Our king shall return and our shard will live on. Stay strong UOR. Fuck Outlands. *screams freedom*
PK Telamon in front of his son
Get your Christmas swag on. [ATTACH]
[ATTACH] 35M Gold only. Thank thee.
I'll be there buddy first round is on SOF's tab
I've been collecting and saving my holiday coins for over 2 years now in hopes of an epic Christmas reward shop this year. Huge bummer they havent...
Thank thee to my secret Santa! [ATTACH]
Bummer thank thee.
Hail any word yet on this years rewards?
There will be hell to pay if I dont get my trophy soon
Who won? ;)
Hope you can fly a plane better than you can pvp ;) Farewell and thanks for the fights.
Fare thee well M'lord your name will always be remembered here.
Do not worry we will return one day. UOR will always be our home. ;)
Three years ago I google searched "free ultima online shard" I scrolled through the options a bit and clicked on a link to UO Renaissance and have'nt...
3 gp
Paying in gold/plat/hcoins. PM or Reply. Thank thee.
Separate names with a comma.