Archery and the lack of a Special Attack

Discussion in 'Era Discussion' started by Blaise, Dec 11, 2012.

  1. Tashlin

    Tashlin Member

    Nov 19, 2012
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    I love all these ideas, at the bare minimum though archery should get a hefty accuracy bump and a half decent speed increase if none of these other ideas are considered.

    Either way probably all weapons could use an accuracy bump. even w/+20 bows which put me at about 118 skill i'm missing way to much. I miss about 3 out of 4 shots in PvP regardless of who my target is.

    (I'm wondering if defensive wrestling [anatomy/evalint] is active on this server and is somehow stacking with the wrestling skill which would mean alot of mages are running around with 200 effective wrestling if that's true.) If that's the case I'm gonna make a toon with anatomy/eval/wrestling/parry/resist/healing/alchemy and go on a you can't touch me explode pot frenzy.

    It takes between 8-10 seconds to fire a second shot with a heavy crossbow meaning even with 100% accuracy chances are you can't kill someone who just stands there and uses bandages while laughing at you since they can bandage twice before you probably even get in a 4th shot. (especially with how overly effective leather armor appears to be and how much everything seems to drain stamina)

    I swear I'm twice as scared of being stam locked by a mage then I am a macer. A macer will probably almost never hit me while a mage can just mind blast me 3-4x and if im still alive i'll have close to 0 stam.
  2. Wulver

    Wulver Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 28, 2012
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    Exactly, the main focus has to be the fixes on those few things to make archery viable in pvp.

    Hell, I had my str/dex pots wear out before I dropped one wisp with a vanq +20 bow, I missed a lot and my stamina was low after a few hits of mb/ebolt.

    The other ideas would require extreme amounts of testing before implementation.
    I really like the idea of combining skills to create more templates for the archer, kind of like different type of mages.

    Poisoning - It could be like how you poison weapons, apply poison to bow and it has a charge amount with % chance of poisoning target, bow degradation, one pot per arrow. This would probably be how to limit it from being OP, apply the poison and only the next arrow will be poisoned.
    Alchemy - Apply purple pot to bow and you have to fire an arrow within time limit or it explodes in your face... (aoe explosion on hit) =D
    Inscription - you can apply a scroll to the bow and the next arrow can do fireball, curse, lightning, firefield, paralyze (magic kind), there will be a delay before you can apply another scroll. Only, certain spells and circle limitation (no earthquake arrows sorry)
    Wrestling - will grant higher accuracy while standing still, while moving accuracy will be decreased (lower than standard archery).

    Without enough skill in poisoning or alchemy you will fail and poison or explode yourself.
  3. Mutombo

    Mutombo Active Member
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    Aug 21, 2012
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    I like the phoenix feather idea. That would be cool.

    I think Archery should be PvP viable.

    I think Archery's special move should be one of the following:

    a) Dismount shot that leaves target dazed for 5 seconds and cannot get back on horse
    b) Paralyzing blow
    c) Crippling shot that means a target cannot run for 4-7 seconds

    Shooting on the run should be possible with lower % chance of hitting. I would also be on board for adding a skill called "mounted archer" and if u are gm you have a better chance of shooting on run though i know this is very unrealistic. Instead you could probably have a combination of skills such as Arms Lore + Achery or Tracking + Archery means u have a better chance of running shots.

    I like the idea of poisoning and archery working together though I am hesitant bc it sounds like it could be OP. Tread carefully.
  4. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
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    Jul 14, 2012
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    Ok, I'm not sure how many times it will come into this thread and I will ask, without getting an answer, but WHAT is cool about it?
    What is the resulting effect of phoenix feathers/arrows? All I have read is phoenix feathers would be a cool idea or whatever.

    An idea for what? To what end? I expanded on it suggesting fire arrows as a result, but have not seen any other detail given as to what would be cool about or what feature it would provide.

    Can you expand on what you think is cool about it?
  5. yaadood

    yaadood Member

    Sep 3, 2012
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    These ideas are all getting very in depth. Other weapons special attacks do not require two skills. I think the simplest solution for us all and the GM's is the bleeding shot attack.

    It's similar to poison, but you can be cross healed through it. Its not overpowered, and it's a good option.
  6. Wulver

    Wulver Well-Known Member
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    Aug 28, 2012
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    Phoenix feathers would be cool, would be a good idea.because and unique.
  7. Eisensaft

    Eisensaft New Member

    Aug 2, 2012
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    Yeah i like the phoenix feathers idea too. That would be a nice addon!

    ...just messing with blaise. :lol:

    i dont seem to get it. So what do the phoenix feathers do in your idea? Some explanation is required :)
  8. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
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    Jul 14, 2012
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    Ok, cool, I'm not as utterly insane as I thought. lol
  9. Wulver

    Wulver Well-Known Member
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    Aug 28, 2012
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    Also oak arrow shafts!!!
  10. Vagingo

    Vagingo Member

    Sep 18, 2012
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    i dont know if this can be coded but if you could make archery like other wep skills on the run (u can hit them while running if u are touching them) then i think that would be fair.

    edit: also magery and non macing weps shouldnt do any significant stam damage unless you are really low health.
  11. Double Vision

    Double Vision New Member

    Sep 5, 2012
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    what point don't you get that everyone else does? Phoenix drops special feathers, you make special arrows with those feathers and the the special ability is up for grabs. Not sure why some get it and others don't. Makes farming the Phoenix worth farming for the feathers, I don't care what the special ability is, I'm posting an idea how to obtain feathers to make these special arrows for whatever ability gets added if it even does. There, explained.
  12. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
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    Jul 14, 2012
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    AHhh, ok, that's exactly what I wasn't getting. Is that you had absolutely nothing other than 'phoenix feathers would be cool to use for %insert whatever you like here%'.

    I thought you had some specific benefit in mind, to crafting with them, not just 'use these and think of something cool'. It's cool, perhaps phoenix feathers could be incorporated into one of the many ideas for specials for archery.

  13. Gideon Jura

    Gideon Jura Well-Known Member
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    Sep 8, 2012
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  14. Gideon Jura

    Gideon Jura Well-Known Member
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  15. Gideon Jura

    Gideon Jura Well-Known Member
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  16. Gideon Jura

    Gideon Jura Well-Known Member
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  17. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
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    Jul 14, 2012
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    :p Stop derailing Gideon. LOLs are great, but shhhhhhh :)
  18. Tashlin

    Tashlin Member

    Nov 19, 2012
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    I love the idea of special feathers...... but lets take a tad further
    Special wood for special shafts.......

    Stone harpies drop.... hardened feathers..... arrows/bolts made with hardened feathers cause your range to drop to 2 or 3 tiles but do 25-30% more dmg.

    Oak wood made into oak shafts..... oak shafts are heavier then most increasing "reload time" but increase damage by 20-25% and having a chance to "knock down" or "pin" your opponent for a few seconds.

    Phoenix feathers have fiery attributes that have a 50% chance to cause the victim to writhe in burning pain for 15 damage over 9 seconds.

    Yew wood can be made into ultralight shafts that increase attack speed by 50% but reduce damage by 30% and have a 10% chance to break when fired causing no damage.

    Oak shafts combined with Phoenix feathers will increase attack delay, do 20-25% more damage and have a 50% chance to burn the victim and have a 20-25% chance to pin your opponent.

    Hardened feathers on Yew Shafts will cancel out dmg penalty and bonus, so you do normal damage, attack 50% faster with 10% chance to break the arrow/bolt when shot but have to be 2-3 tiles from the target to shoot.

    Yew shafts combined with Phoenix feathers will give you 50% faster attack, 50% chance to burn the victim, 30% reduced damage and 10% chance to break arrow/bolt when fired causing no damage/hit.

    Hardened feathers combined with oak shafts will do 45-55% bonus damage, have slower attack speed, must be 2-3 tiles away to shoot, and have a 20-25% chance to "pin" the target down.

    Or you could combine any of these with just normal shafts or feathers.
  19. Wulver

    Wulver Well-Known Member
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    Aug 28, 2012
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    Yesterday with an orcish bow I shot 12 arrows (x2) to kill a friggen panther... I missed 4x in a row (and some more 2x after that) it was SO STUPID!!!
  20. Tashlin

    Tashlin Member

    Nov 19, 2012
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    Yeah orcish bows are still bugged and on the "to do" list for the admins. So far the only bug I know of that is orcish bow specific though is that orcish bows consume 2 arrows per 1 shot.

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