An impossible task, but a fair task!

Discussion in 'The Salty Dog Tavern' started by Jean Sparkle, Nov 16, 2016.

  1. Jean Sparkle

    Jean Sparkle Member

    Nov 16, 2016
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    I found a snatchel on the ground when I left the Inn of Occlo. Wait until you see what was in it Pouch1.png

    This pouch was filled with diamonds, gold and a powerful weapon! Can you believe it! I am so fortunate. I think I would keep it!


    No! Wait! I cannot keep it. It's not fair. I must retrieve the owner of this pouch. But it looks like an impossible task. How will I ever find the owner of a pouch filled with gold in a city like Occlo? While I was thinkin about a solution, a thief picked all the gold and the diamonds in my bag without me noticing. Well I realised later that something was missing. But I was more relieved than frustrated by this situation. Thank you thief! You stole all my problems! The story ends like this...


    Well it doesn't really end like this.. Because I was fortunate enough (or not) to meet a kind woman named Veronica who witnessed the robery of the snatchel and could retrieve the goods. Oh thank you Veronica! Now you gave me back this problem! (Believe me or not, it happened for real!)

    When I put the money and the diamonds back in the pouch, I noticed that it had Skara Brae emblem on it. Okay the owner must be in Skara Brae but whose gold is it? I guess I'll have to distribute the gold to people in Skara Brae. Like this I will spread joy and kindness to the people living in the city of spirituality (I really lost my mind)

    But I am doing what it's good! And I am proud to do it. Look at the reaction of all those poor people in Skara Brae. Isn't a touching moment?


    P.S. For those who wonder what happened to that Kryss, I gave it to a guard. This way he will be more powerful to protect us against the thieves.


    *no animals, NPCs, or players were injured during this adventure. Thank you Edgard Swifthand that played the role of the thief in the second image. (He played the role but there was a real thief and a real Veronica, I wasn't quick enough to screenshot my interraction with her ^^).*

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    Ragar, ReZon, Dun Scaith and 6 others like this.
  2. Jupiter

    Jupiter Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2013
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    This story has been added to the oral history of Paws.

    Jean Sparkle likes this.
  3. Jean Sparkle

    Jean Sparkle Member

    Nov 16, 2016
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    There will be more stories! Jean Sparkle is a little busy these days, but don't worry, more adventures of Sparkle are coming. And as usual, he will be clumsy and gooffy!

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