.

    Seek out a well kept Rune Library and mark a rune to it. This can help you get around the world until you eventually make your own.

    NPCs in the World

    NPCs can be pretty helpful. You can hire NPC fighter to help you in battle - look for them in taverns. Additionally, you can rescue NPCs from monster camps and if you take them to their home city they will reward you. Additionally, there are NPCs in town which will request escort to a destination city or dungeon. This can be quite profitable for a new player.

    Last edited: May 28, 2014
    Banyon, Keza, Gafgarion and 2 others like this.
  5. Wise

    Wise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 21, 2012
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    Kudos sir, kudos!
    newme likes this.
  6. Wodan

    Wodan Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Sep 3, 2013
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    Fantastic, that's great community work. Will RTFM-link a lot to this page in IRC
    newme likes this.
  7. Basoosh

    Basoosh Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    Apr 3, 2013
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    I for one say you should be able to enter this into your own guide writing competition.
  8. Gideon Jura

    Gideon Jura Well-Known Member
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    Sep 8, 2012
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    Last edited: Dec 29, 2018
  9. Wil

    Wil Member

    Aug 9, 2013
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    Good guide. Couple of places I would add to or alter your advice:

    1. Figure out up front which of your three attributes will stay at 25 when you push the other two to 100. Then set it to 25 initially so you can lock it immediately and forget about it.

    2. Minimum starting int should be 21. This gives you enough mana to recall somewhere and then immediately recall away when you realize you shouldn't be there. It also gives you enough mana to heal and then immediately recall when you realize that healing isn't going to keep you alive. And it leaves you enough mana to recall out when the monster casts a spell which drops your int by 10.

    3. Nearly all of the skills can be bought to 30 after you're in the game at a cost of 10 gold per point. So your selection for second skill should be based on which one is the hardest or most expensive to move from 30 to 50.

    4. Don't waste starting points on resisting spells, even as a mage. Improving resisting from NPC-bought 30 to the low 50's using the fire field method is too cheap and too easy to waste your starting points.

    5. Ditto provocation. Moving provo from 30 to 50 is a cake walk at the stable in the guard zone. Pick a weapon skill or tactics instead.

    6. Buy beg or borrow two Ocllo-marked runes and a recall scroll as soon as you get there. Drop the scroll in your spellbook and bank one rune so you can return after you leave the new player program but while you're still training in the haunts you've learned. For the other rune... keep it on you. As recently as a few months ago there were places to get stuck. I can't begin to tell you how I kicked myself when I got stuck under the pirate camp with no rune. The GMs will come help you, of course, but if you have a marked rune you can cast recall and get yourself unstuck.

    7. The pirate sailors aren't too strong. It's the pirate archers that'll kill you dead. Fwip kerthunk. Ow.

    Draccus and newme like this.
  10. Gideon Jura

    Gideon Jura Well-Known Member
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    Sep 8, 2012
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    Last edited: Dec 29, 2018
    newme likes this.
  11. Zenrix

    Zenrix New Member

    Jan 12, 2014
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    As a brand new player to any form of Ultima Online this guide has been helpful in assisting me with planning out my character. I have but one issue. I just don't understand how to interact with NPC's and it is making it very difficult. If you could make a section on common commands to interact with NPC's I would be really grateful.

    Currently I'm stuck on trying to get a horse, also I have trouble buying anything. The only NPC I can use correctly is the bank because it's simple'

    I'd be happy to give you any of my additional newbie feedback.
    newme likes this.
  12. ReZon

    ReZon Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    Jun 19, 2013
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    Short answer: use "vendor buy" to purchase from NPCs.

    Detailed answer: viewtopic.php?f=18&t=42

    Welcome to UOR!
    newme likes this.
  13. avaratz

    avaratz New Member

    Mar 5, 2014
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    These guides are excellent - thanks for taking the time to write them.
    newme likes this.
  14. Wodan

    Wodan Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Sep 3, 2013
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    Great to see you took one of your threads back Gideon !!!
  15. Gideon Jura

    Gideon Jura Well-Known Member
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    Sep 8, 2012
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  16. Gideon Jura

    Gideon Jura Well-Known Member
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    Sep 8, 2012
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  17. Gideon Jura

    Gideon Jura Well-Known Member
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    Sep 8, 2012
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  18. Gideon Jura

    Gideon Jura Well-Known Member
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    Sep 8, 2012
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  19. lore404

    lore404 New Member

    Feb 2, 2015
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    Hi there, actually im new , im studyng animation and working on timeshare attorney business, feel free to ask something : D
    Basoosh likes this.
  20. Kishember

    Kishember Active Member

    Jul 31, 2015
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    This is a tremendous guide to UO:R, wish I had read it 3 weeks ago when I first signed up.
    newme likes this.

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