A Knight Indeed..

Discussion in 'The Salty Dog Tavern' started by Oni Neaufire, Apr 28, 2016.

  1. Oni Neaufire

    Oni Neaufire Well-Known Member

    Mar 15, 2014
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    No act is random.​
    Every move one takes requires some thought to direction or purpose.
    And so on this night, this held true...

    Often my travels take me to the sleepy little Hamlet of Cove.
    Not much is ever happening there.
    Some make it a place to bank or to set out on an adventure there.
    Others still use their craft as a miner to haul out the ore from the surrounding mountains.
    This sleepy backdrop forms the beginning of a Knight indeed...

    I ran down from the bank and came upon a traveler.
    He wanted to go to Yew,
    Never shying away from working on my compassion I said,
    "I will take thee,"

    In a moment the blue portal shined forth, and I was rewarded for my kindness.
    The grateful traveler thanked me and tossed a few coins in my direction for my efforts.

    "Hmm," I mused to myself, "not a bad start to the evening."

    I dropped the coins in my pack and stepped back into my portal.
    Once again the peaceful hamlet was in my view.

    I spurred my ostard towards the city gate scaring a couple of pigs out of my way as I rode.
    The City Gate flung back as if I had commanded it to be opened.

    Swiftly the ostard cantered past the towers and homes that dotted the landscape around the wooden palisades.
    The view quickly changed to that of trees and shrubs.
    Deserted campfires and old ruins now came into view.
    I heard the low, mournful tones of the undead as I passed within earshot of the graveyard.

    I was in no mood to encounter any walking dead and continued on my way through the trees and brush.
    Suddenly, Noonetrust came to a halt.
    I readjusted in the saddle and looked down.
    The ground around me looked like a dust devil had been working its way along.

    "This is no mere cause of nature," I whispered.

    My ostard seemed to understand my quiet words and nodded in agreement.

    "An air elemental."

    Noonetrust squawked nervously.

    "No worries.
    We shall have no problem bringing this creature down," I spoke confidently and louder.

    My voice brought the elemental out and within range.
    A few well placed 'shots', and the airy gust was 'dispelled'.

    "Ah! What is this?!"

    A tiny gleam lay amongst the gold and spell scrolls.
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    I quickly picked up the coin and other valuables.
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    The tattered book that always accompanies me seemed to flip as if on its own to the magic stone that was traced with the name of Cove.
    Once again,The little hamlet was in my view.
    I stashed the coin among my others of similar worth and gleam.

    The night was continuing to be good.

    Many will ascribe luck to this whole affair.

    I choose to not to be such a one.
    Actions of thought and purpose do not require that one be feeling lucky to acquire some rare trinket or valuable coin.
    Having chose to go out made the opportunity for me to find this rarest of finds.

    And yet the night was not over.

    Having secured the coin, the tattered book was once again called upon.
    It held many destinations.
    The one I chose was home.

    Quite elated at my find and wishing to safeguard the Eternal Realm, I called upon the ether to bring me home.
    (Was my night to be 'bouncer' of the outlying area of the Realm).

    I began to look for evidence of undesirables.
    Not far from my own home, I encountered strange tracks.
    They headed off to the east towards the river.

    Once again, Noonetrust became fidgety.

    I urged my mount on slowly.

    "These are very strange tracks indeed," I thought.

    I did not wish to give away my position before I ascertained what I was tracking.
    The caution was well-founded.

    As we, well the ostard actually, inched forward using the trees to shield us,
    I saw the what that had left the tracks.

    "An elder gazer," the words formed on my lips but I made no sound.

    "This is no small foe.
    I must tread carefully."
    Again the words formed but no sound.

    I called upon some of my magicks to overwhelm the incurser.
    The whirling blades struck hard and deep and caused the gazer much pain.
    Still the malevolent beast struck back.

    Several times, my attempts to end the existence of the interloper of our realm were thwarted.
    Many of my bladed allies were dispelled.

    But the Ancient being had been weakened by my assault...
    Ere the assault of the bladed spirits.

    Casting caution to the wind - the direction and purpose thing now kicking in - I charged at the gazer, readying a spell as I closed with the fell beast.
    The bolt exploded from my fingertips and struck hard and deep.
    It was enough.

    The floating monstrosity settled to the earth - defeated.

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    These creatures hold many powerful magicks,
    but this night, all this one held was a gift for this Knight of the Realm.
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    Once again the Realm was secure.

    "..Then shall enlargement and deliverance arise..'
    '..Thou art come to the kingdom for such a time as this..'
    (The Ancient Tome)

    The why of my actions and purpose.

    A Knight indeed...

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