*As the last group of orcs returned to the fort the final preparations had been made. An alter had been constructed with the bones and flayed skin of countless humans that were slain during the hunt. All was ready. With the Elder Orc Shamans deep in a cave meditating, the ceremony fell to the mage Azruk of the Bloodrock Clan.The Bloodmoon was at its highest and the night was at its darkest, Azruk took a ceramonial blade as 8 captives from Yew were brought forth. One by one their blood was spilled upon the alter while Azruk chanted. After the last hostage was slain, a chest so soaked with blood was brought to the alter containing the severed heads of those who were unfortunate enough to be found by the Horde. Azruk Spoke: "Belok!! Weem kawl fer Uu en de Uruk Klanz offur Uu mani Ummie Hedz en Blud az tribyute fer Ur blezzingz. Heer owr voysiz".*The moon was covered and the earth trembled. A dark night became darker. It was a sign that the Orcs had pleased their god and indeed we're worthy of his favor. A Blood Clomper Champion was granted to the Horde. Muguk stood on a stump and spoke to the orcs once more. "Da Huntin wuz Bubhosh, weem Slawtur mani, weem pud owt dem skahhin blynky lytez, weem stryk feer in da Oomie bunes. Dem tri ta stob uz bi klompin de Blud Klompur bud en da eynd weem du wut weem goh owt ta du. Weem Git da Bludgawdz Blezzingz en heem giv uz Nuw Blud Klompur. Goh bak ta lats trybez en spred da wurd de Ork am growin.. HOOWAHH URUK!! OOC: Thanks to all who opposed us and those who supported us and especially the Skygod who made much of this possible. The RP community here is by far the best I've ever seen. Also I would like to thank the deceased Baerron Jael who actually inspired me to use storylines.
Uhh, ya I ran into this BludClomp Champion... someone remind me NOT to attack things summoned by the gods. I encourage all others to stay away and FEAR THE ORCS!
Wow that is a cool addition to that orc cave. I just farmed him a bit on my tamer, great loot! Nothing went wrong... nothing at all....*shudders and makes a note to take Keza's warnings more seriously*
Queen E contemptuously smirked. Citizens had tried to fight the whimpy Orc Champion. They failed miserably. Naturally, they had to, they weren't EVE. RIP 'champion'. I only wish you had worthy loot on you. For more details: http://uorforum.com/threads/the-orcish-champion.23870/#post-227580
For all that work I might scrounge up some holiday coins or plat for you. Killing both our champs at the BEST HOLIDAY EVER, the orc Blood Moon, is certainly worthy of some reward...besides of course the fame and fortune one receives going down in history as the most legendary orc slayer to ever walk the planet. Or ride, few humies seem to actually walk. (Out of town though so will have to wait until the weekend)
Ewww!!! *starts to vomit* Seriously though congrats on getting them both dispite your "humility" on slaying them.It would seem that the orcs have a formidable enemy with the queens elite, which by the way for us orcs "the greater our enemy, the greater our honor"