Large keep south of Trinsic for sell. B/O: 1 mil Sold to Vella [ATTACH]
thx for the run. gratz of your knights box, bone container and mask of the wilds!
Pacific: 07-01 POT HEAD. I was one of the (if not the only) Red who was a tamer also with lord title. i also ran shadow lords for some time Siege...
stealth is an easy skill to work up i justed used this guide / most thinking can be worked up via this...
At this point i don't have a guild to run the quest with :( ("i am all alone in this world and i have no one sir!") so i could use the help from some...
lol. he replaced it with a moongate. so no more getting stuck in the ground
nice. heres a pic for a fellow chrono fan :) [ATTACH]
WTS Tamer quest bond slots. When: 9/20 Saturday @ 8 P.M. E.S.T. (5 P.M. P.S.T.) Cost: 100k per slot Items Reserved: Knights Strong Box Tips...
WTB [ATTACH] Rocks (Pile) ACQUIRED ty Infantry [ATTACH] OR [ATTACH] Blood Tile (large) IRC: POTHEAD
WTB [ATTACH] Marble (large) X1 [Acquired] [ATTACH] Stone Chair X2 IRC: POTHEAD
So did this item just go for s/b? If so ill just keep mine...
10 blond slots @ 100k each and the box @ 400k are guaranteed. That on top of the chance at the mask, painting, trophies, plat and green meat. And...
Want to sell clothing bless deed. 80k each IRC: POTHEAD SOLD
Want to Buy a few pillow recovered from a shipwreck listed below [ATTACH] x1 [ATTACH] x3 (or x2) IRC: POTHEAD
Forum Name: POTHEAD Character Name: POTHEAD
WTB 2 Agapite small piles of ore! IRC: POTHEAD [ATTACH] - Acquired Valrite! TY Cirith [ATTACH] - Acquired Verite! TY Cirith [ATTACH]...
^ Still have 32
Separate names with a comma.