Britain Herald - Hard Mode Hunt 15 by PS!

Discussion in 'The Salty Dog Tavern' started by Alex Caember, Oct 16, 2016.

  1. Alex Caember

    Alex Caember Well-Known Member

    Jun 6, 2016
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    On Sunday the 16th of October, Project Sanctuary hosted their 15th Hard Mode Hunt.

    All participants were to come with only a dagger, a spell book, and the clothing upon their back. All equipment, weapons, reagents, and other resources would be provided or looted as the hunt progressed from one spot to another with increasing difficulty.

    A large number of people showed up, prompting two parties to be formed. Although several people needed to leave prior to completion of the event, it was great fun for everyone involved.

    Thank you Project Sanctuary for the great fun!

    *The adventurers gather atop the rooftop of the Hall of Adventure, located in Project Sanctuary City.

    *Forming a line... for adventure!

    *The Vesper graveyard where the first of the gear would be collected - primarily bone armor and low-end weapons.

    *Artist's depiction of events in the Vesper Graveyard.

    *The grizzly bear lasted all the way up until the final part of the hard mode hunt. You will be missed, fuzzy!

    *It was stated that the healer was corrupted and needed to be put into the ground.

    *Towards the end of the first part of the hunt.

    *The second part of the hunt involved one of the orc fort caves. Gear gathered here centered around ringmail armor, weapons, potions, and reagents.

    *The battle continues into the second part of the cave.

    *The scouts were a good source of additional, and much-needed, bandages.

    *Battling became intense around the orc furnaces.

    *Completion of the second phase of the hunt.

    *The third phase of the hunt took the adventurers to the ratman fort in Ice Dungeon.

    *The adventurers were quick to storm the battlements.

    *With initial gear and gold now collected, it was time to return to the Hall of Adventure and upgrade to better equipment.

    *A second line... for adventure!

    *The final phase of the hunt took the adventurers to the Undead City... with an unforeseen twist! The champion spawn was active, making the area much more dangerous than anticipated!

    *A heavy battle broke out in an effort to attempt to secure the fort.

    *On multiple occasions the adventurers were forced into retreat by poison elementals, matriarchs, and a myriad of undead.

    *And just as many times as the adventurers were rebuffed, they charged again and again.

    *Heavy casualties attempting to take the fort.

    *The undead from the west needed to be dealt with simultaneously.

    *The adventurers begin to get a foothold in the fort.

    *After a great deal of fighting and heavy losses, the adventurers storm the fort.

    *The adventurers occupy (or as Jupiter stated, "reversed siege") the fort, concluding the Hard Mode Hunt.

    *The adventurers form a line to receive their Hard Mode Hunt 15 trophies.

    Once again, a big thank you to Lord Krake and Project Sanctuary for this wonderful event!
  2. PaddyOBrien

    PaddyOBrien Well-Known Member

    Aug 12, 2014
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    looks like a lot of fun! i hate that i missed it

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