Bump! Thanks for the business - Baron has been restocked! Also, please check out and welcome Thanos on the second floor for Special Fishing Nets, MIBs, Treasure Maps, and Iron Ingots (and the occasional AMIB).
Bump! Baron's stock has been replenished - Easter Eggs in stock while supplies last! Also, don't forget about Thanos upstairs (fishing nets and MIBs restocked!).
Bump - Restocked! More stuff for sale on Baron and Thanos! Tmaps now split into bags (1-50, 51-100, 101-150, and 151-200) and are all identified. Always happy to trade items for platinum (trade value @ 7k per). If interested, PM me and I will pull the items you want if they are still available.
I bought the Mushroom, very cool, glad you had it on there it was the only one I've ever seen for Sale
Bump! Baron restocked with more fun stuff! Happy to trade items for platinum (valued at 7k per plat).
I was indeed, but they are gone now. No immediate plans of restocking either, though if I will post here if that changes.
Restocked! A few more highly sought after items have been added to Baron. Fishing nets (20+ added) and Level 1 Tmaps (250gp each!) have been replenished upstairs on Thanos (as well as a Hue 155 Special Fishing Net).
Baron and Thanos are stocked! Baron has some new items to spruce things up around your home... Get it while it's there to be gotten! Thanos has Blacksmith BOD Flippers (1500 each), and several BOD sandals for sale, cheap!
Bump! Baron is restocked - beaker and flasks, a full set of spawning jars, baskets (with and without fruit). Always happy to trade for platinum (7k per).
Bump! More stock available for purchase. Get your Candelabra and Stacked Bolts while they're available! Also, upstairs, Thanos has been restocked with Special Fishing Nets!
Deco contest bump - Loads of new items added and many prices dropped in preparation for the House Decoration Contest! Baron is packed with awesome deco items to get your house in the running, including a full set of large flasks. Thanos has also been stocked with a variety of goods, including metal chests (5k each), Iron Flip BODs (2k each), Non Iron Flip BODs (1k each), Black Sandals (10k each), and a variety of wands. Always happy to trade for platinum at 7k per!
Bump! Baron is packed with rares to help give you a leg up in the deco contest! Thanos has a fresh stock of Clothing Bless Deeds (85k each) and Leather Dye Tubs (150gp per charge), while supplies last.
Been a while since Baron has had a bump, so... bump! I've lowered some prices on some items that have been sitting for a bit, so come check her out! A wide variety of items are available for purchase right now, including (but not limited to): Spawning rares Sandstone furniture (CHEAP!) Golden Runic Hammer (20 charges) Hanging Shield Deeds Fortification Powder BOD Rewards (tailor and smith)
^ Lots of good stuff left! Added crossbow bolts, Bucs Den rocks, and some other rares. If you're interested in paying with platinum (7.5k per) or holiday coins (6k per), just let me know!