Ne'rull all the 20 years I have known you are an amazing story teller, wether it be ingame or written. You should so more of it. I love to read...
Let me know if you still need pieces. I have a bag of some of the outfits. I have prior to this past years. I missed last year's event.
Awesome movie Ne'rull. Happy 20th Anniversary :)
I bough 75 darks last year's and everyone wanted to be ok charge 40 to 50k per for them. If I resell mine, they won't be any cheaper.
Just don't do it
If you need help doing the event, shoot me a pm if I am around. I do not need a slot or anything.
I also nominate Captain Morgan to push the button
I tried to put a tower there before the log behind it, and also tried on test. It would not work for me. The overhang would be over the road
great deal
Very good re-read
I snooped him last night too. Did you get the three eggs in the pouch?
So true! ^
Xuthahug/Xuth is the new leader of Bloodrock. He is thirsty for blood and wants to do events and have fun with other orcs. Most of us have played the...
NOOOGRAAAAAAHHHH! Ta Xuth! mai uu leeb bluddi traylz ull obur!!!!!!!!
Uruks frum ull hai's kaym tu cee diz evunt thad duz nub happen ta obtun. Diz ez saykred uruk cereemuni ob whun uruk leedur pazzez down klerg unta...
Where be all these new home owners?
It was tempting
if you clicked on those tombstones you would see some are of players that have died. No Halloween spawn happens in here.
Welcome back Westra, glad things are better. :)
Separate names with a comma.