Da Uruk fakshun!!!!! HOHOHOHO!!!!
I use AndChat,works well for me.....
Pulse did you download the irc app? I can use irc fine on my verizon phone........
Also if you get married your house automatically gets a small addition with 1 secure and 3 lockdowns labelled "the Doghouse" used as the...
I approve this message.......now pick a caller to call targets and clomp those buhrnt umies!!!!!
Just remember to skip the first part to where they actually go to the spawn.....otherwise you may fall asleep!!!!
I think you have your INT and DEX mixed up......
umies nub kan fahrm uruks........uruks fahrm umies!!!!!!
not sure how the HP are figured on dragons but the one I sold today with 825 str only had 815 HP.......
o noes someone wont see your kills.......OFF WITH HIS HEAD!!!!!!
If we are on we will be there
Science rules!!
under the "more options" tab in razor there is a box to check that says "Automatically open doors"
lol.....Vlar is not an orc.....Var is the orc,and anyone can enter this.Vlar is an orc poser!!!!!
thats actually my sound for text messages.......its an MP3 I wonder how hard it would be to put that in.......lol
Pretty sure that whatever you call it all the posts are going to end up in trash talk with Blaise posting.........lol
No,also no PEDs....(Pet Enhancing Drugs....)
Ning you are good to go.
Thank you again all of you that donated time effort and resources to this.I dont think Ive ever seen public events to help people as much as I see...
Ill be playing in Vegas the first week of october.Already met a few gaming friends last year when I went,Im always up for meeting more!!
Separate names with a comma.