The only people I've ever met in my life to be too scared for a simple 1v1 all have one thing in common, they love that molten core raid!
please keep this discussion for Ultima online only. No one wants to see your 25 man world of warcraft molten core raids
If you want some help getting started with regs and etc let me know so you can get action ASAP
Lololol all I wanted out of life today is to be reminded how much yall talk and simultaneously suck massive whale Wang Thank you! by the way if you...
at work I'll be home in a couple hours
would you be willing to back anything your saying in game or can we just leave this at your a newb?
Again thank you. If you need some help with pvp on uo I can show you how it's done as I'd like to return the favor!
I've been meaning to say I think all sl members are English majors. thanks for adding in commas and periods for me, seriously. Fucking phone...
I wish... he wouldn't 1v1 or 2v1.. why do you think I'm here trashing em
Fuck man I typed vegeta and was like wait no it's raditz, now I gotta watch the entire saga again thx
Yeah, here.. who the fudge are you?
pretty funny.. we fight minax and tb anytime both of us have numbers.. and you do not know the definition of starting a fight lol Watch I'll prove...
What that's it everyones just gonna stop talking? Typical sl tactic
yeah.... just inform us then all I'm saying is it's boring as fuck waiting for SL to come out but take napa's advice and find out for yourself
Lol, well shit..
Sweet man we can use that here its quite the opposite how people do it here.. sl has a 25 man raid once a week to whichever factioner they catch solo
Welcome! Make sure yall join factions in due time or hit the dueling pits at least so we can get some action going! ps. Just don't join sl or if you...
Fuck I'm late I didn't know there was a post about this.. but anyway how do you fuckers troll somebody for a week and get mad when he sais aight fuck...
There's that many new tamers!?
Separate names with a comma.