Noob Question About Multiple Characters/Accounts

Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by g000p, Nov 27, 2020.

  1. g000p

    g000p New Member

    Nov 27, 2020
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    Hello, everyone! I am completely new to UO; just started playing two days ago. I never even played back in the day and it's... a lot to get my head around. For the most part I've found the information I need through the guides on this site and a few others dedicated to other shards, but I've had trouble finding information about using multiple characters. It seems like using multiple characters is commonplace but I'm a little confused on the details of how they interact.

    I plan on making two characters that work in tandem - a sneaky treasure hunter and a crafter. I'm hoping to use the money I make treasure hunting to fund my crafting. A few related questions:
    1. Can I easily transfer gold/gear/resources between my characters?
    2. Do my characters need to be on different accounts to transfer stuff?
    3. Do both characters have to be logged in at the same time or can I, say, drop off a bunch of junk in a place where only I can access it (like a house, when I build one) and then pick it up with my other character?
    I realize the answers to my questions are probably out there but I'm having trouble finding them. Answers here or a link to a relevant guide or something would be much appreciated.

    Thanks in advance for any help. I'm trying to find out what I can on my own but I'm discovering this game is pretty deep and I'm having a little trouble planning things out. For what it's worth I'm having fun so far! Never been so excited to AFK a character all day and check their gains periodically (currently training Hiding & Stealth, getting ready to sneak through some dungeons).
    Buga likes this.
  2. FisuUO:R

    FisuUO:R Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2019
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    First of all welcome! A new player to the whole game is not a common sight. For that I advise you joining Discord: - Its the chat room for UOR people and answers/help will come faster!


    Answering all at once. You can log up to 3 players at the same time and the most common way of sharing stuff between them is through a house that all can access. If you dont have a house yet, you can trade between them (the common trade window). Items inside a house dont decay, ever, so you can drop something inside and have access to it any other time with a different character.
    Some resources are heavy for normal trade but in every bank you have a Minter npc that sells Commoditty Deeds, that turn big and heavy stack of resources into a single deed. But, you can only claim back those resources at bankbox, so, if you ever wish to move a big pile of items, you will need to do the Moongate hop (This is, having a macro that double clicks a moongate, so you can grab the pile of items, hit the hotkey and travel through the moongate to, lets say, your house doorstep and lock it down, for example)
    g000p likes this.
  3. g000p

    g000p New Member

    Nov 27, 2020
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    Thank you! You answered all my questions and a few others I had but didn't bother to ask lol. Super helpful, I appreciate it.
  4. AlexCCCP

    AlexCCCP Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    Aug 27, 2012
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    Welcome to UOR
    UOR is best bro
  5. Buga

    Buga Well-Known Member

    Sep 11, 2015
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    Welcome! You have a lot of great things to discover, you may hit a wall here and there but don't give up, it's frustrating sometimes but so much rewarding too!

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