Patch 46: December 20th - Holiday Event, Bugfixes & More

Discussion in 'Patch Notes' started by Chris, Nov 27, 2013.

  1. Chris

    Chris Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff

    May 14, 2012
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    • Ancient MIB's
      • Resolved a regioning problem with the Pirate Ship event resulting in the undersea area not being audited for leftover players. Thanks SnapDragon
      • Fixed a single click name constructor for the Pirate Cave Ancient MIB's. Thanks Basoosh
    • Attended Verification System (Anti AFK)
      • Implemented a new version of the Anti AFK System
        • New verification image sets
        • Improved logging of activities
        • Improved variance of gumps, images, locations
        • Added a detection system for players attempting to use audio cues to alert them to AFK checks.
      • Implemented the system for the placement of houses.
        • Attempting to place a house will now be considered an activity that needs to be attended by this system.
        • As Razor cannot automatically place a house, accounts caught attempting to place a house automatically and then failing this check will receive additional staff review.
      • Implemented the system for the collection of rare spawns.
        • Picking up a rare from a spawn location will now require the player to be attended.
        • This will have a high chance of showing the AFK check
        Note: If either of these two additions give you trouble in the normal course of playing remember to send an admin a pm
    • Attended Verification System - Response Times
      • Your time to respond to a Attended check is now based on the amount of flags on your account.
      • For every failure of an attended verification your time to respond will be reduced by 10 seconds.
      • Accounts with no marks will still have 120 seconds to respond to the verification check.
    • Bulk Order Books
      • You can now drag and drop bulk order deeds onto bulk order books located within your bank. Thanks Miller-
    • Bulk Order Rewards
      • Resolved a problem where certain BOD's that had a chance to return a special hued sandal were not returning a properly randomized selection. Thanks Blaise (I Know right, Blaise reported a Bug)
    • Christmas Holiday Vendor
      • Updated the Christmas Reward vendor with the Christmas 2013 prizes
        Note: Rewards and prices are subject to change.
        • Snow Balls - 5 Coins
        • Christmas Tree Deed - 25 Coins
        • Holiday Wreath Deed - 40 Coins
        • White Poinsettia Plant - 50 Coins
        • Potted Cactus Deed - 60 Coins
        • Polar Bear Mask - 300 Coins
          Note: Comes in 2 Random Hues, 1150 (white), 1154(blue white)
        • White Christmas Sandals - 500 Coins
          Note: Comes in 2 Random Hues, 1150 (white), 1154(blue white)
        • Blue Christmas Sandals - 500 Coins
          Note: Comes in 2 Random Hues, 8 and 108
        • Red Christmas Sandals - 500 Coins
          Note: Comes in 2 Random Hues, 33 and 133
    • Counselors System
      • Resolved a problem that was causing visibility failures for counselors.
      • Counselors can no longer see hidden players. (Added in patch 45, perfected in this patch)
      • Created several additional commands for our Senior counselors to allow them to deal with spammers, stuck players and helping new players.
    • Factions
      • Adjusted the time in which you need to control a sigil to 6 hours. It was previously 7 hours.
      • Resolved a long standing bug that allowed players to gain skills at an elevated rate while under the effects of faction skill loss.
      • Faction skill loss is now restored to a 10 minute period with a 20% penalty to your skills.
        Note: This could be reviewed further in our upcoming faction patch.
    • Houses
      • Expanded the range in which a player can be to initiate a house transfer from 2 to 3 tiles.
      • Public houses, once transferred will now reset back to private for the new owner.
      • Expanded the amount of co-owners that a house can have from 15 to 30
    • Items
      • Created a new statuette type item, the SingingBall, to be a future reward item.
      • Created a new rare item, "tuft of hair" to be used in conjunction with the holiday event.
      • Resolved a problem with certain addons not being limited properly when being chopped. Thanks Peace
      • Name change deeds now cost 100k from the vanity vendor.
      • Created potted cactus deeds to be used as a holiday reward item.
    • Monsters
      • Resolved some missing skills on the hell hounds. Thanks Dalavar
      • Created 17 New Monsters for the Holiday Event, each with custom behavior and treasure.
        • Abominable Snowman
        • Corrupt Soul
        • Dark Elf Archer
        • Dark Elf Axer
        • Dark Elf Battle Mage
        • Dark Elf Commander
        • Dark Elf Fencer
        • Dark Elf Knight
        • Dark Elf Macer
        • Dark Elf Mage
        • Dark Elf Range
        • Dark Elf Spirit
        • Evil Polar Bear
        • Good Polar Bear
        • The Grinch
        • Ice Golem
        • Snow Vortex
    • New Player Program, Ocllo
      • A new strain of untamable sheep will be added to Ocllo island.
      • Thanks to the efforts of the Ocllo farmers new players will have reliable access to sheep.
        Note: Attempts to herd the sheep in will be quickly dealt with by the Ocllo farmers guild.
      • Cotton has now been planted in the Ocllo fields as well and is available for harvest year round.
    • Profile Gump
      • Resolved a problem in which the web links for player kills and player deaths were redirecting to the incorrect pages.
    • Remove Trap
      • Added a failure message when attempting to remove a faction trap if you have less than 80 remove trap and 80 tinkering.
        Note: This will prevent the use of faction trap removal kits uses if you are unable to have at least some chance to succeed.
      • Made a small adjustment to the skill gain mechanism for Remove Trap to correctly align skill gain to the variety of player crafted trap levels available.
      • You will now be able to reach 98 remove trap from player crafted chests.
      • The remaining skill will need to be obtained working on treasure map chests, dungeon chests and other difficult traps.
    • Sheep Farms
      • While updating the attended verification system for patch 46 it was discovered that sheep were currently providing players with double the amount of wool as they should have. This was a system left over from trammel in which resource production was doubled in the felucca facet. We have also updated the process that manages the health of animals inside a players house.
      • Sheep will provide 1 wool per sheer.
      • When sheering a sheep inside a house a check will be made of the conditions in the house.
      • Should there be less than 10 animals in the immediate vicinity and not in tight confines the sheep will provide wool once every hour.
      • Should there be more than 10 animals in the immediate vicinity the time in which it will take sheep to regrow their wool will be increased at a rate relative to the population density and living conditions.
      • Should there be more than 50 animals in the immediate vicinity, the sheep will become unhealthy and eventually decay.
        Note: Should this be the case you will see the following message when sheering. "You notice this sheep is starting to look unhealthy."
      • The flag rate for sheering when monitored by the attended verification system has been reduced. Players will not be checked as often when sheering sheep.
        Note: We already have a sheep population system in place currently, however it was imprecise and only checked a single factor. Players running a small sheep farm will not notice a change.
    • Spells
      • Resolved a problem in the RunUO Default recast recovery calculation that in extremely rare situations will result in an invalid mathematical equation.
    • Vendors
      • Resolved a problem in which items in the hands of a player run vendor were not properly deleted when dismissing or replacing a vendor. Thanks Snap Dragon
    • Website Interface
      • Complete overhaul of the systems that we use to export data to the online database for use on the website.
      • Created a third timer which will operate in 24 hour cycles.
      • Converted the item data and housing data to be handled by this new process.
      • We now have 3 primarily systems that interface with our website.
        • The Status Process (Every 5 minutes)
          • Event Logs
          • PvM Kills
          • Advertising Logs
          • Server Status
          • Faction Status
          • Online Players
        • Standard Data (Every 2 Hours)
          • Player Characters
          • Player Clothing / Skills
          • Event Data
          • Death Logs
          • Vendor Information
          • Duel Ladders
        • Item Data (Every 24 hours)
          • Complete Item Database
          • Player Houses
      • Re-designed the existing processes to operate more efficiently with more detailed logging should errors occur.
      • Expanded the item data to include the root location of the item in the world for future research.
      • Expanded the data to determine if the item is active or inactive based on it's location and the last time the linked account was accessed.
      • Cleaned up the console alerts for the various processes that run now.
    • Website Improvements
      • Converted the item database to be based on a compiled list of items and values that is generated daily.
        Note: This will provide a much quicker response time when browsing the item database. Since the item information will only update once a day, this will reduce the stress on our back end database.
      • Converted the Item List page to show active and inactive items.
      • Added a small marker showing any values that are shown in currency value vs actual count. [​IMG]
      • Converted the Virtual Economy page to list this additional information and to greatly speed up the pages load times.
      • General updates to several of the pages to clean up the code and remove incorrect links.

    • The World
      • Resolved a minor problem with the yew guard zone extending to a small peninsula of land north of the bank.
      • Added two new spawn regions to Ocllo for farmable items.
  2. LanDarr

    LanDarr Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff
    Senior Counselor
    Renaissance Volunteers

    Apr 19, 2013
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    Just an FYI...

    If a sheep is "unhealthy" you cannot shear the wool from it.
    Sheep kept on single tiles and not stacked on top of each other are still considered too close.

    Will be conducting further tests today as I thin out the farm

    PEACE !
  3. Chris

    Chris Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff

    May 14, 2012
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    You should still get wool from a sheep, even with terrible living conditions, however that sheep will eventually decay if you see the following message.
    "You notice this sheep is starting to look unhealthy."

    Under the previous system sheep were only checked to see if there were to many stacked in a single tile. Now the immediate area around each sheep is checked.

    However if you detect any problems, take some pictures or provide me with details on the farm and I will take a look.
  4. Pirul

    Pirul Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    May 16, 2013
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    So, essentially, it's 11 failed gumps and you might as well delete the account?

    Will there ever be a way to "work off" those flags?
  5. Chris

    Chris Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff

    May 14, 2012
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    It depends on the reason for the failures, the staff will review accounts on a case by case basis should a player request it. Eventually we might add a system to allow marks to decay if that becomes an issue. Our goal is to continue to refine the system so that normal attended players rarely see a check, while computer controlled characters gathering items are checked more often.

    However when the system was implemented we only had a 30 second window to respond to the gumps. It was only expanded to 120 seconds within the last few months. At 9 marks now, you would still have 30 seconds to verify that you are attended. Currently there are less than 10 accounts with 6 or more marks on them (out of 8000).

    Hopefully this should serve as a reason for players to monitor their gathering activities more closely. Should you fail a check while fishing from shore when training, the staff can easily check the logs and remove that flag.

    The system primarily is designed to work as a warning system to players who gather unattended. These changes are designed to only affect repeat offenders.

    And yes at some point if you have mined/lumberjacked for 10 hours a day for 2 months and have collected 7-8 marks, it is probably time to find something other than macro gathering to do ingame.

    Mark Information as of 12/21/13
    • 7596 Accounts - 0 Marks
    • 156 Accounts - 1 Mark
    • 34 Accounts - 2 Marks
    • 17 Accounts - 3 Marks
    • 10 Accounts - 4 Marks
    • 11 Accounts - 5 Marks
    • 2 Accounts - 6 Marks
    • 3 Accounts - 7 Marks
    • 1 Account - 8 Marks
    • 1 Account - 9 Marks
    • 1 Account - 10 Marks
    • 1 Account - 12 Marks
  6. Pirul

    Pirul Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    May 16, 2013
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    This all sounds reasonable, and fine. My only concern is that I see this as a short-sighted measure. Yes, TODAY there are less than 10 accounts with 6 marks, but if I already have some in my accounts...let's say I have 3 in roughly 8 months playing here. Let's assume I keep those 3 the rest of the year. It is not impossible for me to miss 1-2 gumps in a year. So basically in 5-6 years I won't be able to do ANYTHING that might bring me up a gump!
  7. Chris

    Chris Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff

    May 14, 2012
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    In that case we could easily remove the marks should there not be a pattern of system abuse, just normal gameplay.

    However should someone get to 8 marks by mining for 12 hours a day for 3 months we would be less sympathetic. Each account has a detailed lifetime log of checks sent, response data and failed checks. So an account audit is a simple process.
  8. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 14, 2012
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    I know you're pretty new here Chris, but I have reported several bugs, some of which have already been fixed. :p Might want to check Bug Report forum history.


    Nice work, great lookin patch. Can't wait to get out and see how it works. :)
  9. Pirul

    Pirul Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    May 16, 2013
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    That's exactly what I meant. Except systemized as opposed to manually removing them. Something like if you get 0 gumps wrong in 6 or 12 months you loose a mark, or something like that.
  10. Chris

    Chris Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff

    May 14, 2012
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    Sure that is reasonable.
  11. SirLanceAlittle

    SirLanceAlittle Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Sep 4, 2012
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    Hey Chris,

    I do not understand why you would waste time developing code that basically rewards the habitual rule-breaker for deciding NOT to break the rules. You already allow people who believe they were erroneously tagged by the Anti-AFK System to page a counselor so that their account wont have a negative mark. I think if an account has more than 6 AFK Marks (and I think I am being generous here), it should be terminated. Hearing people grumble about how to remove the negative marks from their account if they stop violating the rules makes me almost as mad as when people on wellfare use my tax dollars to buy alcohol and lottery tickets. Of course THAT is for another discussion. Anyway, I think your time is much better spent on fixing those inevitable bugs that pop up from time-to-time, developing new content, and coming up with all the fun server activities that you are so good at.

    That's my "two-cents,"

  12. Pirul

    Pirul Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    May 16, 2013
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    237 accounts have had 1 failure in a year the server has been up (roughly). In optimistic terms (meaning that all players have 3 accounts, and ONLY the same players have been flagged), that means 79 individual players have failed the gump at least once in a year. You are likely spot on with your assumption that there are 79 "habitual rule-breakers" on this shard, and all 3 of their accounts should be deemed useless in 5 years time.


    Bottom line is: There are far too many things that promt AFK-gumps (not that there is anything bad with that), but it is likely that eventually somebody is going to make one mistake during a year. In 5, 8 or 10 years time, those accounts will be unplayable. The only thing I'm proposing is, that just as there is a systemized method of punishment, there should be a systemized method of redemption. Make it hard, almost impossible if you'd like, but let there be SOMETHING that will punish the recidivist, but will allow the average player to erase his mistake that happened a year ago.
  13. Chris

    Chris Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff

    May 14, 2012
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    The solution to accidental marks is to contact the staff when it happens, Pretty much everyone gets one free pass with the system.

    And like I said we have complete logs of everything so it is extremely easy for us to tell the difference between a habitual macro'er and someone who missed one on accident, etc. The system was never designed to punish players, only to inform players that unattended gathering is monitored here.
  14. Infantry

    Infantry Well-Known Member

    Sep 2, 2012
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    I like the high likely hood of the AFK gump on the rares. Very fair way of rare collecting, nice patch all together. Thank You for your hard work on this.
  15. Corvalis

    Corvalis New Member

    Nov 23, 2013
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    How hard is it for people to NOT F'ING AFK GATHER RESOURCES. It hurts the shard's economy and is the reason it is there. If you can't deal with it then it is my opinion you need to find another shard... The consequences should be much more harsh in reality. :twisted:
  16. Deacon

    Deacon Well-Known Member

    Sep 5, 2012
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