So on that note... WTB: Fortress Required: adjacent building (any size - but larger the better) Preferred: close to something interesting (city, dungeon, moon-gate, etc. etc.) Preferred: not on ice Preferred: no spawn in courtyard Will probably post this again separately.
Did you sell the other fort? To save us all times can you just list the price you would least accept as the S/B and then if people bid its a *Bonus. I know you reserve the right to pull for whatever means you deem, thats just bad business, specially after a s/b was thrown. Im glad Plentimon got the other fortress even tho you pulled some shady shit on him after he placed a s/b and told him another price. We wont mention the douchebaggery you pulled in PM's. Id link the whole conversation but then Telamon would just lock this thread. Usually when you post I reserve the right to cancel for any reason to prevent drama, Usually drama will unfold if you pull auctions because you want higher than your S/B. *Grabs popcorn and awaits the replies*
Personally I think if someone goes and hunts down an auction (Labelers last reply on this was like a month and a half ago) and just replies to it with SB, I don't see anything wrong with the person not wanting to sell it. Post the PMs, you wanted to bring it up so it'd better be good. Everyone takes UO and these pixels too fucking seriously.
People speculate to much it’s the sellers option to do as they please. Especially if specified. Y’all are just riding his......
These two were in tells prior to his S/B, only when he found out he was interested it decided to raise the price to around 30mill. He had no intentions on ever selling it at a S/B that is the issue. Althorn no speculation, s/b was placed he botched it and pulled it down. " ol, i told you from DAY 1, that that SB is the selling price; ENJOY your self not once did you even make the SB offer, but GL" <-- Labelers You should not list an auction ( and put you don't expect to pull it.... ) then decline the SB. We had our sights set high to buy this from you, a reputable person of the shard. Thanks for entertaining us.
Relax, Although it's clever to dig up an old auction and bid, get real. Get off Labeler's dick, it's not like he was bumping this thread.. Buying plat @ 4.2
Hopefully this is just a fluke thread and nothing common! Im glad I wasn't part of this buyer/sell interaction, I'm lucky enough to see the PM's. LOL One, on a brighter note, the guy got his fortress and tower, but had to fork out additional amount, I warned him not to do business with such blasphemy, but he did not heed my warning!
Plentimon was in search of a fort, so he did his search and found a couple fortress, if Labeler had no intentions on selling since its been up for a month, Pull that shit down before someone throws up a S/B. No ones riding his dick, hes just has bad business practice. If the other individuals want to post their conversation, they will. Until then I will keep their names anonymous.
LOL people been crying since the days the god ugly GEM came out of the level 7 Tmap. You cant stop the Whiny cunts...
let me post my 1150 Christmas sandals for 30mill S/B then when someone bids ill take it down and send them PM's telling them 40mill. But its ok since i posted "I reserve the right to be a douche bag".