A Mournful Missive

Discussion in 'The Salty Dog Tavern' started by Jupiter, Nov 29, 2018.

  1. TheDarkOne

    TheDarkOne Well-Known Member

    Feb 6, 2014
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    I love the fact that his Pastor mentioned our game that brings us together in the live stream they had. Especially he read from the email sent to him with memories from the game we love and how we met Lord Krake written by members and others. Mikes description of what this game is about and Lord Krakes roll, was beyond spot on and more. The fact that his family will read those and how he had effected others around the world from a computer chair is quite awesome. I hope and pray that brings some peace into their hearts knowing what he meant to us.

    Long Live Lord Krake!!!
    Azerothian, Ragar, One and 3 others like this.
  2. Krothu

    Krothu Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2013
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    Its the little things will make the biggest difference. I missed the live stream but is sounds like Krake made quite the impact on many others. One of my favorite memories is years ago during an Archery Contest I “Punched Krake in the ear*. Good times!!!
  3. PaddyOBrien

    PaddyOBrien Well-Known Member

    Aug 12, 2014
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    I'm glad I was able to make it for the ceremony at least, couldn't stay for the march. One of the most memorable events we had with Lord Krake was when @Bayara and us brigands "kidnapped" him at crossbow point and led him to the brigand camp. :D

    His role in the virtue wars were epic as well. He was always nice and helpful to everyone. He will be greatly missed.
  4. Jupiter

    Jupiter Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2013
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    I thank Leopold and others for documenting this in much better fashion than I could. I must say it is handy to have help!

    Here are my shots though, of the opening moments with the Dark Nights filter

  5. Azerothian

    Azerothian Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Oct 12, 2015
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    Would it be possible to sign the memorial book even if we could not make it to the march/service? Can it be locked down somewhere like on the steps of the P'S keep under his statue?
    TheDarkOne and Jupiter like this.
  6. Keith Sobus

    Keith Sobus New Member

    Nov 29, 2018
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    Thank you for all of your care and love for Lord Krake. Beautiful march. We've passed the links along to the family.
    Azerothian, AlexCCCP, eherruh and 6 others like this.
  7. Tuneful

    Tuneful Well-Known Member

    Aug 11, 2017
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    Having spoken to people there's a lot of grief for his passing....I wish his family all the best..

    Mmm Unfortunetly I did not get to know Lord Krake as much as I would of liked to,i was lucky enough to spend some in game time with him tho,and for that I am thankful....He was a extremely Patient and helpful,and would go out of his way to put himself available to help and achieve things for others....Talking with me ingame is like doing a crossword puzzle ,I don't make a lot of sense,and miss so many words out,and the words i do put in are rarely spelt right!Krake however would never get impatient with me,And I have lost count of the times I pressed the wrong key and recalled out while talking with him!
    Or When doing hunts and T-maps his patients was a virtue,even when his char would be poisoned and on Zero health while I press the wrong key and recall out!

    Ahh I do wish I had spent more time with him,However I do cherish the time I was lucky enough to get with him...

    I would also like to mention The Moonglow market Event we held a few months back,That was the idea of Lord Krake to try and help PS Meet Old friends and make new Friends,and as with anything he did to help improve the server...We had a lot of help putting it together From the staff(Moonglow looked great)and a lot of effort by Some PS guild members....And as with any event they can only work if players attend...So thanks to all involved in Making the Moonglow Bazzar a Great day!

    R.I.P Lord Krake

    You done an amazing job with the service...You Done his passing Justice...Thank you and always remember you held a service to be proud of.

    Due to some events in the past week I have not managed to get in game,and I regretfully could not attend the ingame service for Lord Krake,I would like to thank all those Who were able to attend.And understand all those who could not make it,some times Real Life takes over,tho I know Lord Krake would of understood anyone not being able to make it,and his first question would of been if everything was ok at home!

    I to would feel honoured to sign the book,even tho alas I could not attend..Please let us know if this would be possible,tho I do understand if you want to keep it just those who attended.
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2018
  8. Thelax

    Thelax Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Apr 12, 2016
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    I am regretful I missed this information. And the service.. I always said Krake was such a graceful leader and handled the public with respect here on the game.. I'd imagine his real life mirrored his philosophy here.. You will be missed friend, even though we never got a chance to really ever interact directly other than our conversations.
    They don't make them like this anymore.

    Rest in peace.
  9. Vandalin

    Vandalin Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    Nov 5, 2016
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    Krake's involvement with the brigands and the virtue wars provided some of the most fun I've ever had on UOR. I didn't know him very well but my encounters with him will remain some of my highlights here. He will always be deeply tied to the history of the shard and my thoughts are with all of his friends and 'enemies'. RIP.
  10. merlin8666

    merlin8666 Well-Known Member

    May 6, 2017
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    Whoaw, just browsing around now. Am i interpreting this correctly? has Krake passed away IRL???

    Edit: Horrible developments, sorry to hear that. May he Rest in Peace
    Last edited: Dec 12, 2018
    Azerothian likes this.
  11. Jupiter

    Jupiter Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2013
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    Sadly you are not mistaken. A friend of his from real life reached out tyo @MikeK and let us know. His real life service is available to watch i believe at waiteparkchurch.org.

    Azerothian, Gravel and MikeK like this.
  12. Fullmetal

    Fullmetal Well-Known Member
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    May 1, 2013
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    I am currently in the process of making a return and came across this... Krake and I shared several great moments in UO and one thing i will never forget will be the on going prank i played on him which was when I would buy up a bunch of animals and name them "Krake" and release them at the P'S hall.

    Sadly I have spent the most of last year working on RL stuff, and mourning the passing of my mother. I would have loved to attend his memorial.

    RIP Lord Krake, one of my closest UO:R Friends...
    Heretic, Azerothian, Dr Satan and 3 others like this.
  13. AlexCCCP

    AlexCCCP Well-Known Member
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    Aug 27, 2012
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    Krake has done a lot for the people here, running P^S helping newbs, events, questions, etc...

    He is missed, and society is definitely worse off without him. Hope his friends and family are doing well.

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