Hahahahahah there's gotta be a copyright on this no? I expect to be compensated! Whoever did this, you are amazing! LEGENDARY TROLL JOB.
damn, pretty funny but I was also hoping to read about some elaborate quest someone had staged to a pirates hidden treasure
Maybe that WAS the treasure! I had a good laugh too when I was running around trying to find those secret rooms of yours and thinking I had found a clue, only to have found a copy of Shadowjack's UOR Resume lol
Bravoooo Good Form *you read that in Cpt. Hook's Voice* 1991 - Robin Williams / Dustin Hoffman as Hook
*the wind noisily turned the pages of a lying book, like a clever croupier mixing cards* This book needs to be transferred to the KGB, they will definitely be able to hang some political crimes on it. ...
Ok @One now you crossed the red line. I just got in touch with my lawyers and we are starting a lawsuit in the sosaria justice, county of britania, for this attack against my honor and exposure of my image in an unfair way. Wait as soon a bailiff will notify you and we will solve this in the court. I will gona say at once: there are a total of ZERO evidences that link me with this book. I suggest the autorities of this land to examine the evidences(fingerprints, witnesses, security cameras and etc) before advertise lists of "possible suspects" to the entire shard. I could be unfairly retaliated because of this irresponsible act. Usually the ones that took the initiative of pointing the finger is the first that should be investigated.. Where is the police internal affairs to investigate this slanderer? (this speech was sponsored by Google Translate)
This all makes a lot of sense. I remember saying to whoever I was talking to in voice that this didn't seem like a Keza-type of quest, the book was kinda sloppy and went on babbling. My guess was Pharoah.
I mean, this was my guess before we knew what it said, when the books were first found. At this point yeah, not likely. Who knows. My bet would be Jack himself. Not sure who else would waste the time on it.