Alex I think i won the silver sword weps, can you meet tonight?
Mindless it was the easiest way for me to organize the chest full of wands I somehow hoarded :D
Sword Silvers - 25k
Congrats to Amfekk! I'm going to be on in about an hour, I'll look for you in Irc. Smooth trade, thanks again. Good luck out there!
Bump for last 12 hours
I'm going to change the ending time to 24 hours after final bid as 48 hours seems kind of steep for wands. Good luck all thanks for bidding!
Hi All, I have a small collection of wands I need to get rid of. Quantities are below, i would like to sell this as a lot but if there is no...
Is this over? I woke up and everyone was dead. Either way thank you so much for putting this on, such a great community on this server!
Is the timeline still April 1st(ish)?
Current Projects: I recently placed a Large Tower and i'm working on decorating. I am trying to finish my LJ/PVP character (95 LJ right now) while...
I don't understand how people have this much gold.
M - (bag of maps) B/O AK - (bag of axes) 50k sorry captain is already there I withdraw
Bag N (4,5,6 t maps - 110k)
Captain are these still for sale?
Thanks Hala, I wasn't sure if there was still open plots. I appreciate the love haha
B/O now set to 500k before pulling off the market, tough crowd! :D
Bump, B/O Dropped to 525k
Hi All, I have a Tower for sale north of Trinsic and just West of the swamp-lands. It looks as if there may be room for something bigger if a Tower...
Bump, anyone willing to sell @ 3k each?
Separate names with a comma.