S/B 185 platinum
Advise if you're open to it: Hold this item until people have access to more gold/items you may want. As Salick mentioned, many are holding out of...
Maybe a better fix for it would be adding 'item bless deed' to faction instead of having to use a charge itself?
If you want to use a dexxer for PvP the faction system already allows you to bless runic exceptional weapons. This system is built in already....
Would like this buy this apron or cloth to make it. [IMG] PM offers or reply here. Thank you.
"I value these at 4,000gp because of how many there are bump" Awesome mask. Wish I had the coinage.
Sorry for the pushback on your event last night due to the Harrower. I will donate 30 platinum to your efforts!
By the public — For the public! [IMG] Come get your platinum on tonight at 10pm EST while we take on the end-game boss, "The Harrower" Meet up at...
What genuine conversation are you trying to have? You're blatantly accusing a player of using GM powers against you/your group without any proof.
And you're not in TnT? The OPs guild? Where do you stand on all of this? You clearly buy-in to whatever imaginary what ifs he lays out. Do you have...
In-accurate and a stretch. PS has nothing to do with Bow. Just a blatant slap in the face to the work that Keza/PS does plus an attempt to...
The only one providing this perception is you. Without facts. Because they don't exist. It's illusionary and grasping at straws.
Find where I've implied any of that. First, nobody deleted posts. It's in review while Chris is moving so he can address it accordingly. You being...
Who cares that volunteers play? How is that affecting you? Much prefer them to have an understanding of the game and community rather than make...
Should be known by now you have no interest other than profit off your sob stories of needing something someone else has.
200 doublet
Separate names with a comma.