70 Magery or 100 Magery for a Warrior template?

Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by Foxhound3857, Mar 1, 2020.

  1. One

    One Well-Known Member
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  2. Foxhound3857

    Foxhound3857 Member

    Mar 1, 2020
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    I'll probably take Archery then. I don't really have a use for anything above 6th circle spells so 25 Int should be all I need. I'm considering 40 just to open up the option for two successive 6th circle spells or casting Gate, but that would be it. And since Halberds are better than Warhammers, I should probably switch to Swords if I'm going to use Archery too...

    (I hope Lumberjacking doesn't give Axes a bonus here...)

    At the very least, I could use it as a finishing tool so I wouldn't have to chase things down and risk aggroing more. And, if needed, a kiting tool for fighting things too risky to engage toe to toe.

    Meanwhile, I'll give those links you provided a read. Learning this server and its differences from classic T2A is important right now.
    Last edited: Mar 2, 2020
  3. One

    One Well-Known Member
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  4. Foxhound3857

    Foxhound3857 Member

    Mar 1, 2020
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    Heh, well then, since I'll be fighting a lot of Ore Elementals then, maybe I will stick with Macefighting and Parrying. Ore Elementals have a lot of armor I'm guessing, so Macefighting should help soften them up during combat.

    Thank for for the tidbit about Int and Mind Blast btw. I'll definitely raise Int to 40+ in that case.

    So maybe something like this:

    100 Strength
    80 Dexterity
    45 Intelligence
    GM Macefighting
    GM Tactics
    GM Anatomy
    GM Healing
    GM Parrying
    GM Resisting Spells
    70 Magery
    30 Meditation

    70 Magery would give 99% success with Greater Heal, Arch Cure and Recall via reagents, and 99% success with 6th tier scrolls, namely Mark and Invisibility, and would allow the use of Gate scrolls with persistence. Blade Spirit also becomes an option to help with more difficult enemies. 30 Med should be sufficient Mana regen with light armor. Maybe I'll go for Horned Leather like you recommended. Or is it Spined?

    Is there a guide anywhere that formulates how Magery skill correlates with the effectiveness of Greater Heal and Cure/Arch Cure? I'm wondering how high Magery needs to be to cure specific levels of Poison in particular.
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  5. One

    One Well-Known Member
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  6. Foxhound3857

    Foxhound3857 Member

    Mar 1, 2020
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    Barbed leather is something I remember from the AoS era. But I'm seeing Spined Leather in Renaissance, and I know that wasn't in T2A era, that's what I meant. Does Spined Leather (and whatever leather is given by dragons, I'm guessing Horned?) give better defense than regular leather here?

    Would 75 Dex suffice on a Warrior template? I always had the impression that there was a big difference in swing speed between the 50 and 80 breakpoints, and everything in between is irrelevent.

    And if I do end up dropping Parry for Meditation and going the leather route, I'll mainly just be weaving in and out of combat instead of standing toe to toe and eating unnecessary damage (though I'd still use a shield just for the armor boost). I could afford to use something slower in that case, like a War Mace. Or I could rock a Quarterstaff or a Black Staff instead, I forgot that Warhammer isn't my only 2-handed option.
  7. One

    One Well-Known Member
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  8. Pharoah

    Pharoah Well-Known Member

    Jan 2, 2019
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    There's a few ways you can go with a warrior template.

    Hybrid. 8-9 skills is a Hybrid character, mainly warrior mages more so than a Chef/spirit speaker/beggar or something like that.
    70 magery, at least imo and probably a lot of others is about worthless so you might as well go to 100 or at least 90 show real..
    Example of a Hybrid character (decent one) would be...
    GM Weapons skill
    GM tactics
    GM anatomy
    GM Healing
    At least 80 meditation so it regenerates quicker than if you had zilch...
    at least 90-100 magery, 90 is ideal in many ways
    Resist at least 85-90. I personally have not seen that much difference in 90 and 100 resist
    depending which way you go that will leave you with almost worthless point area. so the logical way to go if so would be Hiding but keep it turned up don't lock it, I dont care what anyone says i have had better luck hiding with it turned up even at 25-30 than if locked..

    No eval, Why? No room really. and will be used more for area effect such as blade spirit or extra heals/cures although it still does damage ih no eval *some* but i guess 30-40 eval is a good amount better than 0. I would personally take the hiding though pending what ya wanna do. other alternative is a strait up balanced 7x with eval.

    Stats 90 str 45-50 int 80-90 stamina (Always use agility refresh pots) gives you that boost up to a decent swing speed. Str pots good to!

    Here is another example template of a decent character build that is weapons and magery


    stats are a bit more balanced on this last template

    Hope whatever you make works good for you :) & Welcome to the best UO server in this part of the solar system..
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2020
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  9. Foxhound3857

    Foxhound3857 Member

    Mar 1, 2020
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    With the advice One has given me, I'm thinking:

    100 Strength
    75 Dexterity
    50 Intelligence
    GM Mace Fighting
    GM Tactics
    GM Anatomy
    GM Healing
    GM Resisting Spells
    GM Magery
    GM Meditation
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  10. Pharoah

    Pharoah Well-Known Member

    Jan 2, 2019
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    thats actually a decent template there @Foxhound3857 Only thing about 100 str to me would be that if or when the dude catches a mind blast or 2 its gonna do some decent damage. i would drop the strength to 90 and bring dex up though, that's just coming from my own couple few years of exp from playing around with templates
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  11. One

    One Well-Known Member
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  12. Foxhound3857

    Foxhound3857 Member

    Mar 1, 2020
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    May I ask why you both recommend 90 Strength and 85 Dex instead of 100 and 75? Mind Blast still hitting hard at 50 Int seems like more incentive to go for the full 100HP, and since I'll be weaving in and out of combat relying on insta-hit, swing speed wouldn't be quite as important IMO (and should still be decent at 75 regardless).

    As I understand Mind Blast, it deals damage based on the difference between the casters Int and the targets Int. Strength and Dexterity should be irrelevent.

    Edit: Nevermind. According to Renaissance, it deals damage based on the difference between the targets highest and lowest stats. Apparently by (difference/2).

    So at 90/85/50 It'd be 20 damage normally and 10 if resisted, whereas with 100/75/50 it'd be 25 normally and 12 if resisted.

    Still doesn't seem that bad. I think I'll probably stick to 100 Strength in this case, to maximize weapon damage, HP, and weight capacity in general situations. I would just hope that Feeble Mind (or Curse) + Mind Blast isn't a common opening tactic for PK Mages.

    And I believe One said that War Mace is the heaviest Macefighting weapon available and the only one that cannot be stolen because of its weight? I'm inclined to mainhand that weapon that.
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2020
  13. Foxhound3857

    Foxhound3857 Member

    Mar 1, 2020
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    So,since I'll eventually have GM Magery, rather than relying on Strength or Agility Potions, I'll be using Bless and Arch Protection instead to buff up for more difficult mobs. If applicable, I'll also be using Curse to weaken said mobs before engaging (and maybe Poison if it's worth using).

    Does anybody know the duration of these spells, Bless, Arch Protection and Curse? Doesn't seem to be listed on their respective Renaissance pages.

    I'm also wondering if there's any enemies in the Occlo Dungeon I can fight that drop spell scrolls to start building up my book. I can just barely take on Rat Mages, but it's a very hairy engagement.

    Edit: I just looted a Platinum Coin. What is this?

    Edit 2: If I wear a shield with no Parrying, will it still lose durability from enemy attacks, or will it be ignored. Wondering if any shield is worth the investment without Parrying.
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2020
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  14. Pharoah

    Pharoah Well-Known Member

    Jan 2, 2019
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    i use the greater agility and strength because i like to do the max damage for what my stats are on certain characters. It isnt cheap but with your own alchy it is bearable :)

    Good luck its not that shabby of a build imo..
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  15. Foxhound3857

    Foxhound3857 Member

    Mar 1, 2020
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    I'll save the ones I loot, I may end up using them one day. Bless isn't too effective at 51 Magery, after all, wears off quick.

    Speaking of potions, at 0 Parry, having a Valorite Heater Shield gave me a measly 3 AR, so I'm thinking I may as well just keep that hand free for quick and easy potion chugging.

    So anyway, I'm mostly fighting Rat mages and Earth Elementals right now while I have Young status, banking the gold/regs and using whatever scrolls I get to start filling out my Spellbook. I was going to just run with GM weaponry, but I was able to get a decent mace, Eminently Accurate/Power, for only 500 gold, and its doing serious work. So maybe I'll just invest in affordable magic weapons like that, and/or have those included in armor orders instead of plain GM weapons. A Power weapon and a suit of GM Barbed seems to clock in right around 2k, so I should be able to gear decent for relatively cheap, and I'd be okay with losing that to the occasional PK on dungeon runs.

    I take it when my Barbed Armor wears down I should just vendor it and replace it, and just repair my weapons via deeds?
  16. One

    One Well-Known Member
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  17. Foxhound3857

    Foxhound3857 Member

    Mar 1, 2020
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    There's a vendor just outside of Occlo selling repair deeds for 99 gold each.

    War Hammer it is then, once I get GM Mace/Tactics and can bear the slower speed.

    I'm going to have a macro set for Recall once I start marking runes, so I just hit a button and it will cast Recall and auto-target the one bank rune I'll carry with me. I'll keep a couple of trapped bags to break Para and have Invis hotkeyed as well incase I need to buy enough time to get Recall going. Maybe I should consider Magic Reflection as well. I'm not a PvPer, my first instinct when I see a red enter the screen is to get the hell out of dodge, bank my loot and go do something else, because I know from hard experience that if I go back they'll be either waiting for me, or will have left but will come back soon to check for me again.

    But for the use of potions with a War Hammer, I need to set up a hotkey that unequips the hammer, quickly drinks the chosen potion, then immediately reequips the hammer during combat. I'm not very adept at using Razor so it might take me a while to figure out, and I'd like to do this for healing/buffing spells as well (I.E set a hotkey that autocasts Greater Heal on myself and quickly reequips my weapon afterword).
  18. One

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  20. Foxhound3857

    Foxhound3857 Member

    Mar 1, 2020
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    That settles it then. You and Pharaoh were both right as well, I'm switching between Gazers and Rat Mages right now because both are giving me Resist gains. Both are also using Mind Blast, and it's smacking me around for a good 30 damage each cast, the equivalent of an E-Bolt or Explosion. I think I am gonna drop Strength to 90 and raise Dex to 85 once I cap on stats, I'm seeing this spell too often to just grin and bear it.

    At least they do give semi-consistent Resist gains though. It's been going up more steadily than I expected it to.
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