After item insurance came out I lost respect for UO... it was just a downard spiral after that.
That's how I describe UO to the younger generation of MMOers. They will never have any idea what it is like to get faceraped and all the belongings...
He was my ex-fiances (Pride in the pic) good friend, I didn't care for him. Lol!! Good guess.
on an old hard drive. I had hundreds if not thousands of screen shots. Unfortunately most got lost over the years, these are among a few I was able...
Catskills 97-2004 Mondain (Haly/Mage) - Account banned for scamming/hacking GimmieDaLewts (Thief) - Account banned for scamming/hacking Achiliies...
After I ran some tests it seems that having a young status while going to the dock area of the pirate camp some pirates will aggro on you, once you...
Been using that guide for years lol. Works well in almost every era
Been on both sides of that spectrum, had my house looted and been a looter. It's the way the game goes, just gotta suck it up and go back to...
What are your stats for a build like that? I would imagine sacrificing dex hurts archery speed and sacrificing int hurts mana pool.
That's all I want back, is the old school male and female death sounds.
I'm assuming this is also why I sometimes only hit for 4-5 damage on a mummy or bone knight using a silver battleaxe of power with 80+ swords,...
Nice catch. I definitely have noticed a problem with melee combat damage,but just assumed it was part of the server settings to try and balance...
Be happy that OSI fixed this to the way it is now, because before T2A you would lose Karma for that, even if the person didnt die. From 0 karma and...
If you only want to keep working on your mage for now while using your magery skills at the same time, I recomend the route that works for me. If you...
I tried the sync hot key, sometimes it works for me, sometimes it doesn't =(
Double post. Please delete this reply.
The best scam I had running and made me millions was the vendor rune price switch scam. you'd advertise a house for sale, when someone showed...
THAT looks like it was an awesome time and would've loved to be there and help.
While I think it's a little silly, I just take the good with the bad. No shard will ever be perfect and you just have to let some things go....
At that time, I believe the nobles also gave murder counts and a player would turn red after killing a certain amount, no? Edit: Maybe it was just...
Separate names with a comma.