Blues should take punishment as well.

Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by Double Vision, Dec 1, 2012.

Blues should suffer the consciences of their actions.

  1. Yes, if a blue wants to take a count to kill someone, Then they should not be able to escape so easy

    6 vote(s)
  2. No, I ate crayons as a kid and believe I should be able to get away with killing people & reds shou

    6 vote(s)
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  1. Double Vision

    Double Vision New Member

    Sep 5, 2012
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    Not sure I understand what your getting at, If people are pvmers and role players they should have counts anyways so this idea shouldn't effect them. This idea only effects blues who kill other blues and gets counts.
  2. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 14, 2012
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    Basically I think he means that if you show up, we know you kill people on your blues, so we shouldn't be punished for killing you first?

    Could be wrong though.

    PS: Perfect example of a noto-PK.
    Four longs
  3. DarkWing

    DarkWing Senior Counselor
    Senior Counselor
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    Jul 25, 2012
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    thats it in a nutshell
  4. Double Vision

    Double Vision New Member

    Sep 5, 2012
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    no it strictly means "ANY" blue you, me or the average joe cannot recall while in combat if they have a count and gets attacked.


    Player 1 is farming blood eles
    Player 2 is a pk and recalls in
    Player 2 attacks Player 1
    Player 1 cannot recall or gate away while in combat cause he has counts.

    Scenario: 2

    Player 1 is farming Elder gazors
    Player 2 is a PK and recalls in
    Player 2 attacks player 1
    Player 1 recalls and gets away cause he has no counts.
  5. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 14, 2012
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    Operative terms here. This does not apply to me because I don't murder on my blues.

    Thank you, please drive through. I get it. People who hold counts on blues (you) cannot Recall immediately when attacked.

    I approve of this motion.
  6. Double Vision

    Double Vision New Member

    Sep 5, 2012
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    Guess when My pk is done and red you will have to find a new excuse to fall back on. Till then I'm cutting you off from trolling & your attempts to send this to trash haha..
  7. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 14, 2012
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    Excuse for what? I'm not sure where you're going, but if you'd like, just start the thread in trash talk. I'll come check it out, no worries.
    Can we please stay on topic here?
  8. Gideon Jura

    Gideon Jura Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    Sep 8, 2012
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    Personally, I think this discourages people from playing in the way they want and encourages people to play more carebear like. I am a big fan of being noto killed as it adds an element of further danger to the shard and discouraging noto killing through tougher unnecessary game mechanics is favoritism.

    See my sig for further details.
  9. Zagyg

    Zagyg Active Member
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    Aug 19, 2012
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    Caly's posts are consistently good ;) She's right, this is beyond ridiculous and doesn't deserve serious thought or replies. In my opinion it deserves a lot of sarcasm, but there has been so much trash talk thrown around recently that I'll refrain. I think the poll choices are a form of trash talk and I hope this whole thread gets moved from the top of an otherwise intelligent and useful board.
  10. Tashlin

    Tashlin Member

    Nov 19, 2012
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    *The main problem I have with penatlies after 1 count is.... wait for it..... griefing and loophole kills. I won't go into detail because I don't want to give any ideas to anyone out there. But if you try killing me in one of these ways, you better believe I'm gonna try and kill you right back if escape isn't an option or you've been harrassing about it.

    *Not all blue's are necessarily innocent of wrong doing or attempted murder. so killing 1 or 2 on the rare occasion shouldn't be punished.

    *On the other hand I think if someone is constantly pking but cleverly working off just enough counts and killing only enough people to not go red, they should be punished. Something like if you kill x number of innocent players in a month, regardless of current kill count, you should go red for x amount of time. So you can't kill 20+ people in 1 month by simply staying logged in and letting murder counts drop off and continuing to kill again day after day.

    *I would say just make murder counts take longer to work off but the problem with that is then people will try to trick, lure people or use loopholes to try and force murder counts on someone. If player A does "this", player B becomes flagged, Player A then suicides and gives a kill count. Player B stood still and took no action the entire time but still was credited with a count.
  11. zombiekitty13

    zombiekitty13 New Member

    Nov 13, 2012
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    I would prefer no change. You learn what people will do based on reputation and previous encounters. That has always seemed like a part of the game to me. It can sometimes be more dangerous with a blue PK around because you never know when/if hes going to do something. I kinda get the idea from the OP though that you've been blue PK'd by someone and wanted to get revenge with a red character?
  12. yaadood

    yaadood Member

    Sep 3, 2012
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    Since we have so many real life comparisons going on with crime & punishment from the bardic community.

    If someone gets in your face in real life, and they are going to fight you, and you cant 'use your words' to get out of it. Can you just instantly disappear poof? Or do you have to use your legs and run, or fight to get away?

    Having recall be blocked by a sys message that says "You have recently been in combat and cannot escape so easily." is a tried and true method on other servers. It only lasts 30 seconds or so, so if you run fast, get off screen, use some low level spells like wall of stone/teleport, through some difficult spawn, it's perfectly feasible to keep your 5k loot from drakes & dragons. AND the cherry on top, if you see a red name, and cast recall and the target cursor comes up before they attack you... you get to let them get SO close and say "bai loozers" and target your rune. It would really just force you to pay closer attention and play the game while you're sitting there making your millions.

    Sorry but there's just gaping holes in some of your (as a group) logic and emotional reasoning.
  13. Gideon Jura

    Gideon Jura Well-Known Member
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    Sep 8, 2012
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    I believe yours is the first real life comparison actually.

    Also you aren't talking about what this thread is about...
  14. yaadood

    yaadood Member

    Sep 3, 2012
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    No I believe many have said "Don't do the crime if you can't do the time." and "Don't murder people it's illegal." and I have seen a comparison to "Stat should be expensive, do you know how much it is to hire a lawyer to defend you on murder charges IRL?"

    You just missed those gems. IRC.

    But thanks for the reply that only takes a pot shot at the least relevant thing to the issue.
  15. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 14, 2012
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    You better believe that if I had a Recall spell and runes in RL, I'd bounce house as soon as some knuckle dragging troglodyte attempted to pick a fight.
    I'm 35 years old and I've never 'had' to fight anyone. I've been close many many times and honestly, people have fought for me half the time. I don't want to, but my friends don't like people starting shit and they do like to fight, so they tend to beat people up.

    Kinda the same here really....I get my ass handed to me...or I Recall out. Then a little while later one of my guildies says 'Oh yeah, that guy got dead.'

    So yeah, run, recall, whatever. It is appropriate that if I attempt to fight back, I shouldn't be able to Recall out immediately after. Being able to 'run' by using magic is part of the game.

    I have made the comparison to RL crime/punishment a few times in these threads. UO mimics life in many ways, short of magic and monsters. In real life you can't paralyze, explo, ebolt, mindblast either. So I'll meet you half way and Recall out. If you came up to me in real life intent on beating me up, unless you're Mutombo, I'm likely able to outrun you.

    Don't be so sensitive yaadood, he said 'I believe'. It wasn't a pot shot, he just missed the correlation. Please don't drag it to trash talk.
  16. Gideon Jura

    Gideon Jura Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    Sep 8, 2012
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    Do you mean to be posting in another thread?

    This one is about blue aggressors not victims.
  17. Double Vision

    Double Vision New Member

    Sep 5, 2012
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    Just give up on them yadood, their responses are getting more hypocritical and dumb every time they reply. From now on just do what I do, If you have an idea take it straight to telamon or Ezekial on irc, this way A^T is eliminated from the equation and have no say in the matter, since the only people that care about forums is A^T. let them have it, go directly to the source, it's how I got the war horse color changed, talked straight to telamon and by the time it got changed it was to late for A^T to whine.
  18. Chris

    Chris Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff

    May 14, 2012
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    1. Creating poll after poll in an attempt to garner public opinion will never influence the staff to make a decision about the game environment.

    2. Discussions such as this belong in the era accuracy forum, however this whole discussion seems to be irrelevant because a blue player attacking another blue player will place the attacker in a criminal state inhibiting their ability to recall until the criminal timer wears off.

    Snippet of the code from the recall spell.
    public override bool CheckCast()
      if ( Caster.Criminal )
      Caster.SendLocalizedMessage( 1005561, "", 0x22 ); // Thou'rt a criminal and cannot escape so easily.
      return false;
    3. As this thread was created primarily to cause division, I have locked it to put an end to this argument.
    For 12+ years Ultima Online has had stat loss as a balance for the activity of repetitively killing other players. We welcome our players actively discussing the mechanics of the Renaissance Era, however this is not the way to do it.

    4. While the staff here is attentive and listens to any player ideas, suggestions, and opinions do not let this be taken as favoritism or a group of players ability to obtain preferential treatment. Any further insinuations of staff favoritism based simply on the fact that we listen to our players will be quickly moderated.
    A constructive thread was made directing the staff's attention to the color of the faction war horses, during this review we determined that each faction, through incorrect coding, was assigned a separate body value that was a trigger for other code in the faction system. In order to provide our players with consistency we adjusted the body values of each faction horse to be the same. This as a side affect resulted in darker hues for the faction horses.

    To continue the argument of playstyles, noto pk vs stat pk vs pvm player the please take it to trash talk.

    To constructively propose and discuss ideas relevant to the Renaissance ERA please create a thread in era discussion.
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