Provoking monsters onto players would giving a pure bard the desperately needed offense. Otherwise you only can run/recall/hide away. There should of...
Re: Renaissance Hosting Change - Tentatively 11/28/12 Will this change improve the pings in europe (germany) as well?. Currently I am at 200-300 ms.
Me too. Well thought out, Gideon.
Re: Renaissance Halloween Night of Horrors Event 10/24 to 11 ... with starting time e.g. in cst and gmt. Good idea, Wulver.
Using a fire horn burns 15 sulfurous ash. I wonder if this was intended because i remember reading that 4 sulfourus ash were required for each blow.
...very exciting, looking impatiently forward to this :D.
Very good guide, thank you Mutombo. As discordance has the same training methods as provocation it should be possible to train at moonglow zoo to the...
+1 @ Luminary.
Re: Renaissance Halloween Festivities 10-23 to 11-7 ... @ Chris: I am from germany (central +7 = local time). At 8pm local (1pm central) would be...
Be prepared and consider to lose something or even everything because thats a part of uo. It's also a part of ou to learn from it and do it better...
Would be cool, when the trees, grass etc would change it's appearance as seasons passing by. Right now it is snowing but trees still have leaves and...
There are as well some issues reported with tracking.
GMed with 100 hiding and 14AR with a full studded armor (gorget, sleeves, gloves, leggings and tunic) in about 1-2 days from 80. Maybe your AR is too...
I was just a little bit bored so I made this macro. What it does is target the last target and arms lore it. It then reads the skill response...
Ok, agree in some point with you. Riding a bear feels more era accurate but maybe looks just as funny as riding a beetle. Whats about shire horses or...
Ridig bears sounds great. At least brown or black bears could be tamed and used as pack bears. Polar bears and grizzlies may behave too agressive for...
riding beetles just feels ... erm ... not right, at least not for me. Otherwise a pet comparable to the beetle could be a good addition for crafters...
Very good addition. This is gonna be a great shard to play.
Separate names with a comma.