Hail to thee adventurer! in my first attempt at a public event i would like to bring the community together daily/weekly/monthly for a combined effort to complete all champions, gather the skulls and use them to complete a harrower! this event will be announced on discord for awareness of times for a public effort, can mesh in between current player run events and i believe will be a great community project, of which new and old players may gain in either experience or profit. many of us, myself included have either never run a champ and or harrower confidently or havent even seen a champ/harrower and can enjoy the journey alongside all members of UOR. http://uorforum.com/threads/renaissance-guide-to-champion-spawns-and-the-harrower.3026/ I Highly Recommend reading this guide to champions and harrower to familiarize yourself. i would ask for a general stoppage of grief/PKing these public events, i do believe thieves should be allowed to attend and practice their form of adventure and profit, but i do hope to see efforts made to provide younger players with a clean experience of how these fights work and are achieved. i do worry that if we kill a boss the skull may be stolen and not put towards the public goal of using it for a public harrower, i would hope a complete community effort to provide such. Goal is to complete each champion spawn in order of easiest to hardest, use these skulls to summon the harrower and complete that as well. i believe the loot would be a free for all, and could only ask if a player whom is rich and or highly experienced in gaining the most platinum from harrowers would find a player who gained the least of the event and provide to them a portion of their won Plat coin. there is no rule of how much you can gain, but i would appreciate a lack of greed and rise of contribution towards the community we have here on UOR. so i shall start this mission, daily i will announce here and on discord my intent to form a public effort to champ and when we have all skulls required i will announce a date and time for the public harrower to take place so as many of us can join as possible, announcements of a harrower event will come 7 days before the event itself, to provide time for all to attend. any comments/advice are welcome, but keep it friendly, I am proud to say PvM Guild are to be partnered in this journey, all of whom participate not focused on greed but on increasing server togetherness. -Crazy Horse
Event Schedule: (Event Times Subject To Change Considering Other Events, Player Ran Or Server, And Available Players To Complete.) 1st Event - Barracoon, Success! 6/6/20 @ 4pm PST Skull in possession and ready for Harrower Day! Thanks to Leopold! 2nd Event - Neira, Success! 6/7/20 . 12pm PST Skull in possession and ready for Harrower Day! Thanks to "Big AL is GG"! 3rd Event - Semidar, Success! 6/8/20 - 12pm PST Skull in possession and ready for Harrower Day! Thanks to EverLastOne personal donation. public dropped skull still missing. [Went missing and has been recovered, private skull returned/returning to owner] 4th Event - Mephitis, Success! 6/9/20 . 12pm PST Skull in possession and ready for Harrower Day! Thanks to Medas. 5th Event - Rikktor, Success! 6/10/20 - 12pm PST Skull in possession and ready for Harrower Day! Thanks to GG! 6th Event - Oaks/Silviani, Success! 6/11/20 - 12pm PST Skull in possession and ready for Harrower Day! Thanks to Leopold 1st Harrower - Thursday June 25th @ 1pm PST In Addition if players would like to run public champions with myself and PvM family on different than posted times, just post here, reply in PM or message on discord. Link to first harrower: http://uorforum.com/threads/crazy-public-harrower-1.49286/
Minimal goal: Public champ & harrowers for the next months and possibly years. Optimal Goal: Gain multiple trustworthy partners to combine efforts into keeping this event going, purchasing a estate worthy of such a communities efforts, and to fill the estate with every manner of event rare. If this goes very well and has much interest I will absolutely consider donating Ice Kingdom as a Community Museum of Events and efforts. Let me know your thoughts
I promise not to steal at your event. If I take part, I will use the tamer / mage. You painted everything very cool, I fully support this! If I have skulls, I will roll the dice and your event will be on the donate list! Regards, j
The Estate idea will be on hold until I achieve partners and this event has run for a good while, build my reputation and see if we cant build a gem for the server But I believe I will try to champ once per day as life permits and not during other player ran events. With luck and effort it may grow into something amazing thanks
Be sure you're in discord chat group for announcement I will start tomorrow and will grow the professionalism of the mission in short time. I think a daily champ hopefully around 12pm-2pm PST will work out well, and possibly a champ during later hours for European players I am PST so will be a little rough getting this to happen during over the big pond hours
First Public Champ Starting in 30 minutes / 4pm PST. Meet at Despise Entrance and bring any template you desire, I suggest triple boxing and damaging the boss for maximum plat profit. First Boss Barracoon! If the skull drops on you please donate it back to me Crazy Horse so we can save it for the end goal of a public Harrower! Thank you [FIRST PUBLIC CHAMP A SUCCESS! JOIN US FOR ANOTHER TOMORROW!]
Great idea Glad your first Champ went well!... I am a belivier of if your Doing a "Public"event people should respect the fact its for the good of the server..So I hope Folk react accordingly regarding this Champ Runs... There was a Discord Channel For Public Champing,Its gone now(lol or I was booted)Maybe a discord channel would be handy tho
Thank you! Yes if there are shenanigans I plan to call them out here and see how the public likes to handle such lol, I believe it is possible for us to manage, i assume as time goes on if we do this very often there will be more interruption but I hope for it to be minimal and beneficial to server
Hi everybody, been a looong time since i did Champs on OSI. Maybe i'm joining in at Neira today if i'm not too tired (still working). Any Requirements? Greets
Oh, I wont be able to join during week, I return from work at around 1.30 pm PST - But I'll be joining Neira today
There are no requirements as far as template or amount of accounts you bring, i would suggest reading the guide about the target champion and adjust your strategy of template or number of accounts based on that. I fully suggest 3 characters for damaging the boss to receive maximum amounts of platinum. The usual template for thus would be tamers, Provocation tamers being the best i believe. I also suggest following the group and sticking close to them, my favorite way to learn in by example so pay close attention to others You are always welcome to suggest a time that you will be available, if our public champ has been completed for the day there is always a possibility we can gather for another to provide fun and profits.
Deceit will be the Neira Champ, unless we can find one spawning in another location but I am pretty sure deceit will be the place
phew i could try to get two chars on it but not sure, one will def. be there as i almost restarted and have to get comfortable with everything. do we meet somewhere before or just meet in the dungeon? Edit: ok, nvm as you just posted the answer a second before this
I am attempting to have the neira force spawned at Ice due to it being open ground and I believe easier terrain for new or returning players, if able to pull that off we will do Ice champ in T2A. But most likely we will be in Deceit Champ zone If Deceit we will meet at the entrance and gate into the champ zone, if in T2A Ice we will meet in Delucia and gate into the ice champ zone If arriving before the start there will be gates provided, if arriving late you will have to ask for a gate assist or arrive to the champ by your own means Will update and announce as soon as i am clear on location