Looking to sell this large brick in Turtle Bay! just a few screens away from the water and the Duel pit gate! B/O 250k! plat @5k per NO HC!
WTT/WTS 1x Decaying Bone Legs 1x Corrupted Plate Arms WTB 1x Pitted Bone Chest 1x Corrupted Chest pending 1x Corrupted Legs 1x Corrupted Gorget...
Sb map
BO Cow
bump SB reduced
SB 1.5m 24/24 (Auction will close after 24 hours if no bids) No HC Plat accepted at 5k per
3gp 1 fish steak
last bump
http://www.uorenaissance.com/itemdetails/RareSkull2/1AE3/1 http://www.uorenaissance.com/info/TempleGuard <<<<< His spear or a skull? your choice!...
Xx-GoD-xX For both
Plat ? Hc?
I vote leave it the way it is!
Separate names with a comma.