When I missed a jump in Super Mario World, I would 100% sacrifice Yoshi to save my own ass. I can always get another Yoshi!!
Hey guys, sorry for the late reply. It's 24 hours for more than one bid, 48 hours if there is only a single bid. To the eventual winner: I have...
[ATTACH] SB: 10M NO: No BO yet, but I may set one! 24/48 I am looking for gold, only gold. Platinum is worthless.
I mean, it's 60k plat. It took the original plat train a year to make 47k, which was divvied up among a ton of players. It would not be easy to churn...
The teleporters are going to end up being a small niche market. Allowing us to use them, say to get from the steps to the roof of a fort, would...
The teleport tiles: will these strictly go from house to house (east-west) or could they be used within a house too (east-west, north-south, up-down)?
you have it highlighted with your cursor, what hue is it?
Even with player villages, people refreshing houses for players who haven't been around in years, players holding onto houses for value or trolling,...
These were sold, sorry @Ermey , you were a little late.
I own two forts. One that is my main and another which I hold onto for value (much like some hold onto hcoin, plat, or rares). I am very gold poor...
I've been so out of the pvp game that I wouldn't even know who to tag on this auction, let your friends know! @Pax Romain ? lol
3 Bags: 124 Greater Healing Wands, 620 charges: SB 550k 124 Mana Drain Wands, 3720 charges: SB 180k 124 Lightning Wands, 2480 charges: SB 120k...
This has to be a newer bug that hasn't made its way around the community yet. I've been sitting idle in my CY for weeks and nothing. If this bug is...
mibs bo
I've been on the this server for too long.. the same complaints from 3 years ago are recycling.
At this point I don't think anything you do to Harrowers is going to undo the damage done to the value of platinum. The damage is done, I think the...
What a steal. Grats Horno! BTW I believe this belonged to Blaise before Sneaky, I could be wrong.. I'm about 90%ish certain.
- Monsters spawned from special fishing nets will now properly decay in 24 hours. Probably the best change right here.
ShadowJack is out there somewhere literally shitting a small child because of the lack of thief statistics. Nice work sooshy!
Do you guys lose sleep at night because people AFK in town? Sea C Avenger has been AFK in Skara since the day I started here and I would bet my left...
Separate names with a comma.