I'm just glad to see we're keeping it tasteful.
I'm just joking about you not considering yourself a wealthy veteran (you are.) You have ethereals, blessed runebooks, and 1st anni sandals. Last...
Don't wear your blue 1st anniversary sandals to court, Pax. I don't follow this argument. Actually, I think it's just a bad argument altogether....
Make a new thread in trash talk if you like blaise. I don't want to take this one further off course.
Man this post is crammed with hyperbole. He was camping a small tower sized plot by himself for ten hours and was annoyed that the server vets...
Blaise is friends with the idocers so he's here to defend them, that's the bottom line. He will counter with some self righteous crap but it's the...
this is the part where we shit talk the guy because he said he was quitting
[22:57:13]<Airframer> Mes you can have this shard. Im done here. Later. Free Houses in Glow, 2 screens from gate. who wants them? thx bro plenty...
I agree with you. Its a moot point and macing could use some help. I'm for adding crushing blow to staves.
Do it pussy
Ask Xeg she is too nice to refuse you. (What a wimp)
smoothin it over by rolling out the alt accounts with some killshots of the guy par for the course
Right I'm responding to Loxness who said: Yeah those weapons certainly had crushing blow before AOS (I can't find an exact date but a lot of the...
While I still think that crushing blows from staves are not era accurate, I agree that giving them crushing blow can do nothing but help a currently...
I think that all 2h macing weapons that aren't staves got crushing blow. Which is only the war hammer. I don't believe any staff ever had crushing...
I don't recall anything but the war hammer having crushing blow.
We have?
Well some people just prefer a classic looking server with very little neon vanity items. To each his own. The lack of items like that was one of...
While i agree that we jumped the shark on trammel at some point in time- the faction war horses are equally ugly vanity mounts that serve little...
spoiler alert noone gets shit
Separate names with a comma.