A dark force vanquished - Village of Paws and Heroes of Sosaria

Discussion in 'The Salty Dog Tavern' started by Jupiter, Sep 12, 2014.

  1. Jupiter

    Jupiter Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2013
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    Adventurers in this tale:
    Lord Ezzenglade
    Lord Mr. Brownstone
    Villis Soln


    Jupiter called the room to silence, “Pacify your minds, and meditate, and ye shall hear the words of the Sapphire Maiden. She will share with you the reason I have called you all here.”

    The visitors who had gathered at the tower Suflare Vitale cleansed their minds, and listened. Slowly and in soothing waves of serenity, her words entered their thoughts.

    “Ye warriors who have harkened to the call of Jupiter, I thank you for gathering here. There is a darkness stirring with great force, however, I know not within which dungeon the evil is spread. I therefore send you into the dungeons to light the torches that have been drenched in the waters of virtue. Their flames will surely end all works of darkness upon which their light should shine.”

    Upon receiving their quest the heroes set out to determine how best to find which dungeon harbored the dreadful force of evil.

    “We shall divide our forces, we shall entrust the forces of fate to guide us to the dungeon that most needs our help!” Jupiter handed a blood ruby to Athena within instructions, “Take your force to the rune library. Offer that gem into the barrel and the clockwork oracle shall take us to where you are needed most. I shall lead the second force afterward in like manner, and certainly we will find this evil and vanquish it!”

    At first all started off, more or less, exactly according to Jupiter’s plan. But within moments of the clockwork oracle opening the oracle, there was a call of alarm from Athena, “Be careful! Fall back! Jupiter hel..” but her cries of alarm were interrupted with a surge of pain felt by all in the party. Villis Soln cried out “I have been slain by a shade!!”

    “Quickly to the portal!,” Jupiter cried to his force, “we must recover them and ensure the torches are lit!” He quickly led his force to the library and through the portal that still lingered. On the other side they were greeted with the forces of a champion of evil!

    “Recover our comrades, vanquish the evil! Fight for light and valor!!!” Jupiter cried out to those who yet stood.

    The champion’s spawn dropped before the warriors’ mighty blows.

    As the final guards of the Swamp of Lies shrieked in defeat, the heroes moved further down into the dungeon. When they reached the chambers of the Dark One, they lit the flames and expunged the evil with the light of truth and virtue.


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