Well, DANG! We need to fix archery, we are getting too many special hits in. It should be random for a ranged shot to go off!
The shot timer should allow shots to be a bit faster with the bow, crossbows understandably would be a little slower. I like the idea of armor piercing shots for crossbows and a fast shot which would act like a double shot for bows as special hits. Whether or not archery gets a special move I really believe archery needs some love.
If range is considered the special of archery, which I am fine with, then the need to stop to shoot needs to be taken out...regardless of how small that delay is Oh and make repair deeds already!
Absolutely that. If we could actually shoot on the move (you know, like archers) there would be no need for any other adjustment or bonus to Archery. It might even need a slight damage debuff to balance it out.
I believe the Mongols used a saddle that allowed them to stand when they rode, allowing them to shoot steadier and was less wear and tear on their bodies and the horses themselves. Maybe saddles could be created by gm tailor and leather, and with gm archery you could shoot on the move and maybe a slight damage bonus. Orrrrr....... allowing archers to use poison!!! use poison on cloth = poisoned cloth with X amount of charges depending on skill of poisoner and strength of poison. "You wipe the tip of the arrow with the poisoned cloth" between each shot or something like that. Good times, good times.
I really really like the saddle idea. I also like the poison idea but would be really cautious so it doesn't become overpowered. Deadly poisoned heavy crossbow of vanquishing shooting on the move, this sounds scary.
I like the idea of the saddle being in the mounts invisible backpack. Once u give them the saddle it gives the buff till they die. Then it appears on their corpse This allows it to be re used but still can lose it and gives the buff to the rider amd not just whoever had it in their Ba k pack
Saddle idea is really good but impractical. What about people that don't use mounts (RP) they should be able to enjoy archery. Fletchery should get new arrow types you can only create and use if you have both Fletchery and archery. These could be fire arrows (think explosion potion), stun arrows, armor piercing, poison.
I like the idea of a quick fire arrow. Toggle your special move and you will shoot an arrow, independent of your main bow timer. This would allow you to get a good hit, use special move to interrupt the heal, and then go from there. This would of course need a cooldown, how long, I am not sure.
AnRobot- that's a pretty good idea... I mean, who uses bowcraft/fletching anyway these days?? That would give it a purpose. Explosive arrows? Hell yes! Bowcraft + Alchemy = explosive tipped arrows / poisoining + archery = poisoned tipped arrows? that would create some interesting templates.... require gm skills for it. Love the quiver idea.... that way you'd have to toggle between a quiver of poison tipped arrows and exp tipped arrows.
I remember trying OSI again 2-3 years ago. I will spare the comments on the experience, but here is what they have done to Archery ( you have all specials moves in there but pay attention to the Dismount, Double shot and the Ignore Armor) http://www.uoguide.com/Archery Heavy X-bow got back on track with Dismount and Moving shots( eat your stamina on use ) Bow with Mortal Strike and Stun shot ( although I think stun shot would not balance well in UOR ) Crossbow could use Concussion and Mortal strike. Them special moves worked the same way disarms or stun punch work here. Some balancing in the effect and Stamina cost and Archery is back on the map.
I like this. Simple and can easily be adjusted to balance things. Change shooting speed and/or damage to balance it. We can go from there afterwards!
We could insert a series of special moves that take mana or stamina to use with respected cooldowns. They could be purchased at a trainer every ten levels of weapon skill.. quick someone program a hot bar we can attach these to.. I'm thinking auto bind keys 1 - 0 *removes mask to reveal troll face*