Updated with new animals and pricing. Thanks!
PureOne, 1 Dark Wolf, 1 King Scorp sold. Updated lists. Thank you to those who purchased!
Updated! Took off all completed sales and added a plethora of new merch; enjoy!
50k B if available still
@Yehoshua @PPP Haven't heard from either of you in about a week. You alive? Check your inbox or your animals will go back up for sale. Thanks :)
Ty for all the pec meat!
Bump ;)
45k :)
Yep! Everything not crossed out is still available. Thank you for confirming!
I'll take it if it's still available. Thanks!
Ill take the last Dec 2nd. If anymore spots open up let me know :)
^ updated
Put a couple more Mares on sale, 2 Majestic Harts, and 1 Savage Ostard. Again, I'm brand new and tried to look up pricing of other sales. If it's...
Thank you guys for all the interest. Have updated all bids in top section. Cheers!
Lol not me, I am TooLegit on IRC as well :)
@RMarc69 will also be able to confirm. Thank you guys <3
Holy crap! I cannot thank you enough <3. I have made friends with a few veterans in my few weeks here so far. @Goblinchild if you can confirm the...
Sounds good! Thank you for the opportunity again Air. That was awesome of you!
D. 40k
Separate names with a comma.