AFK Resource Gathering System

Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by DarkWing, Oct 6, 2012.

  1. jukeboxhero

    jukeboxhero New Member

    Aug 11, 2012
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    i mean who the hell fishes to sell the fish they catch, all the fish i ever caught went to a dead serpent corpse to get it off the boat
  2. Zagyg

    Zagyg Active Member
    UO:R Donor

    Aug 19, 2012
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    Cooked fish can be used to raise stamina if eaten. They may also be able to be fed to tames or sold, I haven't tried it out. In any event, like every single resource in the game fish steaks have their uses. Even if DarkWing has no personal interest in fish steaks or trophy fish or the leather from sandals and boots or prized fish, they're still useful resources. And even aside from all that I'd argue that a sea serpent itself is a resource. They are the source of tmaps and MIBs. So when you kill it, and you will kill it, you'll get the loot. You AFK pulled up something that takes about one minute to kill which carries rich treasure. If you were allowed to sit on your couch and watch Netflix for an hour, hop up when you hear a sea serpent's roar, and harvest an MIB in sixty seconds, that would be pretty lame.
  3. DarkWing

    DarkWing Senior Counselor
    Senior Counselor
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    Jul 25, 2012
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    you bring up a good point with the footware and leather, that slipped my mind and pretty much kills it, even though there are much better ways to get leather!
  4. DarkWing

    DarkWing Senior Counselor
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    Jul 25, 2012
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    But they have made it so that we can play 3 accounts at once!
    so why not run 3 fishermen?
    speed up the loot gathering
    i see myself requesting "Get out of Jail Free" cards in the Near Future!
  5. Chris

    Chris Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff

    May 14, 2012
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    The application of the AFK Anti Gather system to fishing could change down the road. The method in which it works now was meant to be temporary, however before it was enabled players were running a fisher, afk and hidden for 6-12 hours, resulting in 20-30 monsters running around their boat with MIB's on them. They would simply show up, collect their haul, and go back to unattended fishing.

    Also without this function player 1 could run 3 fishers unattended, while player 2 shows up every few hours to do the same.

    The primary reason it is still the way it is now, is because a big fish is placed in your backpack, if we convert this item to be lootable like maps and messages in a bottle it could remove the need for the application of the system.

    We are open to any suggestions that keep this system from being a burden on our players while protecting the player to player economy.

    Side Note: Only 7 characters have even been jailed for afk fishing, and not one for more than a few hours.
  6. Tater Salad

    Tater Salad Renaissance Volunteers
    Renaissance Volunteers

    Nov 15, 2012
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    arrgggg what do i pick!?!

  7. Kryptonical

    Kryptonical Renaissance Volunteers
    Renaissance Volunteers

    Nov 23, 2012
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    yea now what if you're color blind?!
  8. jukeboxhero

    jukeboxhero New Member

    Aug 11, 2012
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    i believe u can make total refresh with below 50 alchemy. fishing for leather... :lol: most, not all, pvpers use fishers to help them keep weaps, armor stocked. i dont see what the problem is, let us do what we can how we can. why does everyone care? all i see is houses stacked with rare shit 6 months in the server, it seems to me nobody is even doing pvp, but pixelizing their trammy houses. when in the end, all that gets deleted anyways. i mean it is so much easier to kill a player with 5-10k, than to kill a monster here for 300gp.<---this alone, will create a mass amount of pks if the population goes up. but thats a whole other problem.
  9. jukeboxhero

    jukeboxhero New Member

    Aug 11, 2012
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    sorry, got off subject a bit. how about, when that afk gathering gump pops up, u just simply cant do anything until its answered, and maybe more frequently. will also fix all these dudes that walk away to get coffee, walk the dog, have a poop, goto another state, or browsing the net, from landing in jail, because thats the biggest complaint ive seen so far. easy peasy. itll be like when u try to precast a spell before u run through a gate or something?
  10. Zagyg

    Zagyg Active Member
    UO:R Donor

    Aug 19, 2012
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    The AFK system is just not really a problem for fishermen. I've run three fishermen simultaneously before on servers where AFK fishing was not allowed. All it requires is accepting that you'll have to do something boring and tedious for your rewards, which is what fishing has been about since I fished on OSI in 1999. The rules make fishing no more difficult than they make mining or lumberjacking, and with good reason. You might not be able to hide, macro-pull up 30 serpents, and kill them all at once anymore but why would pulling them up one or two at a time AFK be any better? The only difference is you'll have taken what the first guy did and broken it up into 20-25 segments. The total amount of time used and the end loot result would be exactly the same.
  11. DarkWing

    DarkWing Senior Counselor
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    Jul 25, 2012
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    well i know one suggestion would be to make the Serpents go Aggro and attack the Fisherman, when they get pulled up right now there is a delay, and a couple of times i have actually had to turn my boat and chase them down!
  12. DarkWing

    DarkWing Senior Counselor
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    Jul 25, 2012
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    something needs to be done about the boats being stuck because of Arrows and serpent corpses
  13. Chris

    Chris Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff

    May 14, 2012
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    That is being looked into also.
  14. jukeboxhero

    jukeboxhero New Member

    Aug 11, 2012
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    so my solution is making 3 fishers or crafters to get these jobs done?---cmon give casual players a break here.

    all in favor of saying F the police, say I ! :twisted:
  15. Yerted

    Yerted New Member

    Jan 15, 2013
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    Got jailed today aswel, while mining. Im not going to beg for mercy but would appreciate for some understanding. I think this is really good system just the timer should be extended to 2minutes or look some of the questions. I just couldnt figure it fast enough this time, than earlier they have been quite easy ones to think fastly.

    And yes, i deserve to be jailed, i werent AFK but didnt pay attention all times. I just tend to do some surfing trough net and chat on irc while i mine. This time i got booted, bad luck.

    btw. is there any dev's from europe who are handling ingame issues?
    I made petition ingame aswel if theres any help to shorten my jail-time.
    ingame name Yerted Ironfist
    Yerted @ irc

    Thanks in advance.

    // Yerted
  16. Wulver

    Wulver Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 28, 2012
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    I almost got Yerted once, came close to selecting wrong answer hehe.
  17. Chris

    Chris Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff

    May 14, 2012
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    The system was initially 30 seconds, and was increased to 60 seconds to allow players more time to answer the question. If you are attended, and answer a question wrong, and page a staff member immediately or contact them on IRC we will remove the mark from your account.

    However the purpose of the system is to educate players that unattended gathering is not allowed on Renaissance. Other than some very minor jail time, we have no plans to every punish players for failing a unattended check. Only chronic abusers of the system will face any real punishment.

    Currently it takes being caught 5+ times to spend more than a day in jail. (The jailtime doubles each time you are caught)

    You can read more about this system here. viewtopic.php?f=4&t=486&p=1599
  18. DarkWing

    DarkWing Senior Counselor
    Senior Counselor
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    Jul 25, 2012
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    OK, this can't be right!

    i log in my 2 fishers and start their Fishing Macro's
    i load up UOAM and realize i am real close to a MIB location,
    so i command my tillerman to turn the boat and full Speed ahead,
    macros running nothing being caught because i am not staying close enough to the spot that i cast on!
    with one screen partially covering the other i see something funny on the one covered up, an AFK Gump?
    How is it that i am getting an afk Gump when Nothing is being Caught?
    i was under the impression that AFK fisher was based on certain amount of fish or a big fish being placed in your Pack!
  19. Chris

    Chris Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff

    May 14, 2012
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    That is correct, currently the system tracks the act of attempting to gather a resource, not that the gathering attempt was successful. As with fishing this is the only way to do it, unless we tied the checks to pulling up a certain item.

    However just because the ore vein is mined out, the tree is out of wood, or the fishing spot is out if fish, does not mean that it is ok to continue to macro there unattended.

    However the one caveat of the system is that if you contact us immediately as it happens, we remove the mark from your account and let you out of jail. The Afk check is timestamped and it is very easy for the staff to compare a timestamp from a pm, to the logging information generated by the system.

    Down the road we have considering adjustments to fishing to improve the accuracy of the system, however the system will always consider an "act" of gathering whether successful or not, as needing to be attended by the player. And by attended we mean watching the screen, not minimized or under other windows.

    We welcome any player comments on improving the system, and as we determine its effectiveness we can address the problem from the other side by increasing the rate of items being obtained while fishing to account for the effectiveness of the system being applied to fishing.

    Note: The counters that monitor unattended activities are pooled for each character, and are not reset by logging in/out. So you could mine 2000 times, log out for 2 days, log in and fish for 5 minutes and get prompted to verify that you are attended. This is intended behavior to prevent logging out from resetting the monitoring system.
  20. Kryptonical

    Kryptonical Renaissance Volunteers
    Renaissance Volunteers

    Nov 23, 2012
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    This is just a suggestion but what is everyones thoughts on these ideas:

    Make the gump much more visible, remain clear how it currently is but maybe make the gump border be a solid color?

    The reason behind this is that I know people can have 2+ monitors, be looking at one monitor and have the macro going on the other, and miss the gump because they are mid paragraph reading something and not see the change of screen.

    Also what if the gump is there for 2+ minutes?
    60 seconds can be pretty quick, especially if you are mid sentence, mid battle, etc. on another account. Say you don't notice the gump (because its basically invis currently) for 15-20 seconds. Then finish what you're doing cause your just about to die if you don't which takes another 10-15 seconds, then go over to the gump and see what the items are another 5-15 seconds (or more if you're color blind), then go to answer...blam already 60 seconds has passed.

    Now for anybody who is ATTENDED mining this will be no problem and still be able to do something else besides stare at your screen. for anybody who is "AFK" they are probably going to be AFK for those 2 minutes anyways, and will catch them. So in the end it still catches the person who is trying to be AFK but doesnt jail the person who is in front of their computer fending off the cats/kids/dogs while trying to farm balrons.

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