Hello all I just started up here and I am an old school siege perilous player from osi. I have worked on my own shard to replicate a siege style publish 16 server but could not afford to do it myself so instead I came here. Enough about me but there is a problem I noticed here with anatomy and eval-intel. (I am at work and do not have the code infront of me but I do know this issue is here as well) The way the base code works is that it take the total value of anatomy and eval and divides it to give a defensive wrestling bonus. The problem that most people do not know is that you actually needed both skills at gm to get the bonus. Whoever made the initial formula did it correctly but never asked what if one of the skills was missing. If you attack a character that just has anatomy and no eval then you will actually miss the target. It is not often but the chance is still there to miss. This means a hybrid when they take off their weapon then they are able to still avoid an attack. This is not how it worked in real uo. I know this is not osi but from what I understand this shard is doing its best to be era accurate. When a dexxer or hybrid unequips their weapon to do various mechanics they were vulnerable not safe. This is just something I noticed but all in all I love this shard and am doing my best to get as many of the old siege players here that I know. P.S Forgot to mention, with one of the skills being 100 and the other being zero, the standard stock formula for this gives a 25% defense chance. Much love, Niz
A formula of Anatomy skill + Evaluating Intelligence skill / 2 = Defensive Wrestling % Example - 100.0 Anatomy + 100.0 Evaluating Intelligence = 100.0 Defensive Wrestling, which will result in an attacking player of 100.0 combat skill having a %50 chance to land a hit. I am not sure what you are trying to say here. It is commonly known that a character is to have both anatomy and evaluate intelligence to get the benefit of defensive wrestling. The way you describe it sounds like you or other players believe they get it with either or of the two skills which again is obviously untrue.
What I am saying is that the formula is calculating it as 100 anat + 0 eval / 2 which is 50 combat skill. Thus giving a 25 % chance not to get hit. You should never miss a dexxer with gm anat with no weapon equipped but test it cause you will.
If you look how the code is written in general there is never an else statement just the one you posted.
That is not how the game worked in 2002. When anat and eval was published in for publish 16, which actually broke the game to allow aos to be transitioned into, it was also done for power scrolls. But hey, that is a different topic.
I'm talking about a character with gm fencing hitting another character with gm swords with no weapon equipped. The the same scenario but the second guy has a mace equipped with no mace skill.
I think there is a misunderstanding of how it works here. (Evalint + Anatomy)/2] = Defensive Wrestle You need skill in either eval or anatomy to get half of the evasion bonus, 50% cap. A character with 100 eval and 0 anatomy receives 25% bonus A character with 0 eval and 100 anatomy recives 25% bonus A character with both 100 eval and 100 anatomy receives 50% bonus
Thank you El Horno, I also just read the patch notes for publish 16 and what you are saying is 100% correct. I think I just really miss pre-power scroll patch is all
I am also looking at the RunUO code right now and I am sure it was changed on here but no where does it state that you need 100 in either skill to get half the bonus. This is what I am seeing, double incrValue = (anatValue + evalValue + 20.0) * 0.5; I am basically wondering if this was changed because it is wrong. This is basically saying if you have (25 anatomy + 25 eval + 20) /2 = 35. Also the code I am looking at has power scrolls enabled so the "+20.0" shouldn't exist.
Also one thing to add. I was sparring my other character who did not have gm anatomy, I think it was 91.2 or something at the time, and no weapon equipped cause I was working tactics. My main character had GM swords and missed 4 times in a row.
Thanks for the clarification. Now can I argue that defensive wrestle was LBR not Renn? I really don't care but the 20 year old me does!
On Test Center, when I first started, there was a "combat log book" which spewed out all sorts of combat details. You can read all the nitty-gritty spasm attack research that was involved here: http://uorforum.com/threads/weapon-damage.10139/ also created this unrelated spreadsheet. combat ability is another turd discussion so its nice to have this (nearly accurate for a 0 armor human player, never got around to adding opponent armor / npc or human option): https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ojtDHRtjWtlNvzA2U111tYYoKrhmJLzfE7dNbuuR0PA/edit?usp=sharing anyways a tldr for that first link; (I never really comprehended that wrestling is a combat skill) the defensive wrestling formula on this server is (ANAT + EVAL + 20) / 2 - according to my previous research 1. wrestling cannot go above 100 (80 anat + 80 eval has the same effect as 100 anat + 100 eval) 2. Hit Chance = ( Attacker's Weapon Ability + 50 ) ÷ ( [Defender's Weapon Ability + 50] x 2 ) 3. Chance to block (defensive wrestle) = 1 - ( Attacker's Weapon Ability + 50 ) ÷ ( [Defender's Weapon Ability + 50] x 2 ) So.... 1. (50 anat + 25 eval + 20) / 2 = "47.5 wrestling skill for the purposes of defense" 2. gm fencer vs 47.5: (100+50) / (2*(47.5 + 50)) = 76.9% chance to hit 3. defender has: 1 - .769 = 23.1% chance to block once more 1. (0 anat + gm eval + 20) / 2 = "60 wrestling skill" 2. gm swords vs 60: 150 / 220 = 68% chance to hit 3. defender has: 1-.68 = 32% chance to block
Thanks for posting but I already knew the formulas that you spoke of. What I am saying now is that defensive wrestling only existed during the same patch that power scrolls came out. Just like many forget that meditation wasn't even a skill until feb '99. I am not asking for anything to be changed but more or less do not get how this is balanced during the mechanics of this era of ultima. Unlike most who play now'n'days, I actually played back then and remember why things were great for pvp. Un-equipping your weapon made you defenseless against melee and it worked on purpose. Again, like I said earlier, maybe I just feel publish 15 was the last true patch of Renaissance. It is a personal opinion and does not change the fact that this shard is great. I get the variety of builds for mages debate but never understood, why it can't need both skills at gm to function? Kind of like how you actually needed, if I recall correctly, 80 anatomy to perform random weapon moves (i.e. Para blow for a spear). Which has also never been the case on any runuo shard.
We have bonded taming with pet recall, instanced pvm events, instanced pvm events with trammel rule sets, disabled tinker traps, item weight manipulation to avoid stealing skill, and the this is what you question the balance of?
I think you do not read or understand anything I write. From what I understand this is history perfected mechanics.