What are you working on?

Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by ReZon, Mar 21, 2014.

  1. ReZon

    ReZon Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    Jun 19, 2013
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    I'm interested to see what others are up to in this big world we play in - what are you working on, what's next?

    For me, I am working on setting up a couple fishers as I have not yet set one foot on a boat since starting here back in June 2013. After finishing my fishers, I will find myself a boat and hit the water. The UOR high seas have been only something I have read about and it sounds like I have a lot to look forward to! Pirate Pebble.. Arrr!

    What's next for you all?
    Keza, Hawkeye and Wise like this.
  2. Basoosh

    Basoosh Well-Known Member
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    Apr 3, 2013
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    Lots of deco. Need to spruce up the rune library and starting to put together ideas for this year's house deco contest.
    Hawkeye, Wise and ReZon like this.
  3. Philthie

    Philthie Member

    Mar 19, 2014
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    I'm only new to server this week, working on everything. Lol! Atm though, mainly been farming the Young Occlo dungeon with my poisoner, and lockpicking any level 1 dungeon chests I can find because I much prefer adventuring even with low stats and skills, than macroing! Though saying that, all 3 of my accounts are macroing right now while I'm out at work. At least I hope they are.....
    Ducky, Hawkeye, Wise and 2 others like this.
  4. Dalavar

    Dalavar Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 11, 2013
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    Great topic idea.

    My biggest goal is to have a well-decorated house. This area of the game has always been foreign to me, but I learned a ton from seeing other entries in the last house deco contest. Hopefully I can come up with something to be proud of - especially if there's ever another shardwide contest.

    Second goal is to create a fun player-run event. (I have some ideas at the moment and am pretty close to setting this up).

    Third goal is to help improve the combat system on the shard to better reflect what (I think) was original OSI.

    Fourth goal is to bond a pack of wolves to hunt with efficiently, rather than the standard dragon/dragon/mare setup.

    Fifth goal is to kill one of each "boss" monster on the shard. (Elder Wyrm is the only one I've not yet seen or fought)

    Final goal (though perhaps my oldest) is to put together a suit of phoenix armor.

    In terms of goals I've checked off the list:
    - own a fortress
    - train a 7xGM dragon
    - be the leaderboard leader for a high-end monster
    - GM Remove Traps

    As always... there is much more to do than there is done!
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2014
    Keza, Wise and ReZon like this.
  5. Paradigm

    Paradigm Active Member

    May 27, 2013
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    I am in a state of flux.. The new patch changes had a pretty dramatic effect on my playstyle. I am enjoying working with the new changes and I hope to be the #1 Cave Troll Killa and get that damn statue! Eventually the Cave Troll hunting will lose its luster, and I am not looking forward to that. I hope that by then the BS bods have changed.

    I am really looking forward to Carp bods, and I am getting ready for this currently.

    I never seem to string enough time together to get fully in to factions or pvp.. so I will just stay crafting and do the random adventure when the mood strikes!

    I am still putting off deco :p
    Hawkeye likes this.
  6. ReZon

    ReZon Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    Jun 19, 2013
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    Nice! I have been thinking the about the Deco contest lately too, and am working some ideas as well.

    Welcome to the shard! There are definitely times when I would rather do the skill gains on my own, but I am grateful to the macros while at work as well. :)

    A solid list of goals, you'll stay busy no doubt! That pack of wolves idea is pretty awesome.

    I loved my Phoenix armor on Catskills. I had the helmet, tunic, and gloves, and still have a bit of regret at selling them even though I wouldn't ever go back. I will probably never see any here, but I am okay with that.. maybe. :D
  7. Liberation

    Liberation Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2013
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    I'm trying to renovate the Temple of Immortality at Grimoire Ruins.

    It was a bit awkward having the GM-created static tables and pentagram, so I asked that they be removed.

    At this point I've mined a bunch of stone and purchased a furniture dye tub and have all the tables on the roof replaced. I think they actually look nicer than before! Now the real trick is to replace that pentagram.
    Huzke likes this.
  8. Urza

    Urza Active Member

    Jul 24, 2013
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    I spent 8 hours yesterday Decorating my house and then I joined the late night crew at Lord Oaks.

    Goals I have seem to be similar to Dalavar's, however I want to start a guild dedicated to helping and teaching new players, so that our player base can grow by a couple hundred. I think 700-800 people on at all times would be an ideal setting and would make the game twice as fun.

    So in effort to accomplish this goal I have been working on the following:
    1.) Decorate a guild house and allow for lots and I mean lots of storage.
    2.) Move my personal belongings to a house that is close to a bank so that I can do BOD's and participate in events easier.
    3.) Build a New Player system in which they can rank up and establish a network of other guilds that they can graduate to once they feel they are ready.
    4.) Pay off old debts and establish new ones!
    Keza, Hawkeye and Liberation like this.
  9. Pulse

    Pulse Active Member

    Mar 18, 2014
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    just getting started. Only 1 account so far and just working my low resource gatherer slash peace dexer.

    lots for me to do though I am thinking of trying some bod crafting and have a pvm character or 2. I enjoy pvp but I am so rusty and don't have the time to dedicate to it right now nor the resources to participate. maybe in a few months this will change.

    Also, I use a tethered wireless connection from my phone to play so no macroing while at work :(
    Hawkeye likes this.
  10. Lethius

    Lethius Member

    Mar 5, 2014
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    Humble plans for a new player...

    Short term:

    - Wander around, learn who is who, where people hang out, what's going on
    - Finish training up Py Lethius - axe warrior, just LJ and Tactics left (80ish). I'm alternating between lumberjacking and monster hunting to...
    - Make gold so I can set myself up with resources: potions, armor, weapons, etc...
    - Training item id on one character to id all this junk from monsters because I can't afford ID wands :)

    Mid term:

    - Work on my smith to keep Py in plate armor
    - Work on my alchemist when I can afford the reagents
    - Buy a tower when I have the gold for it

    Long term:

    - Become number 1 ranked killer of plants, yeah, that means you reapers and corpsers!
    - Rule the land as Knight-Regent, restoring justice to Britannia
    - Keep those pesky Urks in line, perhaps have them work in my garden to keep them out of trouble
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2014
    Keza, Hawkeye and Urza like this.
  11. LudKrud

    LudKrud Active Member

    Dec 21, 2012
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    Building URK back to where it needs to be.

    Enjoying the RP fun with VoP and A^T,and all the other pahnzee umies....
    Vishakt, Urza and Huzke like this.
  12. Huzke

    Huzke Active Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Dec 25, 2013
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    Hoho, ee gunna lyk chooming dis dumhed.
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  13. Wulver

    Wulver Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 28, 2012
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    I am working on getting a decent rune library built on Magincia beach, I spent all my gold buying regs so I need more gold.

    I hope to actually get footage of me killing someone on my archer.
    Get weapons tweaked to be more competitive (unlikely)
    Get faction trap removal fixed because you shouldn't need tinkering skill on the character that is removing the trap(unlikely)
    Finish a mage that can do some duels
  14. Pork Fried Rice

    Pork Fried Rice Well-Known Member

    Mar 10, 2014
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  15. Mes

    Mes Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2013
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    i like your style
  16. Huzke

    Huzke Active Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Dec 25, 2013
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  17. Jupiter

    Jupiter Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2013
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  18. Cero

    Cero Well-Known Member

    May 8, 2013
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    Short term goals are to get my Dex tamer up and running so I can buy a large keep!

    Long term is to see as much as the shard has to offer in pvm(champs/amibs/big game/events)!! Oh and promote archery till we get a special!!
    David Scraggs and Huzke like this.
  19. Pork Fried Rice

    Pork Fried Rice Well-Known Member

    Mar 10, 2014
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    Archery is already special. You're using it wrong if you disagree!
    Keza likes this.
  20. Zyler

    Zyler Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2012
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    I cant decide and run around chasing my tail trying to figure out what next

    -I have a few large deco ideas and projects I need to do *cough* finish (I know my roommate is frustrated with my inaction but doesn't say anything)
    -A few chars I should complete after working half skills to GM
    -I want to GM Smithy and do stone crafting but am too lazy to mine after GMing that
    -A bunch of Tmaps Id like to work
    -an insane # of tailor BODs
    -The list is endless

    So I generally fart around, fish some, help people
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2014
    Keza, Hawkeye and Urza like this.

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