I'd prefer any new lands to not allow, or at least severely restrict housing. Some real wilderness that isn't the lumpy puke style of most of the...
That's an odd one. I could only suggest UO maybe thinks they're NPC shopkeeper impersonation attempts with the 'Mage' part of the name?
There's no rules against having duplicate names. To be Generic Player it is usually offensive, Chris, or has other server name in it.
For better or worse most UOR communications are in here nowadays - https://discord.com/invite/9JtUTdP L-Shape will cost so little over deed that...
Still carrying 105 charges of Fort Powder. 185 105 45 Charges of Fortification Powder @950gp per charge (Jars of 5, 10 & 15 charges stocked). A...
To whom? There is no higher authority than Her Maj and I am her self appointed representative on UOR.
I'd have to be a right mong to actually report a joke thread offering a bit of cardboard for 5 mill gp. I'm disappointed, I thought my superior...
Fucking hell you deleted it? Lack of a sense of humour [x] reported o_O
Offering RL goods for gold. [X] Reported
How are we putting sparkles in thread titles? I need to know this, for future annoyance of the UOR users.
Just stocked Granville with - 185 Charges of Fortification Powder @950gp per charge (Jars of 5, 10 & 15 charges stocked). A Daemon Bone @10k...
Can always use an extra house burden. I'm in.
Earsnot's name and avatar turn my stomach a little, but he's cool so I live with it.
I want to build something like this - [ATTACH] But perhaps with a few more flowers. And tbh I could lose the Unicorn mating nest.
Most people are bad at it or can't be bothered with it. I can choose to leave a poor karaoke performance, but poor looking housing blots the...
For every nicely built house there would be another ten visual abortions blotting the landscape. So, somewhat unfortunately, hopefully it'll never...
C: From Santa's Ride Hue 1193 Polar Bear Pelt: 300 BO
SB 750k
Now with lockpick skill training sets and training dummy/pick pocket's dip. Updated pics in first post.
Separate names with a comma.