Okay... American's have such an.... interesting version of English.
Blaise was that a bid? 30k.
Kane, I'm a BOD'er and I have no prob's feeding the Ingot Monster. Of course I'm only flipping about 150 a week so far, but I'm building up a...
Recall Mining still has a Place in our world when it's not being abused. If I need Val Ore I will recall around to the spots that I can get that ore....
Hound, Totally a separate issue. Thats due to the rarity of Hammers. You want the price to go down, Get your smith Flipping Bods hard and fast. Flood...
Increasing the easy of getting Ingots will just continue to depress the market further making people even less willing to buy them. That will just...
El Horno: Your right, My Math was off. 40k would be correct. But I don't use Slayers, Just some Vanq's. Just me Playing driving 3 Char's at once. And...
Okay, this thread has had me twitching but I wanted Hard data before I commented. In the "Go Old Days" you would be lucky to average 1-2k Ingots an...
Profiles refresh approx every 2 hours. If you look at the bottom of the Char Page it shows you last update time
The only change I would like to see is a Gold Sink to increase Secure and Lockdown storage. Not a Monthly "Maintence Fee" mind you, Just a MASSIVE...
Currently the only option is the equip the item then wait for your Char's Webpage to update. :(
Anyone know how much Fame you gain from doing BODs?
When using Arms Lore (and Yes I GM'd to make sure it wasn't a skill level issue) I do not receive the second message indicating the Max Durability....
Telamon Asked me to post about this when I discussed it with him in IRC which is what got the ball rolling, so yes I suspect he is planning something...
I care not for the colors of the Gloves, I am pointing out the fact that the Ingot Return on Smelted items is not as I remember it... In basic terms,...
No other crafters going to comment on this? I'm surprised. :(
I don't know it was always this way but my memory says it was... The following is taken from UOGuide and the oldest reference I can find is: Feb...
Updated numbers as skills have increased.... Waiting for patch to hit and will update again. :)
Thanks, It wasn't in today's patch, Guessing Chris wasn't able to get it ready in time.
Hey folks, Been here for a month and have noticed something. Mining Skill checks for pulling Ore are based on Real Skill vs Displayed, by my memory...
Separate names with a comma.