The Wind villa was sold through a broker to an unknown party, that turned out to be Tabius. Feel free to start building up your 10m+ offers (not even remotely what I sold it for). The Skara Brae small tower is probably one of my favorites. I nabbed the spot in an IDOC party with some great luck and quick placement. For what it's worth, the tower was sold for 1m gold with a contract binding the new owner to offer me first right of refusal, at that price, should they ever part with it. Zorn's Forge, or the small tower in the little alcove in North Mines has always been a favorite of mine. I sold it because I stopped using it on any regular basis. Bank houses are cool, if you're into that sort of thing. I've had my hands on some but it's not really my bag. All told, my favorite property on the shard is the A^T Guild Hall. It's GF placed with a tree on the inner CY wall and could only be placed like 8 tiles north if it ever fell. Lots of memories and built by the people of OoO.
Yeah, that Rat Valley keep spot is pretty dope. I think there's a tower here right now. It would be great for farming spined, for sure.
It's about time the spot got some love. I recall brokering a trade for that keep in exchange for the Skara Brae small, on another shard. It was a shame the owner of the keep eventually let it drop and made a mess of it.