Should monsters drop more gold?

Discussion in 'Era Discussion' started by SneakyT, May 10, 2018.

  1. SneakyT

    SneakyT Renaissance Volunteers
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    May 14, 2012
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    I am not going to say spawn should or should not be dropping more gold, I'm just curious if the community would be farming more if they did.

    When the shard first started there was a couple of ways to earn gold but mostly farming is what I had to do to. Now there is a couple of different types of currency. Plat, gold , and soon to be copper (non tradable maybe but some copper rewards will be tradable).

    I think between bod farming, flipping , idocs, plat rewards, and tradable copper rewards, the life of the farming man is short lived until they can slot themselves into one or more of the above more lucrative revenue streams.

    Possible solutions (my opinions please don't rage at me)

    1. Have more rewarding drops, a side from a plat or monster statues, this could mean magical jewelry.

    2. Monsters just generally drop more gold as a farming incentive. A single tamer can average 60k an hour at the right spawn . However idling in a home on 3 accounts while collecting tailoring bods can generate Clothing blessed deeds which are standard 100k each. Plus plat if liquidated.

    3. Gold sink rewards something like the hair and face special dyes. Instead of plat only vendor why not have a gold conversion variant vendor of the plat reward vendor. That vendor could offer different hues for items already on plat vendor excluding ethys and blessed runebooks. (This will make gold more attractive)

    4. Achievement rewards for fighting spawn types. Example, kill 1000 blood elementals and be rewarded with a non tradable wearable. That would be vanity item and show character development . Like you did 5000 MIBS "reward: a named hat Such as SneakyT slayer of the deep blue"

    Just a thought. Let me know what you think.
  2. Valrick

    Valrick Well-Known Member
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    May 9, 2014
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    PVM Achievements would rock. I had second place on dread spiders for 1 year, and still am 9th after 4 lol..

    I think farming is still good at it's pace, but yes, faming back then was "easier" because items weren't worth as much?
    Arnold Lutz, Ponne and One like this.
  3. SneakyT

    SneakyT Renaissance Volunteers
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    May 14, 2012
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    Perhaps I know there are really fun things in game right now u can do solo in the world but these activities revolve around collecting things to sell. Rares, slayer weapons etc. Overall I think most of a players gold revolves around the players they try to offload drops to vs what is actually farmed up.
  4. Valrick

    Valrick Well-Known Member
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    May 9, 2014
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    I have found mining in duos/trios is some of the best $ around anymore. I see lots of prime 90+k/hr farming spots wide open around P**** o'clock. I was making around 500-600k a week with morning coffee/radio. Sadly i've never got a monster statue and i've killed tons of bosses. Even a hued weapon here & there would spice it up!
    PaddyOBrien likes this.
  5. Leopold

    Leopold Well-Known Member
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    Jul 29, 2017
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    Someone came up with a really great idea in another post that I would like to re-post here.

    I then added this:

    "This is a great idea! The rewards could be adjusted to whatever seems appropriate, but this sort of seems to go along with activities like treasure maps, battle mining and maybe even the zookeeper's quest. The MOBs could be just regular types or maybe even a slight variation that is a bit more rare. This could also get people out in areas that are currently not visited as much because the loot isn't as good (like Ophidians). Maybe some of these "BODs" that are a bit more lucrative could have a list of bosses on them that have to be killed. I hope Chris reads your suggestion here and keeps it in the back of his mind."
  6. Rextacy

    Rextacy Well-Known Member
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    Mar 19, 2017
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    No. They give to way much gold as it is in my opinion. Can rake in so much money easily your first day here if you know what your doing.

    Edit. #4 could be cool if done right
  7. One

    One Well-Known Member
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    Jun 22, 2015
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    Last edited: Feb 3, 2023
    Knightmare and Airin like this.
  8. SneakyT

    SneakyT Renaissance Volunteers
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    May 14, 2012
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    Just the other day a new guy started he worked his bard up to 100 and was ready to go and farm some stuff . He asked for help and I showed him some areas to farm. When saw the gold on the corpse after the first kill I knew how long of a road this guy was about to walk down to GM magery haha. I felt so bad to know this new guy was about to work for 80 hours. Yo GM magery. He was failing with the gm instrument so much that I went and gave him a repond, harp and then 100k plus a small house to macro in.

    I know in cant do that for everyone but point is he isn't new to uo. And I know it was going to take a long time to get any really decent cool stuff. I dunno man like I said i understand you can make gold but as in l posted originally farming is the slowest way to do it.
  9. wylwrk

    wylwrk Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2015
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    I don't care how it happens but hunting outside the protection of instanced "events" should garner the greatest rewards possible.

    I suppose that could be regulated by the players though, the more I think about it. You know... dump more plat in the system again.

    Gavyn Lughna, BlackEye and One like this.
  10. Rextacy

    Rextacy Well-Known Member
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    Mar 19, 2017
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    I mean honestly anyone can start a new mage, get rid of young status and go to areas and cast bladespirits on no magic mobs until they get magery and thier bard skills up when their afk. Drake's in destard, artic ogres in ice and t2a, ratmen in rat valley, or orc forts, occlo dungeon ect. He might not be new to UO like many others but you need to learn the lay of the land. If ya do it right you can make 100k easy first day on shard
    Hadrian and RavenMagi like this.
  11. Melochabre

    Melochabre Well-Known Member
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    Aug 24, 2013
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    I agree with Wylwrk that the greatest rewards ought to come from non-instanced content (the greater the risk, the greater the reward).

    I like the idea of a monster bounty, system. Rewards could be a random slayer of that type, or some plat/gold.

    I very selfishly feel that the top boss killers for a year should be given one of that bosses trophy (then I can stop killing the damned Revenant!)
    Gavyn Lughna, Valrick and BlackEye like this.
  12. Eugen

    Eugen Active Member

    Apr 11, 2014
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    Something like BODs for slaying monsters would be sweet, anything that drives people out of their houses and into dungeons.
  13. Arnold Lutz

    Arnold Lutz Well-Known Member

    Dec 9, 2013
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    #1 and #2 are a little much in my opinion. It's less about how much they drop vs. How much gold there is being passed around on an old shard.

    Leading us to #3, some sort of gold sink is a good idea. Not sure how it relates to monster killing now, it's a way long exhausting topic that needs to happen.

    #4 I am a very big fan of. I like ideas/goals the help promote killing. I'm a big follower of the PVM boards as I'm sure others are. I always try and kill only for the boards and personal small goals.

    Weather it's achievements like fishing or Tmaps . Or a monster bod system. Or kill quest. Or an even more elaborate pvm boards with filter settings to break down by type or specific monsters showing like top 50. Any of these types of things I feel could help promote killing.
    Gavyn Lughna and BlackEye like this.
  14. wylwrk

    wylwrk Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2015
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    Simply having a simple goal/objective to hit inspires activity.

    I mean, think of it like this...

    Did you know you could be a semi-celebrity by the end of tomorrow should you decide you'd like to be known as the #1 dolphin killer?
    Imagine the day you'd have as you seek and destroy every annoying flippy sumbitchin' glorified tuna fish sammich in the sea?
    Imagine further that you worked your cooking skills while out at sea by controlled campfire on the deck?
    Now, brace yourself... imagine after you become #1 dolphin killer you return to shore and sell CELEBRITY ENDORSED gourmet dolphin steaks at a premium?!?

    Who wouldn't want that? Eh? Anyone?!? ANYONE?!?
  15. Nusir

    Nusir Well-Known Member
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    Sep 3, 2017
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    I'd be interested in collecting titles with the ability to toggle between them on a small GUI.
    titles rewarded from completing events or being #1 slayer of one of the top 10 mobs and maybe some fun ones for silly things like cats, wondering healers, sparrows etc.

    The Glorious Lord Nusir, Wild Feline Slayer.
    RavenMagi and BlackEye like this.
  16. Twister

    Twister Well-Known Member
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    Nov 26, 2017
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    I hope you guys realize that prices on most items (except the ones that can be conveniently bought from NPCs e.g. regs) will raise accordingly as a result of gold drop increase. So, crafters gonna craft, gatherers gonna gather. Plat price is also going to raise, so instances might stay just as lucrative as today. Fishing might go down a bit, but it's connected to AMIB prices, so I'm not sure about this either.
    Rextacy likes this.
  17. RIN

    RIN Well-Known Member
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    Jan 4, 2017
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    In my opinion, you should do what you like and find to be fun. Let any money that comes as a result do so at its own rate. If you hit the ground running looking to max out your gold/hr, you're going to get burned out.
  18. BlackEye

    BlackEye Well-Known Member
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    Nov 24, 2014
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    The incentive to farm right now is too low in my opinion. I'd rather see the other methods to earn gold be nerfed. All AMIBs, BODs, instanced maps etc that are out there should rather drop event coins or platinum and gold could remain farming-only.

    This way the value of gold would rise without increasing the amount that drops per monster.

    All the above mentioned ideas are great too: I'd love titles, or statues, or special monster-only drops that are super rare.

    I once suggested to use the Tamer Quest scroll monsters for non-tamers too: By killing the special quest monsters people could get some kind of tamer scroll like benefit, except that it is a bounty-quest or by adding virtue to one of the unused virtues. This way the established tamer system could be re-used for dexxers/bounty hunters too and it would generate more conflict in the areas where the tamer monsters spawn leading to more PvP (= good).
    Valrick, Rextacy, One and 1 other person like this.
  19. Melochabre

    Melochabre Well-Known Member
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    Aug 24, 2013
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    I use the tamer scroll to create a mini game for myself. I hop on my dexxer and hunt down all the names in the scroll. Everyone should try it!
    BlackEye likes this.
  20. Lightshade

    Lightshade Well-Known Member
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    Sep 12, 2013
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    I think farming would be more lucrative simply by expanding the number of spawn locations overworld. There are many spots where this could be done. Poison Ele's at the swampy waterfall, daemons/balrons at a fire pit, etc....

    Made up a thread that talked about it and other things even:

    Currently, I just think its too easy for a group of reds to wreck someone's farming day with the limited number of spawn points. If I didn't feel bad about killing people and taking all their stuff i'd be a PK. Its easy IMO. That, in conjunction with the other avenues for making money, kind of leaves traditional farming out in the cold. Though, just adding more spots wouldn't, by itself, be enough. The spots would have to be somewhat difficult to get to and somewhat easy to run away from. That was why I always started with the unused spaces of T2A. There were extra steps to recall to those places and it was wide open with more opportunity to flee when confronted.

    As it is, people are always going to pick the safest way to farm money with the highest return. With instances and other such things, you either have to add/increase incentives to farming as was mentioned above, or make it less likely to get wrecked by a 5 man wrecking ball. Doing both would be preferable. Otherwise, the math just works out that people will do other things when they get more established.

    I did like the idea of more random drops and as i've mentioned in other threads.....everything should have a boss.....everything should have an item drop....everything should have a weapon drop....everything should have a statue if it exists in the client artwork. Heck, make every creature have an entire named ensemble that has a random chance of one item from it dropping. I would assume that the hinds ensemble would be along the line of a woodsman's guide or something to that effect....and so on...

    That collectible aspect/incentive alone will get more people farming and really does nothing to hurt the game. Just spices it up and is rather easy to add by piggy-backing off of existing code.

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