Tapestry and bear rug and ladders Runebooks not included.
Forrest troll, Blood Ele - Golem- All for 2 mill [ATTACH]
since there isnt anyone else on the island right now I would think around 50 mil
BO added for bulk
Send me some reasonable offers FOR THE ENTIRE PACKAGE! [ATTACH]
can you post a video of each dragon killing something? i need to make sure these are not friendly dragons
FIRST WITH GOLD GETS IT! All prices are listed... BO only. Elvish Tome 2 MIll BO - [ATTACH] MASK OF THE WILDS - 3 mill BO. Hue 1845...
Nightmares 3.3 mill each ( both for 6 mill) Runebooks 1.6 each Some dyed. First come first serve
200 Holiday Coins 700k
Selling as a set B0 1 mill [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Taming scroll 1.5
SB 1 GP BO 2 mill [ATTACH]
1048 available \
Separate names with a comma.