backs against the wall

Discussion in 'The Salty Dog Tavern' started by Bayara, Jul 10, 2017.

  1. PaddyOBrien

    PaddyOBrien Well-Known Member

    Aug 12, 2014
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    I had a good laugh seeing someone, I can't remember who, being stuck next to the tent being mauled by like 4 or 5 rabid brigand bears :D
    Vandalin likes this.
  2. Merek Tybalt

    Merek Tybalt Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jun 13, 2017
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    I saw that too and rushed to help. Have to look at video to see who it was. All I could think was "I have to help this guy, you can't go out like that!"
    PaddyOBrien likes this.
  3. Aragorn - OCT

    Aragorn - OCT Well-Known Member

    Nov 9, 2016
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    I spent the lazy Sunday afternoon fishing, Jasnah yelling at the tiller man. She never could abide ignorance. The fishing was poor, nary a kraken to slay, when… what? Was that Bayara across the shore? Over the crashing waves and Jasnah’s shouting I could just pick out, “The Dark Octopus have left the lands to our… taxes! Weaklings!” I couldn’t be sure, but Dresden Wolf standing beside her appeared to turn and fart in the direction of our boat. I immediately teleported to shore and saw, nothing. Was the heat getting to me?

    Since I was off the boat already I figured I might as well pay the Brigand Camp a visit. It’d been a while.

    Riding Dunele through Skara Brae I happened upon a gathering of warriors hell bent on revenge. Picking out bits of information between their curses and oaths, I learned it was the same Brigands I’d been at war with for some time. What fortune to have come across those brave few! To war!

    OOC: What a great time! It was a ton of fun to RP some PvP and see the fun tactics, chaos, insults, and death. I enjoy this kind of pvp since I’m awful at the normal kind. Great fun.

    My favorites:

    Marching to war from the PS tower, picking up a passerby on the way.

    A pack of grizzly bears mauling me? Baha! Priceless.

    The funneled entrance of the brigand camp filling up with purple pot explosions!

    Being poisoned, running away almost dead, and getting the cure casted just in time to realize it was night sight. Then dying. Hey, I said I was awful.

    My highlight of the night: Watching the Orcs and Brigands gloating over their victory only to see the Orcs turn on the Brigands and start attacking.

    As for the other stuff, I’ve talked with the Brigands and Orcs in the past and in RP, they are scoundrels of the lowest degree, but in OOC, they are gentlemen/ladies and are always interested in a good RP experience. I feel like anything that happened negatively was probably a misunderstanding or buggy issues with the game instead of wanton asshattery. I’m sure things could be smoother with some better lined out rules, but we all had a ‘good time’ in mind and thought things went really good regardless. Loved it.

    To you Brigands, Orcs, you are worthy opponents! To the folks I fought along side, good friends.


    And Dresden Wolf… I want your head on a pike! ;) couldn't kill you no matter how I tried.

    *glances around for some better pvp skills*
    Xegugg, Vishakt, Cero and 4 others like this.
  4. Bayara

    Bayara Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2016
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    that was because I was playing 2 brigands at the same time...
    so when I was on the other I would park Bayara behind a tent a little out of the way and hope she'd be ok.
    I like my variety :)
    Vishakt and Jupiter like this.

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